posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 06:59 AM
Hydrogen has one proton, one electron. The building block of the universe. Hydrogen plus Oxygen = water.
Oxygen causes rust, or generates oxidization.
Hydrogen cause water, or generates water.
Earth, with it's moon, is unique in that is has only one, and the only moon
in the universe that we know of that is not named by science.
The Earth and the single moon, make up the hydrogen atom, therefore earth is mostly water and oxygen.
Humans, are mostly water and oxygen, and therefore made up from the element of earth.
If we don't drink water, or take in elements through food, we dry up and return back to dust.
It's what holds us together, that I find fascinating. Electricity, gravity, whatever you want to call it, there is intelligence in it. The more I
understand it, the deeper the rabbit hole goes.
I would go deeper to suggest that thought is creating matter by sending out electromagnetic pulses which cause protons and electrons to "come
together" to form molecules, and therefore we can manifest objects, situations if we actually believed we could.
Jesus said, "with faith, anything is possible". I would suggest, faith is simply believing, and therefore we are only limited by what we believe we
can do.
Now, how important is our thoughts to us? I would suggest, very important.
[edit on 26-4-2008 by cutbothways]
[edit on 26-4-2008 by cutbothways]