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Food Prices Rise, Send NYC Food Bank Into Crisis

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posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by Telafree

If you have to go without electric sometimes to buy a comic book or go to the movies, I hate to tell you this, but you are a pure optimist if you think that's okay. At least the Haitians have mud to eat!

[edit on 4/29/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by jackinthebox

Honestly... If I had my electric or any utilities or anything turned off, I would be freaking out about everything a whole lot more than I am.

I dont know what to consider "normal" anymore, honestly. But when I was being brought up, we never had to deal with anything like that. It would be scary as hell, as much as losing your home. I cannot think of anything worse or scarier than losing your home, or having utilities shut off on you. We keep getting close... It gets worse each month, it seems.

Like someone else, I also make whatever money I get, online. Won't put too much info about that, as organizations, no doubt, do watch us here...

No offense to anyone, but.. I think that when something BREAKS and things are finally bad, I think things will be worse for those who brag now about how good they have it. Crime will be insane. Desperate people will be doing desperate things, to get what they need to survive. HONESTLY I hope that it never comes to this, but I really think things need to get better and quick, because we can only be squeezed so much before we break.

EDIT: typo

[edit on 29-4-2008 by LostNemesis]

posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 06:51 PM
This is going to be controversial, but I need to say it. Please don't think I'm unfairly picking on you, Jack. I've enjoyed practically every post I've seen by you and am not wishing ill against you. Also, for the record, this is the first I'd seen this thread. I wasn't avoiding it, even though I'm one of those guys that thinks things are going pretty good. OK, then...

I can understand and feel for people with children who find themselves homeless, hungry, and jobless. I have always believed that until every child in America can know beyond a doubt that there is always a nutritious, hot meal waiting for them 3 times a day we shouldn't give one red cent in aid to third world countries. I don't care if our hungry live like kings compared to third world hungry, as one person recently stated to me. These are American children and we let them down by not giving them a chance to live better. They should live better than even the wealthy in the third world because this is AMERICA first, not the world then America or even America: part of the world. It's AMERICA and they are AMERICANS.

However, if you're an individual without children to care for, there is absolutely NO excuse for you being homeless, broke, and hungry. Of course you can't find work and have to fight it out for resources with other homeless people, you live in NYC. The largest gathering of homeless/hungry people in the US!!! MOVE! Especially if you have a car. Drive to the American southwest and find yourself a job. Yeah, you may not find an office job or a union job that immediately jumps you up to middle class. But I guarantee you that, especially this time of year, no able to work without complaining man in this country would be denied a job in any of the chile, mellon, cucumber, bean, onion, or lettuce fields in the SW. Many of the farmers there would even set you up with a place to live. You might be bumping elbows with 5 or 6 other workers in an apartment, but the old saying "beggars can't be choosers" still has a lot of merit. I KNOW these homeless, hungry Americans could get their feet back under them working like that because I grew up watching Mexican field workers working, living, and eating and still able to send a very sizable chunk of their paycheck back into Mexico to feed and care for their families.

It never ceases to amaze me that in all my years living out in the country I had scores of illegals ask me if there was any work around the ranch they could do, but never one single gringo. Not one. The one person that my family could have actually legally employed to bail hay, cut weeds, and stack firewood... and not a one of them ever sought that employment opportunity. But you make that quick drive into town and boy howdy did you ever see a bunch of them with their little "please help" cardboard signs.

If you can't find what you need where you are, look elsewhere. The time has come for Americans to throw aside the "I deserve" bullcrap of the Clinton years and return to what made this country great. You expect NOTHING from anyone that isn't earned. And if you can't earn your way where you are, then by God slap the soles of your shoes on the pavement until you're someplace where you can earn it. But no... it's easier to just stay in that little place you're comfortable in and complain when your handout isn't promptly and courteously delivered to you every day.

posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

However, if you're an individual without children to care for, there is absolutely NO excuse for you being homeless, broke, and hungry.

So being homeless, broke and hungry with a child would make more sense? I'll have you know that I allowed my child to be murdered in the womb because I could not support it. This is what happens in nature when parents can no longer survive, they eat their young.

Of course you can't find work and have to fight it out for resources with other homeless people, you live in NYC. The largest gathering of homeless/hungry people in the US!!! MOVE!

I actually live outside of the city, but I cannot leave the state for various reasons.

But I guarantee you that, especially this time of year, no able to work without complaining man in this country would be denied a job in any of the chile, mellon, cucumber, bean, onion, or lettuce fields in the SW.

You can't guarantee me that. One of the reasons I can't get a job here is because I no habla. The landscapers I used to work with when I was younger, will only hire illegals now, because they can't afford the insurance or the risk. I have no reason to believe that illegals are not preferred now in most labor markets. And I'm not about to blow up my car driving across the country to find that out.

I also blew out my knee this week, and am having a lot of difficulty walking, so I don't see very many labor-intensive jobs in my immediate future.

EDIT to add: And since I can't go to the doctor, the injury might wind up permanent.

[edit on 4/29/0808 by jackinthebox]

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 08:52 AM
i do all my shopping at super target and i also haven't noticed any crazy increase in food prices other than milk a few months ago.

[edit on 30-4-2008 by an0maly33]

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by an0maly33

Perhaps you are suffering "frog in the pot of water" syndrome. Milk has been the most noticeable, but everything else has been creeping up too.

Take mayonnaise for instance. I'm really fond of Hellman's brand, especially since I do more than just make sandwhiches with it. I usually buy generic products, but this is one I don't usually cut the corner on. I do however, always wait for it to go on sale. So here we have a product, that most people don't buy everyday, and usually will buy quite infrequently actually. Most people therefore wouldn't notice the price increase on such a product. I noticed though. I used to get the regular sized jar on sale at $1.99. This week, the sale price is an entire dollar more. The sale price is a 33% increase!

Also of note, has anyone else noticed good cheap products that they used being discontinued?

And one more note. My local Dollar Tree store has now just gone to a dollar-plus store.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by jackinthebox
reply to post by Telafree

If you have to go without electric sometimes to buy a comic book or go to the movies, I hate to tell you this, but you are a pure optimist if you think that's okay. At least the Haitians have mud to eat!

[edit on 4/29/0808 by jackinthebox]

No, we don't go without electric in exchange for a comic book. Comic books only run 5-10 bucks. Im saying that comic books are something that is an extravagent thing to buy, as in , we wouldn't buy any if there was a shortage of money that month. We are new to this budgeting thing (Had some money in the stock market and lost it all) and so we are still learning. I think that learning will take a lifetime as it is soooo hard to budget right and get every bill paid. Thankfully, our utilities are grand about 1 payment being late, its when you hit 2 and 3 bills not being paid is when you are up sh8ts creek. Im just babbling now, but please don't believe that we would pick a book or comic book before electricity, that just isnt even a funny thing.


posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by jackinthebox

I also blew out my knee this week, and am having a lot of difficulty walking, so I don't see very many labor-intensive jobs in my immediate future.

EDIT to add: And since I can't go to the doctor, the injury might wind up permanent.

I can tell you exactly how to help your knee and get you back on track. I blew out my knee last year and couldnt afford but one doctors appointment and a few rehab apointments. I also was in nursing school. U2U me about your injury as I may be able to at least give you some hints on healing and the physical therepy that is needed after a knee injury.


posted on May, 1 2008 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by Telafree

I'm not saying you would choose a comic book over paying your bills. I was trying to point out that it's pretty bad that you have to make such considerations. That you have to balance the two so carefully.

As for my knee, there won't be any surgery, I'm just going to have to deal with it. I actually broke that knee about a decade a go and never went to the hospital for it. I was still able to walk on it though, since I only split the cap into a few pieces.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by LostNemesis
Someone else said it best really, about the "aide" we give... If we stopped, they would have to figure out how to feed their populations themselves,

Yup and i have no doubt that if Africa were left alone Africans would be able to take back the land that petty dictators all over this continent managed to take from their people with all that 'foreign' aid in the form of weapons.

instead of genocide. But corruption will always be the determining point to every action.

Corruption certainly cant be stopped while the corrupt are best armed and supported parties in any given country. When the west stops propping up their African tyrants the whole corrupt house of cards will come tumbling down.

And yeah, those Feed The Children commercials. They make you sick. They guilt trip over something we did not cause, over something we can do nothing about.

Well YOU didn't but your tax money played a large part in organizing and make the genocidal actions of the world bank and IMF possible.

But you know, the VISA commercials. Everything is 'Priceless'. Just put it on your tab. We can Feed The CORRUPTION in other countries, just pay it later..

While corruption if Africa is bad for Africans it's perfectly profitable for the corporations and nations that props up the dictators who happen to allow their henchmen to feed out of the public trough.

We are not responsible for the rest of those countries.

Well your not supposed to be but when your tax money buys the elections that ensures the rule of corrupt men don't you think your at least partly responsible?

Each one of them with millions starving have very happy, rich people at the top who choose to let it happen so they can guilt trip the fat, wealthy Americans and get more rich.
Rant, rant, rant.

Would you agree that every society has it's capitalist/greedy few percent that wont let morality get in the way of living well even if it comes at the expense of others? Why do you think the US national security state has sponsored and supported the worse people of each society to retain their economic power despite the best efforts of their various peoples? Do you think that says anything good about the US foreign policy?

btw, I've been following your Codex Ailmentarius and other threads. Keep bringing attention to these issues if you can. Maybe, eventually, they will start to hit closer to home for people, and they will take them seriously.

People ARE taking it seriously as it is hitting close to home for the vast majority of the worlds population; That's why millions of the worlds better people have sacrificed themselves in the effort to free themselves and their countrymen.

As an individual, everyone around us asleep to what is really going on, not much can be done.

People seem wide awake to me , which explains how they managed to work ten and twelve hours a day, and surprisingly alert when one considers all the nonsense they put up with. What people are is completely misinformed and until we understand, and begin to undermine, the nature and purpose of this indoctrination people may very well look asleep to those who have done something to inform themselves. The fact that you seem to think you have it all figured out is quite ironic when you seem as misinformed as anyone else i bother to address.


posted on May, 2 2008 @ 04:28 PM
Food and oil prices rising

Has anyone considered this as a possible explanation:
Could it be that certain big states secretely (through many "3rd channels") stockpile food items and oil because they expect a world crisis to come?
Such as a world-wide economical crisis or a new war that could even become the 3rd world war?
The rapidly increased demand this would cause would certainly push prices up!

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by jackinthebox

The comment I made about parents with little children wasn't intended to justify being homeless/jobless/hungry if you have kids. It was in regards to having no excuse if you don't have kids for not packing up and moving to a place where you can find work. And yes, that might mean actually doing some physical labor.

As for you not being able to leave the state that would obviously be either a decision by yourself, or based on a decision you've made in the past and, therefore, no one's fault but your own. To my knowledge, every American citizen is free to move from state to state without any interference from the government until they choose to violate a law or standard of the community, at which time they may lose that right. (alongside some other choice rights such as the right to vote in some states, keep arms, and much of their expectations of privacy.)

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by burdman30ott6

As for you not being able to leave the state that would obviously be either a decision by yourself, or based on a decision you've made in the past and, therefore, no one's fault but your own.

As if it was any of your concern, I was beaten on my own front porch by the two local officers in front of multiple witnesses. I am now in the process of having my name cleared and the false charges against me dropped, so that I can put my shield back on and return to work.

So tell me again that it's my fault you idiot. :shk:

Not to mention the fact that I have other responsibilities here as well.

And I suppose that it is the fault of one in eight Americans that they can't afford basic necessities even though they get up and go to work everday. And I suppose it is the fault of millions of people that they can't even afford food.

You're so smart, and aparrently quite well insulated from reality, why don't you start paying Americans a living wage?

[edit on 5/2/0808 by jackinthebox]

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