posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 08:43 PM
I'm going to go into more detail, about what leads me to believe that Barack Obama,has been selected, groomed, and chosen by the elites, for the sole
purpose of promoting and unifying the world under the Big Brother cashless society, the DNA/BIOMETRIC database that's steadily becoming commonplace,
and the global tax on life, effectively creating world government.
to be quite honest, I thought Obama was a foil for Hillary, to be discounted for lack of experience. I couldn't believe an unproven 2nd year Senator
would be selected and entrusted with carrying out the death of America.
Hillary, I could believe. She's been about communism from the beginning, everyone knows her true colors of wealth redistributions.
Let me be PERFECTLY clear. Bush,Clinton,Obama,runs,ran or will run absolutely nothing. They are figureheads, puppets, spongeboards, litter trays, or
in the next president's case, Savior.
Bush didn't carry out 9/11, in fact he didnt even have his script with him, hence the 20 minutes reading a book about goats. He had to get his
script, he couldn't say anything without a script.
in fact Bush was torn through the mud, used and thrown out, to make way for the one to clean up the mess, but the reality is the same hand that
strangles is now telling you it's time for change.He didnt author any policy, didn't even have a clue what he was signing, he even needed permission
to use the bathroom at Policy briefings.
If that's not little Pinocchio looking for Gepeto, I dont know what is...
so to think that Obama will actually do anything, is beyond the pale, but what I do promise you, he will bring change. I really don't see America
lasting past 2010, and not because the Council on Foreign Relations says so, but because the dollar has been devalued so much, that cities are
crumbling broke and will soon need, simply a 'better system' to bring it all together so it never happens again, courtesy of the ones who carried
out this looting of your pensions and social security
That's when the thought occured to me... The New World Order needs a salesman, someone to preach how wonderful DNA databases are to the masses on
this globalized, uni-culturalized planet, and to neutralize the movement that grew against Bush, the 'evil republican' that he is, into willful
obedience because a liberal, black man from humble beginnings takes power on the promise of world peace.
How politically correct.that's what worries me...the coming years are the most crucial steps towards the plans for global domination, and we must ask
ourselves why the elite would risk doing something like putting in an inexperienced, black president, a first in itself?
all being sold on 'hope' and 'change'? so much on the line right now, where the tide is swaying. race card, to be played, as springboard for
passing these wicked measures though.
Divide and conquer has never failed in establishing totalitarianism, and it's certainly going to be the case once the toilets stop working
In a society, where you have CIA agents operating in newsrooms, you have NSA surveillance grids operating just as the TOTAL INFORMATION AWARENESS
PROJECT from DARPA completely prescribed, before the name changed to 'terror' information awareness, to just flat out admitting they've been using
supercomuters for years and we won't do anything about it. The image of a populist, and the masses falling for it, almost religiously.