posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 09:42 PM
He speaks in Positive (forces of good) and Negitive (forces of evil). He talks alot about our situation on this planet and how we have been mislead
with Negitivity. He says we must learn to live with only love for "everything", and how the light will over come the evil on our planet. He also
mentions we are a experiment if the Positive can survive in a Negitive enviroment, and that he is amoung thousands more are on this planet to balance
the Positive and Negitive through positive body energy's (Love, he says we refer to them as angels through out history). He says that the Negitive
powers that rule our world know that the experiment is coming to an end, and are trying everything to keep control of us. They say they won't allow
the negitivity to grow into the galaxy, and that is why the Negitive leaders are doing everything they can in our current situation. He goes into how
the meaning of life is to expand our conscience into love and eliminate the negitive in our life and that we are to evolve into the next stages of the
galaxy. Man there's alot, i wish i had a transcript for you but i don't and this is the best i can do. I know when reading this it will sound off
but i'm sorry for that.