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The Power of 22

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posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 07:32 AM
Numbers, everyday we use them. Numbers are symbols. For example, you can have 1 dog, 1 dollar, 1 world government, etc... Each time the number 1 represents a completely different thing, yet has a unifying ground in that it is meant as singular. 1, may be the number for God, I don't know.

But I'm here to talk about 22.

Why is 22 so important?

The chemical element for titanium is 22. Lots of Titanium is used in the F-22 Raptor.

The Human head is constituted of 22 bones: 8 for the cranium and 14 for the face.
The 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot: The Fool, Magician, Priestess, Empress, Emperor, Hierophant, Lovers, Chariot, Strength, Hermit, Fortune, Justice, Hanged Man, Death, Temperance, Devil, Blasted Tower, Star, Moon, Sun, Judgement and World.
The twenty-two channels linking the ten "Sephiroth" between them in the "sephirotic Tree" of the Kabbalah.
The Word of God is at the 22th level of conscience. The cosmic conscience would subdivide indeed into 24 dimensional or spiritual levels. The maximal conscience level, the 24th, would be attributable only to the God-Father and the 23th level would be considered as being an energy protective area surrounding the level 24. The 22th level of conscience would be also that of the antique Elohim also named the 24 Ancients.
According to saint Yves of Alveydre, the primitive alphabet of all the humanity, at the period of "Ram" (adam alphabet or "Watan"), would have comprised 22 signs.
According to Bambaras, the totality of mystical knowledge is contained in the symbols of the first twenty-two numbers.

But here is a secret I want to share, that those in the know, would not like for commonfolk to know, and I believe a conspiracy in the grandest spiritual form.

22, is the key to the Bible. And I am just beginning to open some of the doors, but I have found the major doors I believe.

First, there are 22 chapters in Revelation. There are 66 books in the bible. 3 is the number of the Holy Trinity, and 3 X 22=66. So mathematically speaking, the Holy Trinity times the 22 keys of secrets knowledge unifies the bible, or something like that. I'm open for suggestions on that one.

But it's get's even more interesting.
Isaiah 22:22
And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open.

(Notice Isaiah is 66 chapters long)

The Key of the House of David.

Psalm 119 (backwards 911, I'll get to that later)

Psalm 119 is the longest Psalm in the bible. It is broken up into, you guessed it, 22 sections of 8 verses each. Each section is represented by a sacred Hebrew letter.

The letters of the Hebraic alphabet are divided into three mother letters (Aleph, Mem, Shin), seven double letters (Beth, Guimel, Daleth, Kaph, Phe, Resh, Tau) twelve simple letters (He, Waw, Zain, Heth, Teth, Yod, Lamed, Nun, Samekh, Ayin, Tzade, Qoph).

The 22 letters of Hebrew contain secret knowledge, hidden, yet available to those in the know.

I have been all the longer over this portion of my task because I have been bewildered in the expanse of the One Hundred and Nineteenth Psalm, which makes up the bulk of this volume. Its dimensions and its depth alike overcame me.


As early as the 1st & 2nd centuries B.C. the Jews noted that 22 was significant in not just being the number of letters in the Hebrew alphabet but also the number of generations from Adam to Jacob (israel)

But there is an evil side to the story.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 08:55 AM
reply to post by cutbothways

Poor old eleven,gets it every time.

I think it's bad on your part to bring eleven into a discussion, we all know your
saying twenty two but we know it's really eleven.Back Off
leave eleven alone man.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 08:59 AM
So, in the human body is 22 pairs of chromosomes, and one chromosome, the 23rd, isn't a matched pair. So the last chromosome is a sex chromosome.

Guess which pair was the first to be decoded.

Chromosome 22

Genetic Code Milestone:Map of Chromosome 22
By Tom Buerkle
Published: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1999

LONDON: The first map of a human chromosome was unveiled by an international team of scientists Wednesday, marking a milestone in the attempt to decipher the entire genetic makeup of human life.

What this did, was to open up the door for human gene manipulation before birth, in what has become an attempt to "create" a super race.

Friday, 4 May, 2001, 15:26 GMT 16:26 UK
Genetically altered babies born
By BBC News Online science editor Dr David Whitehouse

Scientists have confirmed that the first genetically altered humans have been born and are healthy.

Up to 30 such children have been born - 15 of them as a result of one experimental programme at a US laboratory.

Now, there is something called Germline manipulation.

As we saw in our series on genetic engineering of food crops,
genetic "engineers" are now moving genes around among plants,
animals, and bacteria on a regular basis, but with very little
understanding of the possible consequences, and almost no safety
testing. Now genetic engineers are starting to modify the genes
of humans, using three approaches: 1) cloning, 2) somatic cell
manipulation, and 3) human germline manipulation.
Germline manipulation: Germ cells (sperm and eggs) do pass DNA
from one generation to the next. Germline manipulation refers to
changes in the germ cells changes which will be inherited by
successive generations. Designing future generations through
germline manipulation is still in the realm of science fiction,
but just barely: some influential scientists are arguing that it
should be attempted.

But the famous freemason Aleister Crowley knew all to well about genetic manipulation.

Today is unique over all yesterdays in that not only is the revelation apocalyptic but the visions of reason are equally catastrophic. In times like ours where can one derive a non-fatal vision of the future?

The Aeon This is the card of our times. Are we facing the Apocalypse and Final Judgement, or "merely" the end of one evolutionary stage and the beginning of another?

The amino acid Methionine has a corresponding dual nature. As punctuation it signals the start of protein synthesis by marking the beginning of a gene on a strand of messenger RNA. It also functions as an amino acid within the protein chain which the mRNA holds in coded form.

The traditional interpretation of this card refers to the Final or Last Judgement, apocalypse or the end of civilization. It pictures the arrival of a messenger or angel who gathers and leads the ones to be saved from the coming destruction by fire; ending one era and signaling the beginning of another.

"DECREASE" - kua 41, and "THE AEON" - trump XX echo this confusion of ends and beginnings that manifest during times of transition.


Kua 41, The judgement: ... IT FURTHERS ONE TO UNDERTAKE SOMETHING. ... (p. 158)

Crowley: Final decision in respect of the past, new current in respect of the future; always represents the taking of a definite step. (BT p. 260)

[edit on 27-4-2008 by cutbothways]

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 09:35 AM
So, while the world's attention was diverted,

the first artificial gene was slipped in the pool.

While the world's leaders gathered at Davos last month were nervously chatting about the subprime crisis, rising oil prices, and roiling stock markets, geneticist Craig Venter crammed into a Swiss phone booth and talked to National Public Radio's Science Friday and others about creating the first artificial chromosome.

Which leads to Digitally Created Life.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 09:54 AM
.....not to be picky, but when i was at school, high school, and then University, they told me we had 23 chromosomes, 22 autosomes and the 23 being the sex chromosome.

You can't drop the most important chromosome just to fit a theory, its the sex one.....i mean come on.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by atlasastro
.....not to be picky, but when i was at school, high school, and then University, they told me we had 23 chromosomes, 22 autosomes and the 23 being the sex chromosome.

You can't drop the most important chromosome just to fit a theory, its the sex one.....i mean come on.

A chromosome cannot be manipulated if it hasn't been mapped. 22 was the first to be mapped. 23, decides male or female, 22 desides traits, looks, etc.

I'm surprised you don't understand that. Manipulating 23 would simply change the sex. Manipulating 22, is the final element in the 22 pairs. I mean, come on.

Here's some more info connecting the occult to the number 22.

In 1531 Cornelius Agrippa in his ‘Occult Philosophy’ wrote "Twenty-two signifies the fullness of wisdom, and so many are the characters of the Hebrew alphabet, and so many books does the Old Testament contain." [Decker, R. "Art and Arcana" 2004]

In medieval number symbolism twenty-two through its association with the bible and the Hebrew alphabet was a number symbolising completion and the sum knowledge of wisdom, especially in regard to holy teachings. Account of such played a part in Augustine’s division of the City of God into twenty-two chapters, and probably played a part to in the late Christian division of St. John’s revelations. ./713

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 10:24 AM

Originally posted by cutbothways

A chromosome cannot be manipulated if it hasn't been mapped. 22 was the first to be mapped. 23, decides male or female, 22 desides traits, looks, etc.

I'm surprised you don't understand that. Manipulating 23 would simply change the sex. Manipulating 22, is the final element in the 22 pairs. I mean, come on.

This is what you say in an earlier thread.

posted on 28-4-2008 at 12:59 AM
So, in the human body is 22 pairs of chromosomes.

Guess which pair was the first to be decoded.

Chromosome 22

This statement is simply not true. This is not about what I understand are the functions assigned to each chromosome. You cannot simply say that there are only 22, when there are 23. You are trying to bend the facts to fit your theory. That is how I understand it. Regardless of what a chromosomes function is, there are 23 of them. Period. No matter what anydody says the significance of 22 of them are.
You have done a great job on this thead, and i agree that there are some very interesting points you bring up. Lets keep it factual. That way, everybody understands.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 10:37 AM

John Craig Venter, president of Celera, welcomed the announcement Wednesday as "an important milestone" in efforts to map the complete human genome.

The map of chromosome number 22 was pieced together by researchers at Wellcome Trust's Sanger Center in Britain, at Keio University in Japan and at two American universities, the University of Oklahoma and Washington University in St. Louis. The Human Genome Project also involves researchers in France and Germany.

Number 22 is the second-smallest of the 23 pairs of chromosomes in every human cell, holding between 1.6 percent and 1.8 percent of the human genetic code. But the chromosome contains a rich number of genes that are believed to play a role in at least 35 diseases, including congenital heart disease, schizophrenia, mental retardation, leukemia and trisomy 22, the second most common cause of miscarriage, according to Ian Dunham, the biochemist who led the research effort at the Wellcome Trust.

The mapping of chromosome 22 revealed 679 genes, of which 55 percent were previously unknown in humans. Scientists believe further work on the map may raise the total number of genes to around 1,000. There are still 11 gaps in the chemical sequence of the chromosome that could not be identified with existing technology, but the map is 97 percent complete.

The information from the $3 billion Human Genome Project has already enabled researchers to develop tools for diagnosing a predisposition to certain diseases, and to test biological therapies to replace or correct faulty genes without some of the debilitating side effects of conventional drugs.

It wasn't chromosome 23 that was chosen to be mapped, however 23 signifies to me the return of Christ's rule on earth.

Twenty-two of the pairs of chromosomes are similar in males and females. These are called autosomes. The 23rd pair is different. A female has two X chromosomes and a male has an X and a Y chromosome. Because they are different in males and females, we call the X and Y, sex chromosomes.

[edit on 27-4-2008 by cutbothways]

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 03:03 PM
Interesting idea OP, but atlasastro has you on the chromosomes thing, you've contradicted yourself quite clearly...

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 03:10 PM
Whether there are 22 pairs or 23 pairs could be debated. 22 alike pairs and one sex chromosome.

The point is the 22nd chromosome is manipulated.

So you guys jumping on the 22,23 chromosome pairs is obviously and
attempt to throw the thread off track, and keep the reader from seeing
the fact the the genepool is being manipulated, and it happens the be
one of the occults master numbers. Since there is no chromosome 33,
that leaves 11 and 22.

Come on, your going to have to do better to be disinformants.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 03:15 PM
Freemasons use the master numbers 11, 22, and 33.

This is why they are nitpicking, and ignoring all the other facts.

the fact is, chromosome #22 is the first to be mapped, and the one
being manipulated.

So, you argument has no merit here.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 03:29 PM

Originally posted by cutbothways
Come on, your going to have to do better to be disinformants.

Yeah, I'd have to be one for a start. Don't throw names around like that with no proof. I said that I think you have an interesting idea, but that I agreed with the other poster who said you were wrong on howyou related part of your idea. Since when was someone disagreeing with the OP and someone else agreeing with their point a sign that both posters were 'disinformants'?

As to your 66 books in the bible thing, which one? Does that inlude the apocrapha? If not, then do you think that the group who collated the booksof the Bible did the whole 3x22 thing deliberately? Do you think that certain books were chosen to be among this number because they have somefurther significance with the number 22, and that the books that were left out had no decent link to 22?...

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 04:57 PM
many believe The Fool card was thrown in to throw off those who attempt to decipher its meaning and that there are actually 21 cards of significance. The Fool card is also unnumbered.

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 04:28 AM
Don't forget the great Mike Bossy, of NY Islander fame wore number 22.

and it get's even spookier....

Mark Messier ( theMessiah?) wore number 11, half of 22. Many don't know he was a prophet, and predicted that the Rangers would beat the NJ Devils(satan) in Game 6 of the playoffs. He scored 3 goals(also know as a hat "trick") that night. 3 is half of 6. He lead the Rangers to win the Stanley Cup(holy grail?) in 1993. 1+9+9+3 = 22!!!!!!!!!!!!!

omg, see how easy that is to do?

actually they won the cup in 1994, but who cares about facts when your makeing stuff up......, right?

[edit on 28-4-2008 by Nola213]

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 04:37 AM
And what if all our numbers was way off wrong? i mean in the early times we used the binary system 0,1 to calculate just ask the middle easterns they learned the western civilisation it , then we later on converted it to our today known system.

666 its a number nothing more
777 its the same
22 and again the same



posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 06:29 AM

The number 22 also has a profound Biblical meaning. The 22nd and last letter of the Hebrew Alphabet is Tav, with the sound of 'T'. Before the Jews picked up new 'fonts' in Babylonia Tav was written as + in Phoenicia and as x by the Hebrews, in other words as a cross. The cross is the meaning of 22. That is why there are 66 books in the Bible, 3 x 22. The Bible hints at the 3 crosses (22) of Calvary. Of those 66 books 44 have less than 22 chapters. Exactly 22 books have 22 chapters or more. The last (66th) book of the Bible - Revelation - ends with chapter 22.

On the cross Jesus allegedly said, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me, thus quoting Psalm 22. Christians consider Psalm 22 as the Psalm of the Cross.

Any passage with a number of chapters divisible by 22 is considered and acrostic poem.

Psalm 119 is by far the most important. The Key to David, is hidden in Psalm 119. I was hoping for a little help in cracking the code. There is something to this folks.

To Aleister Crowley, numbers are everything. Whether you call the Fool zero or not, the fact remains, there are 22 major arcana,

And the Occult/Freemasonry are heavily into it.

11:11 added together = 22

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 04:44 PM
Or maybe it could all be just a catch 22

See satanic cult

Sept 22 Feast Day Orgies Fall/Autumn Equinox
Dec 22 Winter Solstice Blood Human Sac. M-F Infant

posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by cutbothways
Whether there are 22 pairs or 23 pairs could be debated. 22 alike pairs and one sex chromosome.

The point is the 22nd chromosome is manipulated.

Come on, your going to have to do better to be disinformants.

First of all, i corrected your incorrect statement. i was Informing you that you cannot make false claims( disinformation). you know what they choose chromosome 22 to map and manipulate first. Its the shortest, thats right, the smallest, the easiest to map. That is science for you, common sense. Although why they call it common i don't know.

p.s. Also, who am i disinforming, the massive amounts of people reading you break through thread. Not.

posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 08:56 AM
link you know what they choose chromosome 22 to map and manipulate first. Its the shortest, thats right, the smallest, the easiest to map. That is science for you, common sense. Although why they call it common i don't know.


Chromosome 22 is the second smallest of the human autosomes. The short arm (22p) contains a series of tandem repeat structures including the array of genes that encode the structural RNAs of the ribosomes, and is highly similar to the short arms of chromosomes 13, 14, 15 and 21. The long arm (22q) is the portion of human chromosome 22 that contains the protein coding genes and this is the region that has now been sequenced

Get your facts straight there, superstar.

You want to debunk, better come prepared.

Chromosome 21, the smallest chromosome in the human genome, has become only the second human chromosome to be fully sequenced.

Why didn't they start with 21 first?

posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 09:36 AM

p.s. Also, who am i disinforming, the massive amounts of people reading you break through thread. Not.

772 views in two days is not very many people reading this?

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