posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by 12.21.12
I didn't really make a comment on how they would attack, beyond suspicions. I just think that IF there was going to be a False Flag event, it
wouldn't be at the location of the activities (the drills discussed in the OP's link). Instead I would say the event would be somewhere close by.
Logically a 'heartland' attack would get a bigger outrage-especially with food prices rising (solidifies the FUD (Fear Uncertainty and Doubt)
factor). While the 'heartland' has massive PR value as a tool.
If it were in say San Fran: The religious nuts would say it was gods will (not very effective).
If were Salt Lake, again not very effective since most the U.S. see's the LDS church as little better than a cult.
Portland itself is more of a hippy town (love it there.)...
Boise though is seen as the 'simple folk' who love and fear god. An attack there would destabilize food, make it appear as though it is a religious
war direct instead of a jihad against a nation.
Etc. Etc.
IF it were to occur. Boise would be most logical in my opinion. The groups doing drills are relatively close by and it would have a large effect on
the populace.
Bio, Dirty bomb... whatever, doesn't matter. Just saying: keep eyes peeled for anything in a huge swath of the region: politicians canceling
appearances. Odd anomolies in policies etc.