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The Final Solution - How will you react?

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posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by Neon Haze
Buddhists, Monasticism, and Christians are all brainwashed into believing what they have been led to believe.

However, it is not true that they are satisfied with less. Each and every one of the above however misguided they may be seek truth and freedom.

Even with misguided thought and brainwashing, people still seek truth and freedom.

If they are misguided then there must be some absolute truth. You must know it as you say they are misguided. Please inform us all of your absolute wisdom. How can we be guided?

You are wrong about JFK. He was the only president who turned his back on the cancer when he was confronted with it.

False. He was trying to foster a country of selfless individuals and reconcile them with those who believed in a hard monetary system in order to bridge the gap between selflessness and Hard American ideals. He was trying to merge America with international selfishness - the very core of the NWO. Movie Star. Charisma.

Think about the "Space Race" between the two superpowers - United in a competition for the betterment of humanity. For technology. For Science. For Understand.


JFK was the classic beginning of the NWO.

The conspiracy factor here as that he could have died in bed, of a heart attack, during surgery, while in a car, while on the toilet, while walking in the park one day on the merry merry month of may.

Yet, it wouldn't matter for the ignorant theorist who proposed proposterous suppositions to prey on the mind of the ill-informed misguide unintelligent follower of inexperience.

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by Anti-Tyrant

Perhaps you should compare that to a man who loses a member of his family (like a son), to a man who loses his dog.

Can you explain how the have here has stood to lose more than the have not?

What? Are you serious?

You can't actually argue the points, so you introduce nonsense?

What is your reference point here?

Have-not loses his son = tradgedy
have-not loses his dog = oh no

Have loses his son = tradegy
have loses his dog = oh no

Care to explain?

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by Neon Haze

If I may interject....

if you only had £10 and you needed it all for fuel to get to work and you lost £1.. it may mean you have to walk part of the way...

If you had £100 and lost £10 the cost of fuel is the same so you would be able to get all the way.

Yes, and? Did the person with 100 save more, earn more? was he more qualified? A billionaire at the gas pump has his mind on more important dealings than the gas, just as someone who makes 40,000 a year may have his mind on more important things that leaving the faucet on for too long. Yet, someone making minium wage in an apartment may take effort to not waste any water.

Why do these people occupy the financial block that they find themselves in?

If I had 865 Million Pounds then I would not be concerned so much about my everyday living...

You might think that. Yet, you might have investments ranging in the 100s of pounds. You may conjecture the transition between your have-not and your have; however, once you become used to being a have.... what will you do?

You have to HAVE to HAVE MORE... If you have not then you have to be very very very lucky to HAVE...

Such as your "865 million pounds" that you have to have more of. If you want you lineage to be a have, then I suggest that you selflessly work for your progeny as men of past have.

Anyone who says that there was not an element of luck in thier success is a fool.

Obviously, that statement is coming from a have-not person who has never received a 5 million dollar trust fund upon turning 18. Not me, but I have a friend. Yet, if we take that $5 million as default, then surely you are correct in your statement. Planning has a lot to do with everything, and luck is merely that which presents itself in your favor that you did not predict.

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by logician magician

If they are misguided then there must be some absolute truth. You must know it as you say they are misguided. Please inform us all of your absolute wisdom. How can we be guided?

By not stating I am right and you are wrong.

By looking further back in history than what we are taught to.

By leaving the comfort zone of an after life and acceptance of your mortality.

By Learning to Love not because we are told it is the way and the light but because it is what makes us who we are.

By Living for others not for yourself including satisfying your ego.

and most of all...

Always do the Greater good, not matter what.

False. He was trying to foster a country of selfless individuals and reconcile them with those who believed in a hard monetary system in order to bridge the gap between selflessness and Hard American ideals. He was trying to merge America with international selfishness - the very core of the NWO. Movie Star. Charisma.

That was why he got to be the President... He was killed because he did not play ball....

Think about the "Space Race" between the two superpowers - United in a competition for the betterment of humanity. For technology. For Science. For Understand.

The Space Race.... hmmmm I could go on and on about that one.... but lets just say that it was a control mechanic to Awe and direct the thoughts of not just a nation but the world.

JFK was the classic beginning of the NWO.

Not at all... The steps towards NWO have been taken throughout history. It's just that previously it's failed.

Yes it's true... The powers that be have always lusted after the goal of global enslavement.

So far they have failed because of the Human Spirit. They will fail again...

Yet, it wouldn't matter for the ignorant theorist who proposed proposterous suppositions to prey on the mind of the ill-informed misguide unintelligent follower of inexperience.

Without being presented with a choice human kind will create opportunity and choices. Success is built on failure and experience. The inexperienced will learn more from direct experience than from teaching.

Such as your "865 million pounds" that you have to have more of. If you want you lineage to be a have, then I suggest that you selflessly work for your progeny as men of past have.

I have Children and I work for their future, that doesn't mean that I am able to amass a vast amount of money for thier future.

I would hope that most if not all who have children put them first over themselves.

What's more is anyone who is simply given vast sums of money on reaching 18 their life is set you would have thought. But what does that teach someone in experience??

It taught them nothing of values or how they fit into the scheme of things.

I would say it would take a very strong personality to survive intact being given a vast sum of money at such a tender age.

All the best,

NeoN HaZe

[edit on 26-4-2008 by Neon Haze]

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by logician magician

1) What? Are you serious?

You can't actually argue the points, so you introduce nonsense?

2) What is your reference point here?

Have-not loses his son = tradgedy
have-not loses his dog = oh no

Have loses his son = tradegy
have loses his dog = oh no

3) Care to explain?

1) If you think expanding the boundaries of the discussion beyond that of mere financial matters to be nonsense, then yes.

2) My reference point is that i was using a situation outside of finances, and seeing as you appear to be unable to comprehend why i would do that, i'll do things your way;

Like i said, there is no shared nature between the have and the have-nots, but i attempted to explain why by bringing in a matter outside of finance with the 'man and his dog' comparision.

It doesn't matter whether the man is rich or poor, if he loses his son he will suffer, and the same goes for the dog to a lesser extent.

But the thing is, it is not only the man who will suffer - if he has a wife or other children, they may also suffer.

Same goes for losing the dog.

Which is an example of those who have not suffering because the man who had lost.

You might wonder how this doesn't show a shared nature between the have and the have-not - Well, it's a matter of your environment.

A man who had may be surrounded by luxury because he has all the luxury and/or conveniences available to him - he has high-paid psychologists on speed-dial, for example.

He also has the ability to get wasted as a fart off hard liquor.

A man who had not and also lost his son may find himself deprived of these things.

In which case, he who has, may find himself suffering less than the man who has not.

Similarly in financial terms, and i can use Neon's example here - a man who loses the $1 from his $10 may no longer be able to afford enough fuel.

A loss for him then.

But also there may be others - he may have co-workers or even children who need the transport that he provides, and because he no longer has the cash to keep his resources going, others may also suffer.

Whereas a man who had, for example; a few hundred thousand, could quite easily hire a taxi (or two).

3) If you think that all i have stated is nothing but nonsense, then why exactly should i bother?

You aren't going to listen - apparently you have every bit of intellectual understanding i could ever provide you with.

[edit on 26-4-2008 by Anti-Tyrant]

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by logician magician

Your first sentences (Like all the others after it) are those ones which are bringing your ultimate failure and that's why I'm waiting to see you crash and burn. You're not a noble, not an elite. You never was. You just believe that you're one, because you have money. Your inner spirit makes you noble and elite. But you're never going to understand this, because with this behavior you presented that you're too blind and moron to see this and you believe that your elitist behavior may save you from anything. I can tell you, not. Where from I know this? Because I'm one of the noble, elite rebel who is going to kick your and your kind's ass out from the planet, even from the galaxy alone if it's necessary.

You cannot control me. You cannot control others. Do you believe because I'm reading your stuff, I'm your puppet? Naive one. That's not meaning that you can control me. If you believe in this, you're a fool. You cannot buy peace, you cannot buy truth, you cannot buy love and foremost, you cannot buy the guardian spirits. If it's old fashioned to you, I really looking forward of your end and I'm really eager to see as you crash and burn in the flames of your foolishness. The Guardians of the planet will stop all of your plans. The elitists knows this and fear it. Fear from those ones that they believe they can and are controlling. That's where you're mistaken. And unlike the elitists, we have back up.

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 04:48 PM

Originally posted by Anti-Tyrant

Originally posted by logician magician

If a man with $100 loses $10,
is it not the same feeling to a man with $10
who loses $1?

They've both lost 10% of their net worth. Is $1 to a to a billionaire the same as $1 to a homeless man?

Can you explain how the have here has stood to lose more than the have not?

Perhaps you should compare that to a man who loses a member of his family (like a son), to a man who loses his dog.

Can you explain how the have here has stood to lose more than the have not?

Everything always seems to come back to money. Materialism is what started the elitism and the gap between the haves and have-nots. With wealth comes power; with power comes wealth. Now for people to remain powerful, they NEED people less fortunate than themselves.

Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Cliche I know, but true. But here is something I thought about. Surely for us to strive to anything Utopian-like, we need leadership and guidance? Someone with presence and charisma? Who would then,in turn, be given power to manage resources/manpower/production etc? Including military and the likes. Basically what I'm saying is aren't humans always going to be ruled/guided by one person, or governments, or corporation (The Company? Used in many shows and movies - sounds scary
), one religious group - whoever?

Imagine by John Lennon. He had it sussed. Then he was shot. Ghandi....ah they shot him too. Martin Luth...ah him too. Ronald Reagan.... ah they missed him.... somethings definitely wrong somewhere.

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by Dark Crystalline
reply to post by logician magician

Your first sentences (Like all the others after it) are those ones which are bringing your ultimate failure and that's why I'm waiting to see you crash and burn. You're not a noble, not an elite. You never was. You just believe that you're one, because you have money. Your inner spirit makes you noble and elite. But you're never going to understand this, because with this behavior you presented that you're too blind and moron to see this and you believe that your elitist behavior may save you from anything. I can tell you, not. Where from I know this? Because I'm one of the noble, elite rebel who is going to kick your and your kind's ass out from the planet, even from the galaxy alone if it's necessary.

You cannot control me. You cannot control others. Do you believe because I'm reading your stuff, I'm your puppet? Naive one. That's not meaning that you can control me. If you believe in this, you're a fool. You cannot buy peace, you cannot buy truth, you cannot buy love and foremost, you cannot buy the guardian spirits. If it's old fashioned to you, I really looking forward of your end and I'm really eager to see as you crash and burn in the flames of your foolishness. The Guardians of the planet will stop all of your plans. The elitists knows this and fear it. Fear from those ones that they believe they can and are controlling. That's where you're mistaken. And unlike the elitists, we have back up.

Yeah, surely an elitist wouldn't waste his time posting on here when he has all the haves he can have. Well you can keep your head-stuck-up-yer-rectum views, keep your phantom elitist pretense - I am happy with what I am. I must admit I thought you were quite pompous and lonely when I read your first posting.

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 06:12 PM
Sometimes it's best to answer with questions.

Is it possible you are in fact a Have Not and you are so angry about it, this is your way of getting back at the world? You are so angry at how you perceive your peers that you have come to hate the fact you are one of them?

Hate and anger destroys both Haves and Have Nots equally.

Peace my friend. Being happy far outweighs all other considerations in this life.

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by logician magician
No. The have-nots are incapable of seeing it. It is your nature to revolt against the order of the world. It is your nature to be selfish.

That would be easy for an elitist to claim when they are the one supposedly making the rules. It is easy to enjoy a game when you are holding cards.

We, as the monetary and intellectual elite

Don't make me laugh.

We have given you government support and social programs to receive a higher education and to balance the line between us. We attempt to provide you with unemployment, with welfare, with unemployment searches, with tax breaks, and we outright force your children to get at least a high-school education.

The education is not in the dumper because of the people. It is in the dumper because budgets are continuously being cut. If the government really wanted the people to be well educated they could make it happen. Pushing incentives and propaganda will make people move. Beauty, athleticism, and stupidity is the propaganda now a days. Look how much models and actors are paid. Compare that to teachers and it makes me want to cry. When this country pays teachers like professional athletes and athletes get paid like teachers only then will I believe that this country wants education to work.

You claim that taxes are a fraud.

No unapportioned taxes ring any bells? It was unconstitutional to tax wages. They could have increased other taxes like sales tax, but no, they went after our money directly.

Apparently, that does not sit well in the selfish minds of the have-nots.

Personally I am afraid of the have-nots and you should be too because if the world goes to crap, guess who they're gunning for?

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by Draves

Personally I am afraid of the have-nots and you should be too because if the world goes to crap, guess who they're gunning for?

Far be it from me to decide whether i have or have not (just where is that line, anyway?), but i know for a fact what my goal will be if the world goes to crap.

I intend to target those who refuse to settle down and plan out their actions - the ones who will be marching through our cities, looting, plundering, raping, killing as they go.

Something that will attract just as many of those who have (no more), as those who have not.

If i don't, i have a sneaky suspicion that such people will never EVER be brought to justice.

[edit on 26-4-2008 by Anti-Tyrant]

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by Anti-Tyrant
I intend to target those who refuse to settle down and plan out their actions - the ones who will be marching through our cities, looting, plundering, raping, killing as they go.
[edit on 26-4-2008 by Anti-Tyrant]

If the world goes to crap being a "have" will have nothing to do with money. It will have everything to do with ability and preparation. You sound like you might be one of the haves if you are already talking about planning out actions.

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by Draves

All i have is my body, mind and soul.

These are the only things on this planet that i believe i have a definitive claim for.

You could say that i have a very strong biological sense of ownership - i.e; this flesh is mine, this blood is mine, these eyes are mine.

When you watch a DVD - it's not something you own, because you didn't make the DVD in the first place, it is not a product of your creativity, which is why we pay for things like that.

Capitalism is an abomination upon the human being, every single time you work for your wages just a tiny bit more of your life has been drained away, Until it gets to the point where that time no longer belongs to you but to your employer.

After all, it is your employer's business, and it could be said that he has you under his command.

Human beings do indeed have a price tag attached to them, although of course you pay the price over a period of hours (say about, £5.50 an hour?).

That we would sell our time in order to pay our taxes and earn a living seems... sadistic, in a way.

Almost as if there were some sort of shadowy being at the heart of our society, laughing as he enjoys the things he has.

[edit on 26-4-2008 by Anti-Tyrant]

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by logician magician
We, as the monetary and intellectual elite of the world have come to an agreement some time ago. We have given you government support and social programs to receive a higher education and to balance the line between us.

Oh come on now, don't act like you're Mr. Posterboy for the "Monetary and Intellectual Elite". You sound like a 10th grader right wing intellectual who no one speaks to at school, lashing out against the collective world as a representative "of the elite". You justify this on the basis that your Daddy probably makes a fair amount of loot, works for the Government, or something similar. Or I could be completely off . I am not claiming to be describing you, just how you make yourself sound .. this is the mental picture I paint after reading your post, sir.

What makes you elite? monetarily and intellectually? If I told you I happened to be a high school dropout with a middle school, read: thats 8th grade English class education, would you honestly believe me, based upon my writing thus far? You can say yes to attempt to insult me, or you can be honest and say, "No, you do not write like someone with an 8th grade English class education". Well what am I saying here, my English courses in College have since trumped any grammatical or writing skills learned in Public School.

I guess I am trying to say, anyone can be anything they'd like on the Internet, it is the loser's playground. Let us just say I hold your so-called self-proclaimed status as an honorary member of the monetary and intellectual "elite" in utter contempt until proven otherwise.

Eye Scoff @ U

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by Anti-Tyrant
reply to post by Draves

That we would sell our time in order to pay our taxes and earn a living seems... sadistic, in a way.

Almost as if there were some sort of shadowy being at the heart of our society, laughing as he enjoys the things he has.

I agree. I might twist this more than you intended, but here goes. I am all for abandoning capitalism for the most part. I think that true satisfaction comes in being self reliant. With the ways things are now we are less than sheep because sheep don't need a sheep herder. We are more akin to hamsters in a cage.

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 10:32 PM
This thread was started with psycho rabble,and that is where it will keep going.
I really do not understand what the point of the opening post was,it seems more to me,by the punctuation and word order,to have been started by a high school kid.
A "have not" been edumacated very well person.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 04:40 AM

Originally posted by Neon Haze
By not stating I am right and you are wrong.

Have you ever heard a Buddhist say, "I am right, and you are wrong"?

By looking further back in history than what we are taught to.

Now that doesn't really make any sense, does it?

By leaving the comfort zone of an after life and acceptance of your mortality.

An assumption on your part entirely. Are you right here? Or are you wrong?

By Learning to Love not because we are told it is the way and the light but because it is what makes us who we are.

Again, you are contradicting yourself further and further. If this is right, then everyone else is wrong.

Always do the Greater good, not matter what.

This we both can agree on. This is why the have-nots much be processed. Why they must be conditioned. Why they must be controlled.

That was why he got to be the President... He was killed because he did not play ball....

Yes, he did not play the ball game of the have-nots, and so they killed him for it.

Without being presented with a choice human kind will create opportunity and choices. Success is built on failure and experience. The inexperienced will learn more from direct experience than from teaching.

Success is also based on being born a have.

I have Children and I work for their future, that doesn't mean that I am able to amass a vast amount of money for thier future.

This is because you are a have-not, incapable of doing it. Incabable of sending your progeny into havedomhood.

What's more is anyone who is simply given vast sums of money on reaching 18 their life is set you would have thought. But what does that teach someone in experience??

What difference is being given vast sums of money, than being given a weekly allowance?

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 04:51 AM

Originally posted by Anti-Tyrant
1) If you think expanding the boundaries of the discussion beyond that of mere financial matters to be nonsense, then yes.

1) Asking if a Son is more/less important than a dog is a witless comparison that only a have-not would make.

2) My reference point is that i was using a situation outside of finances, and seeing as you appear to be unable to comprehend why i would do that, i'll do things your way;

Why do you assume that being a have strictly revolves around finances?

Like i said, there is no shared nature between the have and the have-nots, but i attempted to explain why by bringing in a matter outside of finance with the 'man and his dog' comparision.

Again, a very obtuse comparison.

It doesn't matter whether the man is rich or poor, if he loses his son he will suffer, and the same goes for the dog to a lesser extent.

But the thing is, it is not only the man who will suffer - if he has a wife or other children, they may also suffer.

Same goes for losing the dog.

Which is an example of those who have not suffering because the man who had lost.

You are playing on semantics of the word here, and coming up with absurdity that has nothing to do with the topic. A have is not someone with money and a have-not is not someone who has lost something. There are both descriptions that do not relate to anything material.


Sure, sure.

Whereas a man who had, for example; a few hundred thousand, could quite easily hire a taxi (or two).

Again, you are still looking at this from an absolute perspective. As a have-not yourself, I can understand while you think this; however, as a have, I can tell you that we worry about the price of jet fuel and personal pilots just as you worry about your couple of dollars for a taxi.

3) If you think that all i have stated is nothing but nonsense, then why exactly should i bother?

You should be asking yourself that question; however, I understand that the have-nots are uncapable of thinking for themselves.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 04:55 AM

Originally posted by chiponbothshoulders
This thread was started with psycho rabble,and that is where it will keep going.
I really do not understand what the point of the opening post was,it seems more to me,by the punctuation and word order,to have been started by a high school kid.
A "have not" been edumacated very well person.

Obviously a remark from a have-not who has never been to college, taken a simple speech class, nor has any intellect regarding textual expression.

Typical of a have not who doesn't understand - attack the person when all else fails. Primitive and barbaric. This is why you will be controlled. As an animal. Trained. Until you can live with the rest of the moralistic and intelligent world.

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 05:03 AM
Look, I dont care about the why or how son.....I just care about the me. Most people when the SHTF will freak out, bunker down and try and keep their family alive. I will do the same. However I DONT see this ever being a long term problem. Most people will BEG for government too come in and save them. Whoever is top dog will be able to round up the sheep no problem when they are hungry and cold. That will quickly bring the rest of us back into the fold umm err flock..whatever. because then those that choose too fight whatever evil we imagine or reality hands us will then be the enemy...the sheep will again be happy, dumb, and fat. Us nuts will again be nuts and American Idol and fast food can then be shoved down our throats for a price. Cha ching..(start playing PF MONEY here)

As for the above, Who knows...........I had a silver spoon jammed up my backside all my life, never really had to work for anything in life and I STILL found the road less traveled by........and it sucked..I am a have everything and it did seem a little odd too me as well. Back to my plasma and Cubana..burppppppppppppppppppppppppp

[edit on 27-4-2008 by TXMACHINEGUNDLR]

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