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X-Conference 2008 Keynote by Ex Minister of Canada

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posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 05:01 PM
Has anyone compiled an up-to-date list of High ranking officials (Military, members in congress, etc.) that are still alive and are still in office that do believe or have witnessed or know of UFO's? I think it would be interesting to scroll down the list.

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 05:24 PM
I gotta agree with Vance on this one. He doesn't offer any evidence other than his "expert" analysis and theories.

"Undeniable evidence" he claims !!

Wow. Really. I'd like to see it.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 09:21 AM
Many of us (ATS Members) spent the whole weekend at the X-Conf. I had lunch with Paul Hellyer on Friday. Actually we asked Springer & the Amigos if they were planning to attend, but they were busy with other stuff.

Edgar Mitchell's keynote at the Saturday night banquet, outlining his knowledge of the ET issue covered up by NASA, was truly awesome and inspiring. He is also a really nice guy, very personable and intellectually brilliant, which those of you who have been privileged enough to meet him will know. I did not previously realize how highly educated and qualified were the original Apollo astronauts (though what he has to say off the record about the demented lunatic ideas put out by Hoagland, Lear et al would be unprintable).

You can get the entire DVD set of the 2008 X-Conf here:

with the exception of John Alexander, who presented to the conference only on condition that he would not be filmed and that no part of his presentation would be disseminated outside the conference attendees. The content was very revealing and if you witnessed it, you might understand the reason for his insistence on discretion.

You might have heard the George Noory broadcast live from the conf for 2 hours on the Saturday.

PRG are a devoted, hardworking and well-grounded bunch of people. No praise is too high for Stephen Bassett in tirelessly working 7 days a week to pull all these people together and bring off this event, and the 2009 conf is already booked.


posted on May, 1 2008 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by Terrapop

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr

Originally posted by tom goose

UNLESS, the people involved are offered a way out via an Amnesty program, which Bassett says is in the works....

How is this going to happen? Does anybody know the process to setup such an Amnesty program?

This is a good question, and the answer is quite complicated.

If you contact Stephen Bassett through PRG, he will explain the process:

He is a registered lobbyist in Congress and works 7 days a week, so you may not get an instant reply.


posted on May, 1 2008 @ 09:49 AM
Someone explain to me why if Stephen Bassett is certain that disclosure will happen in Spring, 2009 he's not out looking for another job?

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by Drewdatt

He can demand anything he wants but does not know that UFOs are being
made in Canada since 1945 or end of WWII.
Greenland might still be bases.
UFO technology went to UK and New Mexico and the Antarctica story
was a ruse that got Forestall killed.

Perhaps a few more people like Tesla and Patton were put aside because
of the UFO technology.

JFK might have been asking too many questions but the end of the
decade man was on the Moon like he said. Then junior was asking
too many questions about his dad.

The Illuminati just keeps on paying these people to spout nonsense
because they know what the Illuminati trained them to know.

Disclose what?
Like the Illuminati will do it for him.
Canada most likely still makes the UFOs.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
reply to post by Drewdatt

He can demand anything he wants but does not know that UFOs are being
made in Canada since 1945 or end of WWII.
Greenland might still be bases.
UFO technology went to UK and New Mexico and the Antarctica story
was a ruse that got Forestall killed.

Perhaps a few more people like Tesla and Patton were put aside because
of the UFO technology.

JFK might have been asking too many questions but the end of the
decade man was on the Moon like he said. Then junior was asking
too many questions about his dad.

The Illuminati just keeps on paying these people to spout nonsense
because they know what the Illuminati trained them to know.

Disclose what?
Like the Illuminati will do it for him.
Canada most likely still makes the UFOs.

If they are made in Canada, why have the USAF and the RCAF expended so much effort, time, aircraft and pilots trying to shoot them down since 1942?

And what exactly were all the UFO sightings in the 1800s??? And before that?

'The Illuminati' are a fantasy-story created to give the simple-minded a bogeyman to blame for everything. 'The Illuminati' do not exist, and never have.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Jeremy_Vaeni
Someone explain to me why if Stephen Bassett is certain that disclosure will happen in Spring, 2009 he's not out looking for another job?

Ask him.

Budd Hopkins has stated recently that the day disclosure comes, he would rather be in the liquor business than in the construction or investment bond business.

Think about it.

posted on May, 1 2008 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by bovarcher

Woo, Illuminati vs. the Aliens.. invented by the Illuminati.
It sure is hard to find out where UFOs come from.

You say Aliens and UFOs, I say Illuminati and UFOs
You say the Illuminati are fantasy, I say the Alien are fantasy.

If only there was a for real meter.
I sure have a made explanation for UFOs.
Any other is fantasy.

Built in Canada from technology from before 1900
or built far away and arrive by worm hole since before 1800.

Its way easier the first way.
We need to explain what is surrounding us now and not the pre
Illuminazi era.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
reply to post by bovarcher

Woo, Illuminati vs. the Aliens.. invented by the Illuminati.
It sure is hard to find out where UFOs come from.

You say Aliens and UFOs, I say Illuminati and UFOs
You say the Illuminati are fantasy, I say the Alien are fantasy.

If only there was a for real meter.
I sure have a made explanation for UFOs.
Any other is fantasy.

Built in Canada from technology from before 1900
or built far away and arrive by worm hole since before 1800.

Its way easier the first way.
We need to explain what is surrounding us now and not the pre
Illuminazi era.

I'm very interested to learn more about the (or at least an) illuminati theory from a proponent. I'm particularly interested as an academic.

Do you subscribe to this idea of mystical enlightenment, access to advanced scientific knowledge, both?

One of my issues with the theory that illuminati invented and use UFOs is this. I understand Tesla thought relativity is basically sophisticated nonsense. I actually have sympathy for this position, for reasons I can go into if need be.

My problem, though, is that you refer above to a wormhole, implying it is implausible. Wormholes would be needed to travel if relativity is correct, and travel at superluminal velocity is impossible. If Tesla considered relativity wrong, why would there necessarily be any need to invoke wormholes?

The point is I find it odd that you invoke a problem with the theory of UFOs being extraterrestrial based on theory Tesla regarded as nonsense.

I have other questions, but interested in your response to this first.

[edit on 2-5-2008 by 987931]

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 10:24 AM
The Tesla UFO theory developed and researched by Bill Lyne says
Tesla had and always hinted at his ability to move objects.
All we have is his many published writings and a few helpful patents
left that the FBI and shall we say Establishment or arms of the Illuminati
had taken under National Security.

Its security for them not us.

Perhaps the Lyne research can be better elucidated but it has conspiracy
and science at its root.

Tesla coil cause extreme static stress and does not require much power.
Like rubbing wool on a rubber comb to cause a spark, a spark has enormous
electrical power. Well multiply that by a million volts that appears at the
center of the coil that appears behind Tesla in my avatar.
A build up of charges essentially causes flight.

I subscribe to the plan as another Tesla device will remove electrons
from around the craft and giving a positive surrounding charge.
I agree that might be possible.
And the sparking and dark cloud UFO in photos and videos might
mean a highly static machine.

So we take Tesla at his word where ever we can find it, take a critical
account of events during his life and to the present and with a few
grains of salt in Lyne's research there is a new ballgame for the UFO.

The read through Lyne past the conspiracy gets you to Tesla and
what Lyne says is Tesla's intent. That brings you to what Lyne says
important in Tesla's publications. You check Lyne against Tesla and
see what happens.

Books that grew from the bottom up:
Lyne of course may not have as many footnotes as others but he
finds the ones to support his version of UFO technology.

ED: Sorry, I mentioned worm hole by mistake as a comparison.
Tesla used the gaseous ether, its behavior not found on earth in
the nullifying experiment once expounded but will be found to drift
in space. However it is all the things in air that can be electrified and
stressed. Thats because the Illuminati wishes you to know nothing of the
gaseous ether. Because it is what lifts the UFO. And makes light
travel like sound and why the limit of light is due to the density
of the ether. If you know electrical potential, a particle should be
able to be accelerated past the speed of light although not according
to the latest word from partical scientists. Perhaps Tesla found a new
particle. Basically people like JP Morgan and richer, kept a close
watch on Tesla. The Guggenheim's, owner of the majority of
copper reserves, supported the Rockey Society of Dr. Goddard.
But copper for Tesla's UFO might be more profitable. There is a
suspected Tesla connection with Von Braun in 1937 in New Mexico.

[edit on 5/2/2008 by TeslaandLyne]

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by bovarcher

Originally posted by Jeremy_Vaeni
Someone explain to me why if Stephen Bassett is certain that disclosure will happen in Spring, 2009 he's not out looking for another job?

Ask him.

Budd Hopkins has stated recently that the day disclosure comes, he would rather be in the liquor business than in the construction or investment bond business.

Think about it.

I will ask him next time I have him on my show. Not sure what the Budd Hopkins quote has to do with it, but I know the context was that he believes disclosure will never happen (in the way the exopols believe, at any rate.)

Someone should come up with a list of all the times disclosure was right around the corner. It's a long list. It has happened every year for at least 2 decades. I think "Disclosure is coming next year" is the new "The world is coming to and end."

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by Jeremy_Vaeni
Someone should come up with a list of all the times disclosure was right around the corner. It's a long list. It has happened every year for at least 2 decades. I think "Disclosure is coming next year" is the new "The world is coming to and end."

A long list, indeed.

While I respect the push for disclosure of Stephen Bassett, I think he undermines much of his movement and message by some of his unfounded claims and the shady characters he invites to his conferences and puts next to credible people with serious data and research.

Something I believe you've talked about and criticized in your show as well.

From what I heard Bassett say regarding his claim that "disclosure is coming in 2009" is based merely on his gut feeling that Hillary will be the "disclosure President" and some people involved with the Clintons (John Podesta mainly) are interested in UFOs.

A lot of assumptions, especially taking into consideration that these people have been in the White House before, and didn't disclose anything, even with the Laurance Rockefeller initiative/push at the time.

By the way, keep up the good work Jeremy! I enjoy your shows

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by Jeremy_Vaeni

Originally posted by bovarcher

Originally posted by Jeremy_Vaeni
Someone explain to me why if Stephen Bassett is certain that disclosure will happen in Spring, 2009 he's not out looking for another job?

Ask him.

Budd Hopkins has stated recently that the day disclosure comes, he would rather be in the liquor business than in the construction or investment bond business.

Think about it.

I will ask him next time I have him on my show. Not sure what the Budd Hopkins quote has to do with it, but I know the context was that he believes disclosure will never happen (in the way the exopols believe, at any rate.)

Yes you're right, Budd does not believe there will ever be disclosure in the way PRG advocates and works for. At the Laughlin UFO conference in February, you may have seen him really lay into 'The Exopols' as he calls them.

However his comment about disclosure and liquor was a serious observation. Disclosure, if it ever happens, may be accompanied by social dislocation and upheaval characterized by sudden loss of confidence in any & all long-term plans we may have up to that point used to structure to our lives.

Someone should come up with a list of all the times disclosure was right around the corner. It's a long list. It has happened every year for at least 2 decades. I think "Disclosure is coming next year" is the new "The world is coming to and end."

Yes, Bassett is aware he has cried 'Wolf' before. But he has his whole life invested in this. Also, he does spend his days in Congress as a lobbyist and knows the level of support disclosure has both within the Senate and House of Reps so this inside knowledge does deserve some consideration.

You seen his latest open letter to Senator Clinton?

posted on May, 4 2008 @ 09:35 AM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
The Tesla UFO theory developed and researched by Bill Lyne says
Tesla had and always hinted at his ability to move objects.
All we have is his many published writings and a few helpful patents
left that the FBI and shall we say Establishment or arms of the Illuminati
had taken under National Security.

....So we take Tesla at his word where ever we can find it, take a critical
account of events during his life and to the present and with a few
grains of salt in Lyne's research there is a new ballgame for the UFO.

The read through Lyne past the conspiracy gets you to Tesla and
what Lyne says is Tesla's intent. That brings you to what Lyne says
important in Tesla's publications. You check Lyne against Tesla and
see what happens.

Books that grew from the bottom up:
Lyne of course may not have as many footnotes as others but he
finds the ones to support his version of UFO technology.

Thanks for the info. I've studied a bit, and have more questions, which I'll ask later (you may or may not have answers).

My reaction at the moment is that it really does seem to me a lot more parsimonious an explanation of UFO sightings. Tesla said he was working on a flying machine, and there's some reason to think it could fit the descriptions. His inventions brought us AC, radio and much more.

He considered relativity rubbish. I wonder what on earth relativity has actually brought us, compared with "pre-relativistic" mechanics and electromagnetism. Arguably, not a thing. I don't fully understand claims that satelite capabilities depend on relativity, but they are disputed. Then, what else??

Also, I have very good reason to doubt mass-energy "equivalence". It is quite a bizarre claim, as I can explain.

The following may be of interest.

I find it horrifying that Tesla's work on a dynamic theory could have been concealed from us all, not to mention various inventions. I don't believe conspiracy, per se, is necessary for all of this -- not on any grand scale (local conspiracy is part and parcel of life). I think there is an inherent tendency for organizations to protect their own interests, and clearly science must be funded somehow. This is particularly so for physics, where experiments can be expensive.

I have believed in UFOs for a while now. There is reason, including very good evidence, that science is resistant to development when vested interests exist. I think science should study this very phenomenon!

Thanks for all the links, and info so far. As I said, I have more questions, for another time, including questions about info on how to build machines (I have an access to an ex-engineer with time on hands, who I might be able to pursuade to assist me).

Cheers, 9

posted on May, 5 2008 @ 04:11 PM
You might check some of my posts on ATS since every once in
a while it sounds like I go on to some of your topics.

Most of the following is from Lyne's material and books:
It is thought Tesla was paid by Germany in 1937 for his inventions
that became the FOO and the saucer.
He wanted his plans builds and no one was interested for years.
An electrical engineer is going to make an electrical flying
machine if he knows his muster with generation and isolation of charges.
Something he did with coils for years and tested in 1917 with
Sperry in Brooklyn for an automaton 100 round trip test.
His Teleforce was another chance at payday for Tesla but blocked
by the Illuminati. Their word goes as you may soon learn.

Tesla was hit by a taxi in 1938 and missed a celebration documented
by his notable absence. The FBI intercepted a letter from Germany
in 1938 requesting the assassination of a scientist. Yeah, the thanks
Tesla got when the Nazi took over and were sure they had the technology.

So see if you find the Hydrogen cycle and Helium and isotope
properties that defy Relativism in my posts and in a way prove
the gaseous ether of Tesla's. The limit velocity of light at c may
be due to the viscosity of the ether. There are many alternative
ideas once the ball starts rolling.

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 06:04 AM

Originally posted by TeslaandLyne
You might check some of my posts on ATS since every once in
a while it sounds like I go on to some of your topics.

Thanks again for the info -- it is truly appreciated.

I assume you are the person with same username on youtube. I had a look at one of your videos, assuming it is you.

Do you have any recommendations for reading material on the actual physics, as far as it has been put together. Lyne's?

Perhaps I could send a u2u?

If you have a chance, could you check out the following? ...

It makes a lot of sense to me, though I am yet to work through the algebra thoroughly. It is simple, rather than convoluted, as science should be. It puts waves and wave phenomena first, which imho is exactly what should happen. I don't know how it fits with Tesla's work.

I'll continue to check your posts. Thanks again, 9.

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