posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 09:11 PM
I have a really crazy idea about Israel and what is to come. Israel is a very intelligent and resourceful nation, keeping that in mind and applying
what they believe is their god given right I offer the following theory for thought and discussion.
Israel became an independent nation in 1948
A percentage of the world does not recognize Israel’s right to exist nor its claim for God given lands.
The current nation Of Israel only occupies a small portion of the land that was endowed to them by God.
The division of Jerusalem as well as the Palestinians are hindering Israel’s Plans for restoring the country to its former glory.
Tensions break out between Israel and Iran. Perhaps Israel bombs some Iranian Nuke sites or some other skirmish erupts between them. All out
hostilities begin and Iran and Israel are now in a state of War. Israel being slick and smooth and having cleverly disguised there military might
promptly put a fatal blow onto Iran and forcing Iranian sympathetic countries to declare war as well. Israel again in a series of quick decisive blows
quickly knocks out Syria, Lebanon and Jordan. Israel’s quick and decisive blows prompt the United States, Russia, China, and Egypt to stand down and
allow the Middle East to work itself out. Israel having been the scrawny kid that everyone picked on decides they are not going to take the cow
patties from the Muslim nations any longer and completely conquers the previous mentioned countries. There are massive killings, as it becomes a
religious war and Israel maintains unquestioned control of all their enemies’ territories. The world now sensitive to the massive amount of
atrocities Brokers a 7 year deal with Israel allowing them to keep part of the now occupied lands as well as giving full control of Jerusalem back to
Israel. New borders are drawn and the remaining lands are reorganized according to various Muslim factions. Israel is now free to Build its temple and
await the Messiah.