posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 07:58 PM
hmmmm thought there would be a greater response on this issue. It seems that everywhere we turn our freedoms are being taken away from us and the
governmetn is taking more control in the ability to gain our confidential and private information. For the government to have the ability to plug in a
device that ectracts your computer information in a matter of minutes is pretty scary stuff. Sure like everything else it is promoted as a tool to
extract evidence of crimes but what happens when there is no evidence of a crime and the Gov is exercising their rights under the patriot act and
assumes you are an enemy combatant and thus has the right to extract your computer information more easily. If it is that quick and easy what prevents
them from sneaking into your home or your business while you are away and going to town on extracting confidential data without a warrant.