posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 10:22 AM
Reno has been in the news this week for a series of unusual seismological events. Hundreds of Quakes over the last few days.
There was a separate shakeup downtown, but this was politically related.
The Nevada State GOP convention was held at the Peppermill Casino, south of downtown. It was a soap opera on a soapbox.
Ron Paul supporters showed up in droves, to support their candidate.
Who, if you read the local Media, is a FORMER Presidential Candidate.
This is not true, he is a current candidate. He may not be delegate rich, but he said he would continue spreading his message, as long as he had
support. He does, and bless his heart, he is still speaking at colleges and other venues..Drawing crowds in the thousands. He came to Reno a day Early
to speak at one of the local High Schools.
First on the agenda was to force a change in the preset list of delegates, to allow a vote for ALL state delegates to have a chance to support the
candidate of their choice at the national convention. Paul supporters won that vote. (thats what a convention is for..To choose delegates.)
This was a legal political maneuver.
the voting began, and it became clear that Paul was about to take ALL the remaining Delegates.
This upset McCain supporters enough that most of them eventually walked out. Including the Chairman of the NV GOP, Bob Beers.
He claimed that the rules change placed the Convention into overtime.
This was not true, Beers and McCain supporters used stall tactics to prevent any voting from happening. They purposely ran down the clock.
The lease for the Room at the Hotel was finite, so he CANCELLED the event. This was BS, because a 3 hour extension was easily obtained. So Bob Beers
is a liar. There was plenty of time to vote.
Since Beers the chairman left. It was decided that an election should be held to install a new chairman. ALL the Sudden the McCain people showed up
again. But there were not enough present for a quorum..Lucky for Beers, the liar.
In the end, no votes were taken..However, Paul gave a rousing speech. To an excited audience. Romney was also a speaker, but he didn't sound awfully
thrilled to support McCain. But he's playing the Neo-con game. At least Paul is trying to change things.
Now the event is rescheduled..But nobody knows when, or where. A common tactic used against Paul. They want to move it to Las Vegas, to try again.
It doesn't look like state party rules will allow for that. The venue can't change. I'm still checking on that.
It's still a mess..And I can update as I discover more. Things are changing rapidly.