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YOUR NAME IN CAPS vs Your name in lower case.

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posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 04:05 PM
Hello ATS,

I remember watching a video a while from a thread that was posted here on ATS. At first, the information didn't really sink in until a few weeks later when I found myself some time to think about a specific part the video mentioned.

What it basically said was that under the constitution, you rights that protect you against income tax, interest rates, bills etc but only if your name is written in lower case, IE: John Doe. However, the loop hole, according to this video, was that the elite now use a persons name in full caps, IE: JOHN DOE, on all bills, loans, any information that is recorded about you including SSN, SIN, IDs, government records etc. If the person acknowledges that they are indeed this person in all caps they are signing away their rights that are protected by the constitution or something similar. I'm not really sure how it goes, so I'm here asking if anyone knows any more information on this subject.

My interest was peaked when I noticed that every statement on my credit card, bills, everything had my name in capital letters. There seems to be two existences to one person if this is correct. One being the original person, and the other being a fictional person who you have agreed to represent.

anyone know anything about this? Is this a real thing or is it just another made up crock?

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by metro

Visit, as I've been saying forever! Theyve got the skinny on it all! Read the Patriot Mythology. But do not copy and paste! You do not want to mess with Senator Eric Madsen.

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 05:07 PM
Hmmm, great information.

I will keep it close to my heart.

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