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Barack Obama is the antichrist!

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posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by anti us gov
reply to post by isbarackobamatheantichris

now that is not true. you need to do your homework. by saying that he was a false prophet is like saying Jesus does drugs. he predicted 9/11 and it came true. do your research and not everything in the bible is true.

well mr nostradumus can't be as clever as you think buddy... how come he has failed to mention a certain mr BARACK OBAMA ??? sheesh you would think if he was a true prophet he would of at least mentioned the man that is most likely the antichrist.

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 04:41 AM
reply to post by isbarackobamatheantichris

ahahahaha LMFAo.......Nostradamus has mentioned him.

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 04:41 AM
reply to post by jetxnet

Tis' okay.

My thinking on that matter is that when people refuse to acknowledge their weaknesses as something that makes us individuals, they are subconciously refusing to understand why a person would choose to do something for themselves - for example, a weakness that you see as something that needs to be addressed can be addressed by those whose intentions are not for your own benefit.


Women's Health.

It's not for her benefit that these companies are selling her these products to make her beautiful, they're just cashing in on the fact that society has imposed values on women.

If you doubt me on this, ask yourself why global pharmacuitical companies are in on the act.

Ignorance of this amounts to ignorance of how one can ignore one's own vulnerabilities, something which every single man, woman and child needs to be aware of, at least if we're going to combat the dread masters of subversion wherever they rear their mishappen heads.



In short, it's not just that we should be aware of it, so we can turn weakness into strength, but we should be aware of it because people can take advantage of them if we're not prepared.

Back on topic - isbarackobamatheantich is blatantly the anti-christ, he's just covering his tracks.

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 04:42 AM

Originally posted by anti us gov
reply to post by isbarackobamatheantichris

ahahahaha LMFAo.......Nostradamus has mentioned him.

now your just being rude... i would love it if you could provide some proof of this??? wats that ? you can't? thought so!

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by isbarackobamatheantichris

stop being "smart" your making ur self look bad. i dont have time to play your little games kid. go look yourself and stop thinking the bible is 100% right because its not. oh by the way the antichrist is coming for you.

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 04:48 AM

Originally posted by anti us gov
reply to post by isbarackobamatheantichris

stop being "smart" your making ur self look bad. i dont have time to play your little games kid. go look yourself and stop thinking the bible is 100% right because its not. oh by the way the antichrist is coming for you.

i done a google search and it came up with absolutely nothing... i challenge you to name one thing the bible says that isn't true.

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 04:49 AM
Naustra doesn't mention Obama in terms of physical attributes, just that he will rise in the political ranks very quickly and come to be trusted a time the New World is ripe for a saviour of sorts (or something to this effect).

He said the AntiC (the third and final one) will later turn his back on the people that invested in him.

Naustra wasn't predictions stopped through 2014. You be the judge.

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 04:53 AM
reply to post by jetxnet

thats what i meant about obama. and also that obama is going the be the next president. according to him. i typed in Nostradamus and the next us president.

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by isbarackobamatheantichris

"“Give, and it shall be given to you. For whatever measure you deal out to others, it will be dealt to you in return.”"

George Bush gave the Iraqis cluster-bombs, guided missiles, and lead sandwiches, and the worst he ever got was a cursed pretzel of doom.

I suppose you're the type who, upon seeing this reasoning, would claim that i'm a terrorist, or that i'm un-patriotic (despite the fact i'm not american).

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 04:55 AM
reply to post by isbarackobamatheantichris

do you remember who wrote the bible??? it wasnt God or Jesus?? So who was it?

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 05:20 AM

Predictions for 2008 - 2012

Pope will be assassinated

A point will come when the special interests inside the church who want to hold onto their power and wealth will misadvise the Pope in such a way as to place him in a dangerous situation which he is unaware of. The assassination will lead to social unrest and rioting in Rome. The next pope will not last long. There will be only two other popes after the present one.

Iran goes Nuclear

The nuclear weapon being dropped by one of the Middle Eastern countries will spark off yet another war on top of that war. European nations will try to interfere to diminish the threat to oil supplies. When the European countries try to interfere, the crazed leader will use the rest of his arsenal on Europe, most striking the Italian Peninsula.

This leader is not the Antichrist but helps to set the stage for the Antichrist to rise to power with little or no opposition.

Anti-Christ comes to power

Nations that are considered prosperous and powerful, particularly western nations, will be weakened. They will be torn with civil strife and rioting as people migrate to areas that have water and can support crop-growing. The social upheaval and weakening of political structures will help the Antichrist come to power.

Serious economic problems will persist along with great social unrest, contributing to the ease with which the Antichrist can seize power. The frightened and hopeful populace will be vulnerable to his rhetoric. The Antichrist will use the disasters as opportunities to overthrow governments and sneak spies into a country. Martial law will be declared in many areas to stop rioting and looting. The Middle East, the source of his power, will not be as devastated as the rest of the world. He offers assistance to other countries trying to recover but he will eventually stab them in the back.

New World Order behind the Curtain

During the time of the Antichrist a secretive, conspiratorial cabal are "pulling the strings" behind the scenes to manipulate world politics and economies for personal gain. These master puppeteers operate figureheads in many countries, governments, and the major world capitals. They are united but are very clever in disguising their influence. They hold positions that appear to be relatively minor, like advisors and under-secretaries and such, but are key positions of their power.

This secret organization has been in existence for several generations. Their existence is hinted in the family histories of the banking powers and money centers of the world.

At first when the Antichrist comes along the leaders of the Cabal regard him as a new, dynamic, youthful leader from the Middle East they can use to unite the area and reign it into their realm of control. But the Antichrist ends up turning the tables on them.

[edit on 28-4-2008 by jetxnet]

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 05:25 AM
Barack the anti-Christ? I think you give him far too much credit and power don't you? For example. Wouldn't the anti-Christ have an easier time beating Hillary Clinton?

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by isbarackobamatheantichris
Presidental hopeful Barack Obama is being referred to as a 'Messiah' type figure.

Is he the long awaited 'Man of Sin' that the bible says will rise to world power shortly before the return of the true King of Kings Jesus Christ???

so does that make Bush and Darth Cheney some type of saints? It seems kinda silly to condemn obama when the bush administration has
LIED to get us into Iraq
Killed 4000+ US soldiers
advocated torture
Imprisons people under US law without giving them the protection of US law
As violated Constitutional law on multiple occasions
Set up illegal wire tapping with companies like AT&T.

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 05:46 AM
I wouldn't say so, but Naustra makes this new Anti-Christ out to be someone Hitler himself would envy. Instead of tens of thousands, this dude wreaks some major havoc. He makes George W. look like Sister Christian.

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 06:27 AM
Religion & politics have no place together.... come on people seriously... the anti-christ?!?!?!?

we are not in the dark ages any more...

Daz Out.

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 06:36 AM
reply to post by isbarackobamatheantichris

Lol. And before you were born again, you were involved in some very, very destitute actions. Your lifestyle was, shall we say, scummy, was it not?

And now that your brain has been off the poisons and drugs for two years, and steady extremist idealogy has been forced into your ear the entire time, now you are convinced Obama is the antichrist, going around .. making a fool of oneself. Why not just be a junkie at that point? I mean, all in all .. I'd say the pre-born again lifestyle trumps the post-born again lifestyle. :-P

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 06:42 AM
i am muslim yet when i look at obama i feel that something is wrong and by going by nostradamus prediction it seems to be obama time will be the judge

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 07:00 AM
I don't know who the anti-christ is but saying that Bush and or Cheney are the anti-christ is silly because the anti-christ will fool us and be a "wolf in sheep clothing." Bush is in your face evil so the description of the anti-christ doesn't fit him.

Obama fits the mold of the anti-christ very well because he seems on the surface to be a very sincere person and from what i've read the anti-christ will not know he is the anti-christ then one day poof, a super evil man emerges.

Zbigniew Brzezinski is Obama's personal adviser and that is enough for me to not like Obama because Brzezinski is a top commander in nwo agenda making the guy as dirty as Henry Kissinger.

Hillary is pretty much a socialist/communist and was even in a communist group when she was in college. She will force vaccinate your kids and make them go to school at the age of 3 to hasten indoctrination and will probably create a mandatory service like the draft.

McCain wants open borders and a 100 year war.

There pretty much couldn't be a worse group of people to chose from. Ron Paul was the only one with dignity and he was shunned and criticized for believing in the north american union(even though the friggin roads have been made, i can take you to one and we can stand on it).

Essentially no matter who is elected it will be more of the same. Erosion of the middle class, serfdom and a growing elite that continue to poison us with fluoride and aspertaime while pumping us full of vaccines that sterilize us and give our children autism.

We pretty much live in hell right now only thing stopping violent revolution is that our distractions are still up and running like internet and other media but when that goes we are screwed.

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 07:06 AM
Can't believe I'm posting on a thread like this, but I just wanted to say that those who buy into the weak, inexpressably vague "prophecy" routine are simply lacking any real substance, significant intelligence and, primarily by far, simply enough LOVE within themselves. As Frank Zappa said, "The only difference between a religion and a cult is the amount of real estate they own." We happen to have REAL issues with which to be concerned like, oh, the massive disappearance of honey bees. Where in the Bible does it mention anything about something as REAL and huge as that?

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by Beefcake

Obama fits the mold of the anti-christ very well because he seems on the surface to be a very sincere person and from what i've read the anti-christ will not know he is the anti-christ then one day poof, a super evil man emerges.

The simple fact you can make that judgement shows just how powerful the anti-christ will be.

You will not see him coming, if he is indeed coming.

Think of it more like this - the Anti-christ is more likely to be someone like Chuck Norris than Barack Obama.

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