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The False Prophet

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posted on May, 4 2008 @ 10:44 AM

I am curious as to your religious backround and your current status of religious memberships if any. I only ask from the standpoint to understand your point of view better.

I used to be religious and used to be Christian. That being said, I believe in Jesus and his Father. I am a spiritual person that is concerned with testing orthodox beliefs to see what could be truth, and what could be a lie.

I could no longer go along with the lukewarm position that Christianity takes. Meaning; "don't rock the boat whatever you do! We might have to examine our beliefs, and that scares us!" It was momentarily fearful for me to leave religion, but not as fearful as staying in.

I am more fearful of missing out on the truth, than being a sheep that is led over the cliff, with everyone being convinced that they have the truth!

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by drevill

The problem with this is that Peter endorses Paul, its wishful thinking by the Gnostic's

Actually this comment is an example of what I said earlier. There is great conflict in the NT regarding Paul and how he was actually viewed or thought of. Acts records a different view of the relationship between Paul and Peter. But in Galatians Paul denounces Peter and shows that not all was well between the two.

Nowhere in Acts does it show that they did not agree on everything, nor does it show any criticism on Paul's part. In that book, Peter is shown as the link between Paul and the Jerusalem community to bring peoples more into line with Paul's beliefs. Galatians was written earlier than Acts, and by some, it is thought; that Acts was a book that showed some back-peddling (cover-up of realities, so that Paul could look good, and he used Luke, his friend to do so).

If a person chooses to; they can certainly do research for themselves as I mentioned earlier (with references). But I fear that many will be too threatened to research, even with a motive to find fault. When I was in religion we were taught to not look at the "unclean thing." Anything that would challenge our beliefs could easily be tagged that way!

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 04:38 AM
reply to post by MatrixProphet

Hello Matrix,

ive been there and done the research, of course they fell out all Christians fall out, it means nothing

It takes no time whatsoever to discover Paul is in harmony with the rest of the NT writers in matters of faith.


posted on May, 5 2008 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by drevill

It takes no time whatsoever to discover Paul is in harmony with the rest of the NT writers in matters of faith.

I agree with this. The only question open is; how reliable is the NT? And who are the real authors of it and who is behind it?

As I have said before, I was a Christian and a missionary. I am not looking for answers that I have heard all of my life, but for new possibilities.

Considering that ATS is a conspiracy site I look for answers that are outside the box and like to present alternative viewpoints. I do not go to Christian web-sites, I leave them alone, as I respect their rights. Discovering new knowledge and to not be fearful of it, is my goal. Expect many to challenge your thinking and beliefs, as this is what ATS is about.

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by MatrixProphet

how reliable is the NT?

Here is an authoritative reply:

If you are still as open to reason as you sound, I submit that this book will answer many of your questions on this matter, which is deadly serious.

Who knows - you may even realise the irony of your signature.

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by pause4thought

I appreciate that you went to the effort to write your post to me. I need to qualify that I am not looking for religious research, as I was steeped in it while I was Christian. I did look at the site you recommended but am not looking for another religious experience.

I had much the same training as the religious authority you recommended, so I was very familiar with the information. When I asked about who wrote the NT and how accurate is it? I am speaking metaphorically. Another words, I am not actually asking for your literal interpretation of it, but am seeking other's thoughts that don't go along with orthodox beliefs. That is what ATS is about.

I am looking from outside the religious experience in discovering the possibility of who the actual false prophet is, or could be. Hopefully you are open-minded enough to explore beyond the; assumptions?

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 03:36 PM
reply to post by ElectricUncleSam

I have to disagree with your statement.
The angel told Daniel that the book will be unsealed in the end times.
We are in the end times now.
The Vatican has gained control of the temple mount and the temple will be rebuilt.
Not in the future, but right now.
We have been given the power to see what is going on, as far as fulfillment of the prophesies.
We know the Holy Roman Empire has been reconfigured and they will exert authority upon the whole earth.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by jmdewey60

The angel told Daniel that the book will be unsealed in the end times.
We are in the end times now.

Totally agree. In these end of times there will be many who will actually "see" in advance of most - what is actually happening.

There are many false prophets that have, and are going about in the world. It is up to each of us to determine who they may be, and to be awake enough to see those who may be righteous prophets, also.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by MatrixProphet

Good luck, with that.
I have to agree, but no where does it say it will be easy.
God will raise prophets, but they will be killed.
We can not expect to have things easier than Jesus, and his disciples had.

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 12:22 PM
in the book of 2 thessalonians chapter2 paul says that before the Messiah returns a man of lawlessness take a seat in a temple of G-D and acts as if he was a "god" but empowered by satan to perform signs and wonders able to deceive those that do not love G-D's truth.

since in the book of revelation13 john writes that 2 beasts will be working together to deceive the world to follow them with the first beast making wars verse7 while the 2nd beast verse11 like a lamb performs the signs then i assume that it is this "religious" leader that sits in the temple paul writes of.

that temple does not necessarily have to be a building-----it could be just a tent (that could be set up in a day)as was used by the israelis during their 40 years of wandering in the wilderness---although the temple institute in jerusalem is in the process of prefabing a building in pieces that could be errected quickly also.

when the day comes that we see either of those 2 types of temples errected and sacrifices started i'd say at that point we had another 3 1/2 years left before Messiah returns

posted on May, 18 2008 @ 12:50 PM
Thanks for your input.
You know more about this sort of thing than most people.
I was talking the way I was because I think the clock has already started.
I may be wrong, as to exactly what day it starts, but if it has not, yet, it soon will.
This last Passover was the first year that sacrifice of lambs has been officially sanctioned in Israel.
That is not the "Daily" sacrifice, but, how far off could that be?

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