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What are the Masonic Secrets?

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posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 02:54 PM
I disagree, I think the tulmud was a respin of the native babalonian practices, wich then were passed down to the tribes by way of the mystery school in egypt. And yes I do claim to be, but have no desire to reveal who I am, i will tell you the first lodge I was involved in. vallejo, ca naval lodge No. 87, that was my blue lodge of pledge

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 02:56 PM
And in response the last portion of the prior post, you will never get the whole picture, or all of the true teachind of the Kabbal, or of the tulmud being that you are a Gentile. No insult intended as I am also a gentile. I respect your disciplined study of the craft.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 03:02 PM
I've been reading Pike on and off now for a bit.

Yes, he was a racist, at the beginning of his prominence. His views later changed. He supported Prince Hall's formation and had always been a staunch supporter of Native American rights, something caused a good deal of friction with his Confederate superiors.

As for Morals and Dogma, it's a pretty good book, even to someone like me who isn't a Mason, I've found the book to be worthwhile and intelligent read. Before making a judgment on the book, you're better off actually reading it yourself. it's available online through many sources as a free pdf , or just offered on site to read.
Even though it's missing several or the quotes you'll find on conspiracy sites, it still has a lot of thought in it.

As for your stance on Masonry, never been to London, so I don't know the statistics on Masonic Lodges in the area.
However, I do recognize someone making statements based on nothing more than personal opinion.

Perhaps before leaping to his defence you might try to envision the many photographs from American history of African Americans being tortured and lynched at the hands of smiling Americans who held the racist beliefs as Pike did.

Perhaps you should actually study the man in depth instead of relying on a opinionated conspiracy site to give you the truth.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by BeyondBelow

why do you think, freemasons are denying all of this, is it because
they havn't find out or, is it because they are afraid to talk about it.

i saw in the internet, that in their rituals, they took the oath to never
reveil masonic's secrets or the punishment will be to have their throats slit
or have their bowels cut out of their body, that is a real mind control
scare tactic and it could explaine freemasons fears to reveil masonic secret.

at last, a freemason have the courage to stand up and is smart
anought to not get intimidated

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by NWO secret agenda

Yes and no, yes in a way of it being more like mental conditioning, and no in the fact that the blue lodge rituals are based on the story and experiances of hiram abiff, I will not elaborate on this any further, if you wish to know, research or ask one to be one, remember it's all about free will.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by BeyondBelow
I disagree, I think the tulmud was a respin of the native babalonian practices, wich then were passed down to the tribes by way of the mystery school in egypt.

The Talmud is a commentary on the Tanakh (Old Testament), and feature essays on Jewish ethics, law, etc. It is not mysterious or esoteric, and is not Qabalistic. It does not detail any practices of the Babylonian religion, from either the exoteric side or the mysteries.

And in response the last portion of the prior post, you will never get the whole picture, or all of the true teachind of the Kabbal, or of the tulmud being that you are a Gentile. No insult intended as I am also a gentile.

I don't have much interest in the Talmud, as it is primarily for Jewish scholars, and most of even those consider it as boring as I do.

The Qabalah, on the other hand, is a different matter. It is not strictly Jewish: it is primarily Graeco-Platonic, clothed in the religion of Judaism. The Qabalah shows us the way to the Infinite Mind of God. While not fully comprehendable, both Jew and Gentile may partake of the Hidden Wisdom.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light

You actually think Lloyd's of London is a Masonic institution? Or are you just having fun with everybody?

I live over here in the UK and until recently I lived in London for almost 20 years. It is common knowledge that many of the financial institutions in the Square mile are incestuously Masonic.


One of world's most well known and formerly the most successful 'self made' Lloyd's underwriter whose syndicate collapsed in 1984 was Ian Postgate nicknamed 'Goldfinger' by the British media. Goldfinger handled almost 10% of Lloyd's total market and 25% of their marine business. In an interview with Martin Short, author of 'Inside the Brotherhood (1993),' Goldfinger alleged that the only reason his syndicate collapsed was because he had refused to join the 'Brotherhood' which operates the Lloyd's loan sharking and insurance scam.

Goldfinger alleged that he was shut down, with great loss of money to his members for what Short describes as 'doing nothing more than a lot of less talented members do all the time. What he lacked was their special brand of reinsurance. He was not a Freemason.'

In a personal interview with Short, (See ''Inside the Brotherhood' p.489-490) Goldfinger alleged the following:

A: He was approached to join the Brotherhood by Kenneth McNeil, deputy chairman of Lloyd's and Sheriff of the City of London. Goldfinger refused.

B: Goldfinger's 'boss' at that time, Frank Davey, a cultist in the 'Lutine Lodge (#3049 of the Antichrist's Ka-Baal)' again approached him to join the Brotherhood. Again Goldfinger refused.

C: Goldfinger was then approached by a person he refused to name but whom he described as a director of a merchant bank, a director of Lloyd's and a 'Lord Lieutenant' of his county. Godlfinger described the approach as being from 'heavy artillery' and that it was impressed upon him that it was to do with his 'career.' Again Goldfinger refused to join their cult.

When Goldfinger was suspended from Lloyd's he was again approached by this person who stated 'You see Ian, if you had accepted my offer all those years ago, none of this would have happened. Everything could have been sorted out.'

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by BeyondBelow

that is why conspiracy forums exist, to find and explore conspiracies
at last, there is a chance we can expose the truth about freemasonry

none of your brothers will know who you'r really are, so stay anonymous
but stay with us, there is a lot of freemasons here to promot freemasonry

but rarly there is one, who is couragous anought to expose conspiracies.

thank you

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 06:31 PM

that is why conspiracy forums exist, to find and explore conspiracies
at last, there is a chance we can expose the truth about freemasonry

Yes. Conspiracy theorists actually have already done that. Repeatedly, even. However, the actual truth is not interesting enough, which is why we keep getting new and re imagined versions of the same old story.

A Mason promises not to reveal the rituals and the modes of recognition.
A promise that has been broken, a fair few times, with out the nasty consequences you've mentioned.
For that matter, the mentions to throat cutting have been removed from the rituals, since though they are meant in the same way some will say "Cross my heart and hope to die." some people take it as being literal.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 06:38 PM
Ed Ward, MD
Proofs of a Conspiracy - 1798 Book on the Illuminata/FreeMas
Tue Jan 9, 2007 00:12

Proofs of a Conspiracy - 1798 Book on the Illuminata/FreeMasons

John Robinson's short book on the formation of the Illuminata (1775) - or more appropriately named the Bastardization of Free Masonry. The most devastating evidence of the existence, formation and motiffs of the Illuminata.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 07:05 PM
My Grandfather was a freemason but he died when I was still young, my Grandmother doesn't talk about it but acknowledges it, my Mum says he had a robe, and my dad doesn't remember it at all?

I didn't think there was anything secret about it really.

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by Nventual

Stay tune with us and you will soon discover, the real world of
your Grandfather, the hidden side of freemasonry that your
Grandmother doesn't know, the hidden truth, masons and stealth masons
doesn't want you to know

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by NWO secret agenda

Oh, you're that guy who wanted everyone to register stating their viewpoints.

You never got back with me about what would be the point for that.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by RuneSpider

with all my respect, do you really think there is someone here at ats
who doesn't know you are a stealth mason ? every body knows
( even if your brothers deny it) so please, your role playing game only
prove, we have to investigate freemasonry.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by NWO secret agenda

with all my respect, do you really think there is someone here at ats
who doesn't know you are a stealth mason ? every body knows

Yeah Rune, I mean, everybody knows that. I mean, sheesh!

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 09:32 AM
Okay we have a bit of a thread drift happening, the topic is not who is a Mason.

The topic is What are the Masonic Secrets? now please get back on track. I really dislike having to use edit or other skittles I have.
So to keep me from plastering Mod note links all over your posts, Stay on topic please.

What are the Masonic Secrets?

Thank you,
Member & Moderator.

[edit on 5/2/2009 by Sauron]

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by Sauron

What are the Masonic Secrets?

To get back on track, I'll try to answer that one pretty briefly.

There are "exoteric" secrets in Masonry that one learns through initiation. These consist of the traditional passwords, grips, points of entrance, signs, postures, etc., along with the various parts of the initiation ceremonies themselves.

But a more interesting is "Are there any esoteric secrets?" In other words, is there a secret doctrine that attempts to be communicated through the fraternity's symbology? I'm inclined to believe there is, and that the answers can be find in the Qabalah and in the Hermetic philosophy.

Other Masons (the Chris Hodapp crowd) would probably disagree.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by Masonic Light

The Masonic secrets:

- There are "exoteric" secrets in Masonry, BUT those are not the secrets
we are really interested to investigate.

- There are ''esoteric secrets'' BUT those are not either, the secrets we
are really interested to investigate.

- And There are ''conspiracy secrets'' THOSE are the ones, we are all
interested to investigate, the freemason BeyongBelow, as reveiled some
hidden secrets of freemasonry in earlier posts, and i have found alot
of others in previous pages of this thread and in other ATS's thread.
i think those secrets are the ones, freemasons don't want to reveil.

in all conspiracy forums and conspiracy threads about freemasonry
those hidden secrets are the ones, we want to talk about but freemason
always try to derail the treads, but this time a curagouse freemason,
BeyongBelow, dare to talk about it, i hope there will be alot of masons
who will do the same.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by NWO secret agenda

On the contrary, I don't believe BeyondBelow has revealed any Masonic secrets. He is telling us his interpretation of the meaning and origin of Freemasonry.

I am sure if you asked (not speaking for him) he would tell you that he is not afraid of being killed by Freemasons. (At least I hope not).

As for the internet - Don't believe all you have read.

Free will, indeed, is the most important thing here. Don't let either pro-masons or anti-masons throw you off the path. Read everything, analyze it and draw your own conclusions.

On the topic of secrets, though, I too agree that there seem to be many sources that point to the same thing. I think it's up to each of us to find the truth according to our own needs and beliefs.

One saying that sums it up nicely for me in my own personal beliefs is the phrase:

"The Brotherhood of Man, under the Fatherhood of God"

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 04:23 PM
I just read Sauron's signature and I think it's the best quote EVAR!!!111!!!oneoneone:

It has been said that the greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance but the illusion of knowledge. Too often the things we think we know obstruct the things we need to learn.

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