hi eh.. Marss. - Damn one S and 2 R's...
Hi Marrs - I think that was correct...
Funny lastname..
Basically I just want to know what role Nature has in Politics?
Do you have any idea - if Nature is really on the agenda or Not?
Like - Nature have some benefits the Human race could ...Benefit from.
Different kinds of food..Like Corn.
I heard the rich car companies and the Rich other companies - Make fields of corn for their car production..i mean..
What do you know about Nature Mr.Marrs
Could it help us?! in this struggle against silence..Of important words..
MAybe NAture is just waiting for the human race to become activated..
Like - Maybe the activation of the understanding of Nature...Is so important it could save the whole planet..
Maybe infact - that humans tend to like technology as much as it likes Nature - Could we combine Nàture in such a way?
And that way create unlimited freedom to the whole planet - If WE UNDERSTOOD nature i mean..
How do we understand somthing we are already Part of?!
How do we understand Nature?
Maybe we are build to combine nature and technologies..To create fredom and -- alot of fruit trees on this planet - requires all members of mankind -
To understand...
If we understand our part in nature - We would not need to fight anymore - Or lie to eachother...All lies would be told - and Our only rescue after
such a giant mental meltdown happens globally...
It will all begin... like..
Alternative media becomes - the only media on the whole planet..
We can already make TV shows from internet...
Now - What could mankind use TV and the internet data transfer possibilities for?
Communications wich could lead to EVEN more information - Wich wil increase the knowlegde of the humans of this planet...
Wich in the end will create Total peace...
I mean total war Stop! forever..
Or proberly a thousand years... Our only conflict in such a future Would be when we visit other planets...
High developed enteties cannot communicate our way these days...
Thats why they don't land and drink our beers and stuff..
Offcourse - And alien could enjoy beers..And offcourse humanity would keep making stuff... Like beers and perhaps soda...But i think those creatures
can't be drunk - im not sure...
Summer is comming -