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Where is Hugo Chaves now that oil is skyrocketing and the poor need a break at the gas pump?

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posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 12:22 PM
When Hugo stole the oil companies equipment billions of dollars worth, he use the excuse that stealing from others was ok if it helped the poor.

He did that when oil was half the price it is now. He is now raking in obscene amounts of money with current oil prices what they are.

Why doesn’t Hugo Robbing hood give the working class a break and buck the trend of the other oil producing countries? Heck, unlike the other countries and companies in the oil business he got all the oil production equipment worth trillions of dollars at a steal.

He has no investment; therefore, every dollar that comes into his country is pure profit. He can easily afford to rebate back some of those trillions of dollars that he sucks off the working class here in good old USA.

[edit on 25-4-2008 by gdeed]

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 09:08 AM
Hugo is living the good life, the life of a king. He travels around the world like a super star, throwing money around as if it grew on trees. He has more money than Midas, and everything he touches turns to gold, for him and his cronies that is.

But wait. Poverty in Venezuela has increased since he took over his country. People are running out of food and the bare necessities and the world is not hearing about these atrocities because Hugo Chaves owns the media in his country.

Well, the people did vote for him, he did tell them that he would control their lives; they knew who his friends were, Fidel Castro being his biggest buddy. They saw what Fidel did to his people; Castro turned a prosperous country into total and complete poverty overnight with his revolution to rid the country of those capitalist pigs.

Those capitalist pigs went elsewhere and created prosperity for others, and left the Cubans to live less than pigs.

That’s what you get when you vote into office a big brother or sister to take care of all your needs and problems, you get the big shaft.

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 09:47 AM
i know the chavez isn't a perfect leader....but a few comments are in order

1...when chavez was elected into office, he tried to negotiate a fairer split of the oil revenue, about the same percentage as saudi arabia was getting, which the large oil companies upon hearing, told him to shove it. when out of frustration, he threatened to confiscate the oil production, an american backed assasination attempt was tried. that would make him alittle defensive!!

2...he has put hundreds of small clinics in rural venesuela, staffed with with many thousands of more doctors to treat his poor people... and you know how that pisses off the oil companies and american government for wasting money like that.

3...and he has critizied the bush administration and american government AND calls on fidal castro for help!!!... of course, this means he needs to be nuked immediately.

do you get this type of stuff out of the neocon playbook!

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by gdeed

and your signature is also wrong...higher taxes in the european countries seems to be providing a hell of lot better living conditions for the people of those countries then in america. i find it amusing that the richer you are the more you whine and act like a cry baby about higher taxes. aren't the rich, the ones that tell the poor to buck it up and work harder and quit complaining? the wealthy act like a bunch of spoiled 2 yr olds

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by jimmyx
i know the chavez isn't a perfect leader....but a few comments are in order

He is more like a perfect dictator

1...when chavez was elected into office, he tried to negotiate a fairer split of the oil revenue, about the same percentage as saudi arabia was getting, which the large oil companies upon hearing, told him to shove it.

Yeah, it was like 90% for him and his cronies and 10% for the oil companies who put up “all” the investment money to build the oil wells. Now if that was your investment money he stole you might think differently.

when out of frustration, he threatened to confiscate the oil production, an american backed assasination attempt was tried. that would make him alittle defensive!!

That’s his lame story he concocted for his media empire, but the fact is if that were true he wouldn’t be living like a king as he is now, he would be hiding in the Venezuelan jungles fearing for his life.

2...he has put hundreds of small clinics in rural venesuela, staffed with with many thousands of more doctors to treat his poor people... and you know how that pisses off the oil companies and american government for wasting money like that.

Well that’s nice of him, that’s what most modern countries do for their citizens, but he uses it to bolster his propaganda machine. There are clinics on every corner in every city in America, everyone is covered, whether they can pay or not. That’s not a big deal in Capitalist countries, it apparently is in leftwing countries.

3...and he has critizied the bush administration and american government AND calls on fidal castro for help!!!... of course, this means he needs to be nuked immediately.

Hugo Chaves is no different from North Korea’s Kim Yong, who makes lots of noise simply for attention and to impress their own impoverished people, to distract them from their hellish living conditions.

They are both spoiled leftwing dictators who wouldn’t qualify to run a car wash if they had to live in the real world and create things on their own.

[edit on 26-4-2008 by gdeed]

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by jimmyx

You are certainly doing a heck of a lot of whining, are you one of those rich people?

I’m certainly not rich and was poor most of my life, so does that make me a poor whiny guy?

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 10:26 AM
Hugo Chavez has twice the heart as any Western leader. Just because Mr Chavez refuses to be a puppet for the USA and gives to the poor instead of the rich.

The only people who hate Chavez are the rich and the corporate elites. The USA even tried to remove him from office in the failed coup in 2001.

Chavez is helping his people. There's nothing wrong with that. It will take many years of investment to fix the damage of many years of rape by the greedy elites. I respect Chavez for his stance.

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by gdeed

I think the question should be Were are the filthy rich wealthy oil barons of American and what they are doing to help the poor with the raising oil prices.

[edit on 26-4-2008 by marg6043]

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by paul76
Hugo Chavez has twice the heart as any Western leader. Just because Mr Chavez refuses to be a puppet for the USA and gives to the poor instead of the rich.

Hugo is a puppet master over his people, he runs the whole show, and doesn’t trust anyone to run anything in his country. Just like his buddy Fidel Castro who destroyed Cuba, So will Hugo destroy Venezuela

The only people who hate Chavez are the rich and the corporate elites. The USA even tried to remove him from office in the failed coup in 2001.

The people who hate Chaves increasingly are his own people they will despise him more and more each day once they realize what he really is.

Chavez is helping his people. There's nothing wrong with that.

Stalin, Hitler, Castro, Kim Yong have also helped their people, into perpetual poverty.

It will take many years of investment to fix the damage of many years of rape by the greedy elites. I respect Chavez for his stance.

The only people raping Venezuela are Hugo Chaves and his rich cronies. The rich cronies ran off the competition. Hugo hates competition, now he doesn't have any, and he and his rich cronies are very happy, and very rich.

[edit on 26-4-2008 by gdeed]

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 11:56 AM
reply to post by gdeed

He will not give the people any rebates or money back. He will spend it on the military and any good dictator does. He wants to stay in power for life.

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by Brothers
He will not give the people any rebates or money back. He will spend it on the military and any good dictator does. He wants to stay in power for life.

Chaves has never hidden that fact, that he wants and will be president for life, and yet the people voted him into power. Something wrong with that picture.

Anyone that wants to rule over a country for life is certainly an egomaniac and a tyrant in sheep clothing.

[edit on 28-4-2008 by gdeed]

posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 06:45 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
I think the question should be Were are the filthy rich wealthy oil barons of American and what they are doing to help the poor with the raising oil prices.

Welfare in America cost billions of dollars every year, not to mention all the other costs like the government, and those who work for the government.

That money comes from corporations, the ones that make money that is. Without corporations and their moneymaking abilities there would be no money for government agencies and those living free on welfare would have to find another way to support their free lifestyles.

Filthy rich corporations are where “most” of the money comes from to run things here in America. The rest is from small mom and pop corporations. Once money is created then jobs are created.

[edit on 29-4-2008 by gdeed]

posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by gdeed

He's helping his own countrymen. Helping America isn't really one of his goals, though he has offered to sell us gas at a great discount compared to what we're paying.

posted on Apr, 30 2008 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by ianr5741
He's helping his own countrymen.

Hugo Chaves is a Fidel Castro clone.

If you think Castro was good for Cuba then yes, Chaves will also be good for Venezuela in the same way. People in Third world countries don’t need a good standard of living I guess.

Helping America isn't really one of his goals, though he has offered to sell us gas at a great discount compared to what we're paying.

Many people make offers they have no intentions of doing. All of us know such people.

In Hugo’s case he did it for political mileage, knowing that he wouldn’t ever have to put up the goods. The guy is a smart tyrant, as was Fidel.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 07:21 AM
At least all the money Hugo is making off our backs has a positive side effect, less traffic on the roads. I guess every cloud does have a silver lining.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 07:40 AM
gdeed is full of crap. Chavez people get their gas at 12 cents a gallon, and our own bostonians get oil at 1/3 price in winter to help heat their houses. Poverty has gone DOWN while chavez was in office, until the coup that the US attempted. Hugo doesnt control the media in his country, the United States does.
Now to the corporations, you obviously know nothing about our national income. The corporations which make 90 percent of our countries profit only contribute 340 billion in taxes each year. Income tax of the regular folks however (mostly the middle class) accounts for 900 billion each year, so just in case you dont understand what i just said, the rich elite composing of 90 percent of the countries profit provide only 1/4 of our governments annual income, while the average taxpayer living paycheck to paycheck provides half.
This is inspite of the fact that billions of those tax dollars actually go to FUNDING those corporations, or bailing them out....while NO tax dollars go to funding average citizens, or bailing them out of foreclosures or bankruptcy. Why? because our country has a double standard. Our citizens are left to their own devices in a purely capitalist society, while at the same time, our corporations have Socialized losses, but privatized profits. Hows that happen in a representative government? oh, yeah, IT DOESNT! we live in a corporate dictatorship where our medical system is the most expensive in the world, 75% of bankruptcies are from medical costs, and 50% of those are people WITH insurance! and yet our medical care is worse than Cuba.

It is not fidel who destroyed cuba, it is the UNITED STATES who has aggressively attacked any nation where a popular socialist uprising has taken place. It all started when the cubans decided to throw off the spanish so they could rule themselves. America offered to help, and after we chased off the spanish, then WE tried to take over. Since then we have attempted coups, assassinations, terrorist actions, sanctions, and cuba has managed to survive it all. No surprise that Castro got a bit paranoid, but i gotta give him props for holding up so well against such a massively powerful and aggressive neighbor. Fast forward to Chavez, who has a weekly tv show where anyone can call in and hold him accountable and as he explains his policies to his constituents. Doesnt sound like a dictator to me. Nor does increased health care, education, hes even formed co-ops where all the local citizens get together to form local law in community. If he was TRULY a dictator, his last proposals would never have been voted down because TRUE dictators would have rigged the system. He didnt attempt to rule for life, he attempted to have the right to be RE elected many times. But that still gives the people the right to vote him out.
Plus Chavez and cuba have put together one of the largest medical aid organizations in the world, and they send cuban and venezuelan doctors and nurses all over in times of crisis....AND he provides cheap loans and Cheaper gas to all his neighboring countries to help the get out of the tyrannical heel of the world bank and the IMF, who would have these countries be slaves to corporate power and subjugate all their natural resources. Nuff said.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 07:51 AM

Hugo Chavez Plans Tax on Oil Sales Above $70 a Barrel

"Because of high oil prices, oil companies have excessive earnings that go beyond reasonable levels of profitability," Legislator Angel Rodriguez told state news agency ABN.

"One way to distribute them to our people, who are the owners of the oil, is to create this tax." The windfall tax will take 50 percent of oil revenue above $70 per barrel, Rodriguez said, and an additional 60 percent of revenue over $100 per barrel.

Sounds like he is doing more than most.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by pexx421
gdeed is full of crap.

The height of leftwing intelligence when it comes to debating

Plus Chavez and cuba have put together one of the largest medical aid organizations in the world, and they send cuban and venezuelan doctors and nurses all over in times of crisis

Well certainly Hugo takes credit for that but all of it is paid for from the oil he sells to us Americans, which funds most of his leftwing economy.

Why don’t he take his oil and keep it down south? Because he needs our money to keep poverty away from Venezuela , but poverty is coming to Venezuela like it has to all leftwing regimes. Nuff said.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by Karlhungis

Hugo Chavez Plans Tax on Oil Sales Above $70 a Barrel

"Because of high oil prices, oil companies have excessive earnings that go beyond reasonable levels of profitability," Legislator Angel Rodriguez told state news agency ABN.

"One way to distribute them to our people, who are the owners of the oil, is to create this tax." The windfall tax will take 50 percent of oil revenue above $70 per barrel, Rodriguez said, and an additional 60 percent of revenue over $100 per barrel.

Sounds like he is doing more than most.

Stalin did the same thing, yet Russia, (USSR) became a stagnant cesspool of leftwing poverty, but they did manage to build thousands of nuclear warheads in hopes of spreading their leftwing poverty around the world.

[edit on 27-5-2008 by gdeed]

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 08:10 AM
name one left wing regime that poverty came to that wasnt constantly fending off the United states. There hasnt been a single leftist regime that has been left on its own to succeed or fail on its own merits. If, however, you look at EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY the US has been involved in, panama, el salvador, columbia, anywhere where we push our free market, any where we support some petty dictator or military regime, you see a country stuck in the third world, where there is a vast gap between the rich minority and the poor destitute majority, and you see MASSIVE human rights abuses.

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