posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 09:41 AM
Are we going to have 6.00 a gallon? Of course. When? Sooner then you think.
(By the way; in 1999 I had a former Shell scientist encourage me to buy Exxon, Shell stock, etc. This was a prof. at the University of Nebraska, and
back then he said: "Global Peak Oil will occur in 2008-2010". And by the way, this man spent decades working for "the enemy" of big oil exploring
across the world for reserves.)
-Big Oil has know since the 1980's that Peak Oil was predicted for 2008-2010. Do you really believe that having a former oil executive as president
in that time period is by accident? Moreover, notice prices really didn't start to climb until AFTER THE START OF HIS SECOND TERM. Ask yourself how
many politicans, businessmen, and companies have investments directly or indirectly tied into Peak Oil.
-Even with new reserved tapped, on the global market we would require nearly ten times the current finds to survive at our current pace of population
and industrial advancement for the next 40 years.
-No one is going to build refineries...why would you build a facility to process a product that will be in short supply? There would be new refineries
sitting empty and abandoned.
-No one is going to make an actual effort to find new sources of petro; maybe some for PR purposes. But why would you sepend more money to make less
buy increasing supply when you can more more $$$ for less effort and investment.
-Companies such as BP; who claim to be seeking alternative sources are full of it. Its all PR. Consider this: Why would cigarette companies promote
quit smoking programs, when that would seriously curtail profits. In the case of cigarettes it was part of settlement with the gov't. It's all a
smokescreen while they rob us blind.
-If one could increase profit 400% over the course of a mere 5 years and not suffer any recourse, why stop there? If your business showed that profit
would you quit because "people are sad". Big Oil will take it to the brink knowing full well Americans have no prior experience in "physically
correcting" the issue.
-Consider the inelasticity of oil prices short term (and anymore long term). One event is all it takes now. Not a series of non-related events, or
even a conspiracy of events. One event in the Strait of Hormuz, and if you think 6.00 dollars is high---look out. Try an increase more likely w/ a
barrel at 250.00 or more. Consider 10.00 a gallon. Do you have a plan for that?
You have two choices:
1. Peak Oil is real, and by the definition of energy in plain physics there is no solution. (see Olduvai theory)
2. Peak Oil is NOT real and we are being ripped off in the BIGGEST scam of all recorded history. (Think Enron times 10,000,000,000 the amount of money
ripped off.)
Which one is your poison?
What is your plan? I have one. You should too. I have no money, but a lot knowledge. Don't bury your head in the sand.
If you can afford anything over $7.50 a gallon you are rich and needed respond...everyone else....SHARE YOUR PLAN WITH OTHERS ON THIS FORUM. KNOWLEDGE