It's amazing what a bored brain came come up with, especially if you saturate it with news reports, political pundit agendas, conspiratorial issues,
and a nice shot of paranormal research.
Some time back, I posted a prediction
here about what was about to happen to fuel
prices. I am sorry to say I appear to have been accurate. So now I'm going to try desperately to break that accuracy streak, because this one is even
Ye olde crystal ball was acting a bit weird, went out right after I came up with this, so please keep the torches and pitchforks to a minimum. Blame
the guy who made the blasted unreliable thing.
Anyway, I was thinking about the current election campaigns and how things were playing out. I do not think the players are who we think they are.
Hillary is a serious enigma this year. She has been claiming more and more traditionally conservative values lately, I though in an attempt to attract
centrist voters. But in the Texas, Pennsylvania, and Ohio primaries, she was aided by some pretty big names: Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck,
and I believe Mark Levin. These were her mortal enemies a few years ago!
Bill Clinton is without a doubt the slickest, most consummate politician I have ever seen, regardless of the fact I disagree with much of his
politics. You could set this man in the middle of an Arkansas rain storm and cover him with cow manure, and he would step out of it, the clouds would
part, and he would shine in the sunlight. The man has a tongue of pure gold, but somehow when he opens his mouth in support of Hillary, bad things
happen to her. Why?
John McCain is one of the more leftist Senators on the Republican side of the aisle, yet he is now the choice for President of a party whose base is
conservatives? And now he is running as a 'proud' conservative?
I think it's going down like this: The Bush administration is not simply those in the executive branch; it extends far beyond that. Hillary is
actually running as a Republican, just on the Democratic ticket. McCain is doing the opposite, running as a Democrat on the Republican ticket. Obama
is the wild card, and thanks in large part to a 10-second clip of Jeremiah Wright, seems to be losing a great deal of steam.
Hillary is going to win the Democratic nod. This can be accomplished in many ways, including destroying Obama's support (which she has been unable to
do until the above-referenced alliance with talk radio), managing to get the Florida/Michigan delegates seated, or simply bringing her 'winnable'
status up (which seems to be happening now) to win over the super-delegates. With some behind-the-scenes Republican backing in the main election, I
think she will win the Presidency in November as well.
Now, I have heard several predictions from self-professed psychics that a terrorist attack will hit the US mainland again, somewhere between October
and January. Not that I have needed predictions for this event to eventually happen; I think anyone who is watching can see the inevitability of it,
with the disaster that is Homeland Security and the wide open borders. I believe this attack will dwarf the 9-11 attacks and throw the US into martial
law under George Bush.
Two sources have predicted that Bush will die in office: the infamous zero-year curse, and Dimitri Duduman. I first found Duduman's predictions in
1999, with the Bush-Gore war on reality in full swing. He predicted that Bush would win the Presidency (check), that Bush would have one of the
highest approval ratings of any President in recent memory (check), that Bush would lose his popularity, in large part because of those he had
appointed as advisors (check), that there would then be drastic changes in his cabinet (check), that it would not help his falling approval (check)
and that he would preside over the 'fiery destruction of America' and die in office (pen ready). You can look these prophesies up for yourselves,
because Mr. Duduman's official site has been removed/relocated but his prophesies (of which there are many) are now scattered across different
sections of the internet. I had the forethough to save the pages on my HD when I found them.
We now have a very short time left for these prophesies to come about, unless Bush declares martial law, extending his time in office. A terrorist
attack would be plenty of cause for such an action. And should this attack happen after the November 5 election, but before January 21, such an action
would effectively nullify the election, which as I said, I believe Hillary will win.
If Bush then dies in office, along with Cheney, the next person in line would be Nancy Peloski, as Speaker of the House. Since Hillary is of the same
political party as Peloski, and I believe even Peloski herself does not believe she is qualified to be President in a time of war, I could see her one
and only act as President to be declaring the election as valid, to the delight of the populace, and instituting Hillary as our next President...
under martial law.
That's scary enough for me, but remember that Hillary has been winning with the support of the Republican pundits, who still for the most part agree
with George Bush. That makes me wonder if Hillary is not in reality Bush the third, ready to take advantage of the popularity decline of Bush in order
to continue his agenda.
And where does Bill fit into this? Well, I believe that despite my political differences with him, Slick Willy is still a patriot. he has been pretty
buddy-buddy with George the first lately, since they worked together on Katrina. I'm sure he knows what's going on. Could he be secretly trying to
destroy Hillary's chances while acting impotent to remain in 'favor'?
I realize this is off-the-wall, but nothing else I have heard seems to make sense with everything that's going on. And it seems that if someone were
trying to intentionally take the US into third-world status, they are on the verge of success. Maybe one more term in control of the White House is
all they need?
I really hope someone shoots this scenario in the head; at least I might start sleeping better... but please make it a clean head-shot, something I
can believe in.
[edit: title - Com to Con]
[edit on 2-5-2008 by 12m8keall2c]