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The Hidden Records By Wayne Herschel

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posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 07:17 PM
Hello Scott. I myself am new to posting threads even though i've been browsing ATS for a few years now. I'm also relativley new to the subject of the Giza Pyramids and it's only recentley i've found myself drawn into the mystery of it all. I've found myself looking and reading lots of theories but one that's caught my eye and seems to back itself up extensivley is the Wayne Herschel theory of the whole Giza Plataeu being a large scale star map that could possibly hold the key to who we are and where we originated. I've found it a fascinating read and were wondering if you had heard of his work and your own thoughts on it and anybody elses for that matter?

Which lead me to this:

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by Luckynumber13

Hello Luckynumber13,

Thank you for your post.

I have only looked briefly at the work of Wayne Herschel. Whilst I think some of what he presents is quite intriguing, I still remain to be convinced by his proposals.

My own view is that the ancients understood of a cycle of some kind that has the potential to wreak havoc with the Earth - and sometimes has. The ancients, knowing of this cycle, have placed this knowledge on the ground in the form of the Giza pyramids.

'And God has put a chart on Earth and engraved in Heaven to survive the deluge and keep count'. - Book of Enoch

The entire mythology of the Ancient Egyptians concerns itself with surviving death, of rebirth in the Afterlife. This mythology, I believe, is an echo from their ancient ancestors about surviving a future deluge and - in particular - what must be put in place to ensure the survival not just of the Pharaoh but of humankind.

It is not so much making it into the Afterlife as it is surving in the Aftermath. Why else would the ancients build structures (pyramids) that are symbolic of the 'primeval mound' - the first land to appear from the waters of the deluge? Why would they place large boats beside these structures? And, is it perhaps possible that the 'grain stores' of Egypt mentioned in the Book of Genesis were not so much 'grain stores' as 'seed vaults' not unlike the seed vault in Norway we are presently populating:


Scott Creighton


Scott Creighton

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 08:43 AM
Is this the same wayne herschel?

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 07:45 PM
Yes it appears to be the same Wayne Herschel. Care to elaborate? Your point being....?

posted on Jun, 7 2008 @ 07:49 PM
Yes it appears to be the same Wayne Herschel. Care to elaborate? Your point being....?

posted on Jun, 17 2009 @ 08:17 PM
I would like to give a push on this thread. I was searching around on ATS, but couldn't find a thread regarding the "Hidden Records" or the "Lost symbol in the Solomon Keys" as per Wayne Herschel.

As per his theory it looks like important ancient monuments as the Giza pyramids, Stonehenge, Mayans' Tikal were built according to a star map, leading us to a sun-like star. All that should date around ~10,500 BC, which is of course older than experts are saying.

But there's more:
According to Herschel, the city of Rome and Washington DC have this same "star map" pattern. Even on planet Mars he has made this star map connection.

I heard from the Freemason topics something about the lay-out of Washington DC, but it was denied officially. I remember one street was not matching the Freemason symbol, but as per Herschel there is no need
for that. His Star Map is somehow different.

Amazing is the Star constellation shown on July 4 at the Washington Monument, when all fits together.

Well as this date is approaching I wanted to see if someone goes to DC to have a closer look in order to confirm.

What are your opinions about Wayne's idea??


posted on Jul, 1 2009 @ 08:52 PM
I've just encountered this website/info and was wondering if any people had any thoughts regarding these theories, etc.

posted on Aug, 26 2009 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by Luckynumber13

I am planning on reading his book soon. I am open to all theories presented about the Pyramids. Many seem to get different meanings out of what the texts state. I am one to think that both the ancient civilization and extraterrestrial contact are correct. It seems that the researchers have divided their camps into two separate ones, and they should see what the other has to say.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by kidflash2008

Don't waste your time or your money buying anything from this Wayne Herschel.
Instead, invest your time reading thru the link below to find out more about Wayne Herschel.
Your money would be better spent buying more "softer" paper for toilet use.
The action and truth pick up around page 38, but the whole thread is worth the read.
You may even come across an extra name or two that will save you from shelling out anymore money for other hoaxes, frauds, and utter bs. Enjoy and Educate.

Wayne Herschel and facts, frauds, deception and lies. An ATS Thread..

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by kidflash2008

I suppse its too late for you now but i am suggesting that before you READ or BUY the book

you read the FREE e-book on this site "The TRUE story behind the HOAX Heard Round

the World " (Exclusive e-book for ATS visitors]

posted on Aug, 30 2011 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by White_Widow

The poster Marr two posts down from yours provides a 'link' to a thread. I can personally

recommend that you read it. It's a VERY LONG thread 228 pages. If you manage to read

it ALL i can promise you [if you are not one of Wayne's mindless minions] that you will

look upon The Hidden Records & The key of Solomon for just what they are, works of fiction

and complete fairy tales with plagerised colour illustrations !!

Poster ANONYMOUS ATS earlier on the thread has posted a link to

that makes VERY INTERESTING reading about the author Wayne Hershels nefarious


posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 01:35 PM
There is a wealth of Illuminati symbolism surrounding the London games. I am due to work for G4S in London and am being vetted to start shortly, so this matters to me. My girlfriend is also working there for the duration so I am worried for her safety too.

go to:

pause the video at 3.26 look at the cycle route...

now go to and compare this outline with the map of the pleiades and how the route round buckingham palace is in the shape of orion.

Also note how the SERPENTINE river runs into the part which represents the pleiades...
Reptiles and a correlation between an ancient map of human origins and the tracing of orion around buckingham palace? my dad says im brainwashed...

just thought it was interesting

edit on 28-6-2012 by ashleygwsmart because: forgot to place links

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by ashleygwsmart
There is a wealth of Illuminati symbolism surrounding the London games. I am due to work for G4S in London and am being vetted to start shortly, so this matters to me. My girlfriend is also working there for the duration so I am worried for her safety too.

(link deleted)

pause the video at 3.26 look at the cycle route...

now go to (link deleted) and compare this outline with the map of the pleiades and how the route round buckingham palace is in the shape of orion.

Also note how the SERPENTINE river runs into the part which represents the pleiades...
Reptiles and a correlation between an ancient map of human origins and the tracing of orion around buckingham palace? my dad says im brainwashed...

just thought it was interesting

"The Hidden Records" is one great big giant moneymaking hoax. You can safely ignore anything said within it's covers or by it's author with no ill effects.

I worked for Wackenhut for 14 years, some of those under G4S, right after they bought Wackenhut out. There's a photo of me in uniform on page 300 of the book on Wayne Herschel and Judy Faltskog linked in my signature for verification of that. I'll tell you flat out that "Illuminati" are the very least of your worries at the Olympics, and if I still worked for G4S, I wouldn't work the Olympics on a dare. They don't have enough money to get me there without a long ton of equipment, arms, and protective gear.

And we're not talking any "Illuminati" here. Leave Wayne to his fantasies, and step into the real world. Your professionalism and perhaps your life depend on clear thought, not Herschelite fantasies like his imaginary religion of "Oneism" and all the invented baggage associated with it.

Wayne HAS no maps of "ancient human origins". I debunked his alleged "Cherokee Star Map" just from personal knowledge. Every single one of the others can be dismissed exactly the same way - by the very cultures he claims they are from.

It's all smoke and mirrors, designed to part you from your money and drop it into Wayne's pocket. Don't fall for it.

edit on 2012/6/28 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by ashleygwsmart

I think your dad could be right

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

First of all thanks for that (genuinely)...and let me say I would never give Herschel any money (anyone who retains information for profit doesn't deserve it). Although I trust Herschel more than any politician!

Secondly, I don't believe in reptilians, oneism (or any system of organised social integration...why can't people just get along!) or any of that stuff. However, I can only take at face value the information which happens to cross my path (for example how strange you of all people found my comment in this particular thread).

Maybe it's the way my brain is wired but the symbolism adhered to in other ways (the illuminated pyramids on the olympic stadium etc.) just seem too blatant to ignore.

I would like to know what you would do in my situation and if not the Illuminati, which threats should be of my concern at the games, should I choose to take up the security position.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by ashleygwsmart

Taking the security position hangs on a lot of variables. I could pick which places they put me after a while, and I went to some pretty mean places where other officers feared to go even though I didn't have to. If your in that position, I'd insist on a different site. If your just hiring on, specifically for that gig - which is what it sounds like - I wouldn't take that job. Either way, I'd not be working the Olympics under the circumstances, if it were me. You might angle to replace someone off-site that wants to work there. There ought to be plenty of officers volunteering for it. Such venues usually carry higher pay, and people will fight to get those slots. I've worked out my share of that hazardous duty pay, but given the choice between the London Olympics and nearly anything else, I'd opt for the lower pay, and the chance to live long enough to spend it.

It may well be that nothing at all will happen, and in all likelihood it won't, but I would personally prefer to be watching nothing happen from a safer location.

My philosophy has always been "I was looking for a job when I found this one, and I can look further and find a different one."

If you are, however, watching for "Illuminati", the real dangers will snake right past you and come up on your 6.

Read that book - it's a free download - to find out a bit about Herschel and his methodology. It may be an eye opener for you. I would trust any 6 politicians, even my avowed enemies, before I would trust Herschel or anything he says, but ultimately your decision is your own.

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

ok thanks again,

but when i say illuminati i mean anyone who is either directly or indirectly accountable (whether they are aware of it themselves) by way of contributing to some form of false flag attack under the guise of 'terrorism'. Or the sneaky russians or pesky iranians!

I have a philosophy degree and am undertaking an MA in Humanitarianism & Conflict Response in Sept, and as a future RM Officer I would love to be a part...but not at the expense of my own safety. Fighting man to man, or even with rifles is one thing (i am a boxer also) but being blown up or worse stuffed into a tube train. thats not a way to go

like i said, you dont have to share, but if you have your reasons not to be there, what are they and whom do you suspect? i am only after your honest opinion...i will start the ebook tomorrow

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by Luckynumber13

Hello,what is the purpose of addressing me by name?

posted on Jun, 28 2012 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Luckynumber13

Hello,what is the purpose of addressing me by name?

posted on Jun, 29 2012 @ 02:42 AM

Originally posted by ashleygwsmart

like i said, you dont have to share, but if you have your reasons not to be there, what are they and whom do you suspect? i am only after your honest opinion...i will start the ebook tomorrow

The only reasons I have are generic, rather than specific. it's going to be a very large, very tempting target for a variety of players. I reckon you know that G4S/Wackenhut did the Winter Olympics at Salt Lake City a few years back, not long after 9/11. Nothing happened then, and it may not now - it's just poor percentages. I was pretty uncomfortable with security at SLC being under Tom Ridge all the same.

I know nothing for the most part of any precautions that the UK have undertaken, but if it were here in the US, and DHS were in charge, I'd run screaming like a little girl in any direction AWAY from it. If you're comfortable with the UK's precautions, it's not my place to second-guess them. Just be aware that it's a big fat target for any number of players and methods, and if anything does happen, whoever does it will be looking for the least expected method, and that may cover a lot of ground, not necessarily hand to hand, firearms, or explosives - those would actually be among the most expected, and heavily screened for.

Whose watching the water supply, for example? And keep in mind, that's ONLY an example, one potentiality out of literally thousands.

I see that you seem to be grouping all the usual suspects under a single heading of "Illuminati" rather than the more generic "them", which is OK by me. From your earlier posts, I read it to mean the all-seeing-eye pyramid guys. Also keep in mind that not every event is a false flag. Apply Occam's Razor first, THEN branch out to other possibilities if that doesn't pan out. Don't START by looking for a false flag.

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