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Hoodwinked at Shanksville: Fairy Tail

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posted on May, 2 2008 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by im_being_censored

Originally posted by ClashWhoSomerset County Coroner Wallace Miller. Let me guess, he's in on it, too, right?

Who told him?

Who told him? He does the telling. He's the coroner. He was in charge of identifying the remains.

posted on May, 2 2008 @ 12:36 PM

Originally posted by ClashWho
Who told him? He does the telling. He's the coroner. He was in charge of identifying the remains.

So Miller personally identified the remains of ALL of the UA93's alleged 44 passengers? Did he do this in his home town, or did he fly to Dover AFB to do it?

posted on May, 3 2008 @ 02:20 AM

Originally posted by im_being_censored

Originally posted by ClashWho
Who told him? He does the telling. He's the coroner. He was in charge of identifying the remains.

So Miller personally identified the remains of ALL of the UA93's alleged 44 passengers? Did he do this in his home town, or did he fly to Dover AFB to do it?

He did it along with his staff. Why would he have to go to Dover AFB to do it? And how on Earth could the Air Force have gotten the DNA of a bunch of people that boarded an airplane less than ninety minutes earlier and transported it to a fake crash site? And what would be the point of faking the crash, anyway?

And what do you mean "alleged"? Are you even doubting the reality of the victims? Are they all fake? And no journalist in the entire world has been able to figure that out? Do you know how easy it is for a journalist to verify the reality of those people? I suppose this whole conspiracy is hanging by a thread as the conspirators (hundreds of them, apparently) wring their hands in fear that someday some journalist will research that list and realize the whole thing is a fraud. Funny that hasn't happened, yet. Oh, wait, that's because they are all real people confirmed by the Associated Press. Is the Associated Press in on it, too?

Go to that website. Look at the victims of Flight 93. Click on their names and read about them. All of them. Read the testimonials. Is it all a fraud?

[edit on 3-5-2008 by ClashWho]

posted on May, 7 2008 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by ClashWho
He did it along with his staff. Why would he have to go to Dover AFB to do it?

Officials said Willy only ID's 14 passengers. The rest were done by "DNA" at Dover.

And how on Earth could the Air Force have gotten the DNA of a bunch of people that boarded an airplane less than ninety minutes earlier and transported it to a fake crash site?

Who said they recovered all the DNA at the site??? If you are one of the DNA specialists at Dover and I bring you a box full of DNA, could you tell where I got all the DNA from?

And what do you mean "alleged"? Are you even doubting the reality of the victims? Are they all fake?

They didn't crash at Shanksville and that's all I care about.

Now, what's up with that missing tail section?!

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 10:19 AM
No plane crashed in Shanksville on 911.

The Shankville crater site was to be the site of a mock hijacking, crash simulation.

The crater was caused by cruise missile or bomb.

As you can see that there is no evidence that a Commercial Airliner crashed in Shanksville on 911. No Vertticle Stabilizer scar, no wing scar, nothing but a 10x30ft, 6ft deep bomb crater.

The official story concerning Flight 93 has been official debunked. It is a matter of time before we start hanging the perps and the people who LIE for them.

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by IvanZana
It is a matter of time before we start hanging the perps and the people who LIE for them.


If we could get our hands on OBL, I'd be all for it.

Or did you have someone else in mind?

posted on May, 8 2008 @ 11:55 PM
Seymour Butz, we have a faint impression of a 757 Vert Stab connected to the Shanksville crater, yet no trace of a 757 tail.


posted on May, 9 2008 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by im_being_censored
Seymour Butz, we have a faint impression of a 757 Vert Stab connected to the Shanksville crater, yet no trace of a 757 tail.


Sure thing. Easy to explain with a little logical thinking.

The tail is not as strong as say, the wings, since they don't "hold up" the plane in flight. Some pilots here have given their expertise about this.

The plane flew into the ground at what, 500 mph?

The tail disintegrated when it hit the ground. All that was left is pieces that perhaps an expert could id as coming from the tail. To the first responders, it looked like a pile of junk. Photos are not of sufficent quality to id them.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 12:37 PM
The Shankville crater site was to be the site of a mock hijacking, crash simulation.

The crater was caused by cruise missile or bomb.

You see... Debunkers say that there is 'visible' cartoon imprint of a plane but they are 100 percent wrong. The crater is in an old weathered 'earthworks' scar that has grass growing out of it and the verticle stabilizer 'scar' is not even a scar as you can see in the picture, it was also present prior to 911.

So all thats left is a missile/bomb crater.

Debunkers, listen, There is no more need for you to attempt to derail or cover up the facts with fantastic unrealistic theories on how you believe a plane crashed in Shanksville when all the evidence proves one didnt.

Go about your lives and live honestly and love your neighbours as yourself for they are you. Dont waste your time anylonger on conspiracy forums fighting a losing battle.

Get out and enjoy the sun.

[edit on 9-5-2008 by IvanZana]

[edit on 9-5-2008 by IvanZana]

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by Seymour Butz
The plane flew into the ground at what, 500 mph?

The tail disintegrated when it hit the ground. All that was left is pieces that perhaps an expert could id as coming from the tail. To the first responders, it looked like a pile of junk. Photos are not of sufficent quality to id them.

It was actually said to have crashed at 580mph. If the tail struck so hard that it "disintegrated when it hit the ground," how did it only leave a FAINT impression in the ground as if the tail section was lowered gently on the ground and it's own weight left an outline of itself in the grass:

Btw, why are non of the "disintegrated tail pieces" seen on the immediate outside of the crater? Did they all just "happen" to land inside the small crater after striking at 580mph?!?

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by im_being_censored

It was actually said to have crashed at 580mph. If the tail struck so hard that it "disintegrated when it hit the ground," how did it only leave a FAINT impression in the ground as if the tail section was lowered gently on the ground and it's own weight left an outline of itself in the grass:

Btw, why are non of the "disintegrated tail pieces" seen on the immediate outside of the crater? Did they all just "happen" to land inside the small crater after striking at 580mph?!?

1- I see now. You're referring to THAT as a faint impression....? Look again, I think the vertical stabilizer would have to be 50' long to make that impression. Obviously, you're wrong about that then, agreed?

Another point here - why doesn't your photo show the green grass in it like Ivan's? Maybe his has been altered, eh?

2- The tail pieces, along with other parts, were scattered all over the place, not inside the frame of your photo. 580 mph ( thanks for the correction ) would lend a lot of momentum for that, agreed?

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 02:20 PM

"It came in low over the trees and started wobbling," said Tim Thornsberg, a resident of Somerset County, who was working near an old strip mine when he saw the plane.

"Then it just rolled over and was flying upside down for a few seconds ... and then it kind of stalled and did a nose dive over the trees. It was just unreal to see something like that."

There goes the " It was going so fast when it hit the ground" rubbish!

It almost stalled.

Asfar as the plane vapourizing, can you explain the terrorist passpost surrviving aswell as the boxcutter?

but then....

"The biggest pieces you could find were probably four feet [long]. Most of the pieces you could put into a shopping bag, and there were clothes hanging from the trees."

Bull roar... so the plane vapurized and clothes are hanging from the trees which has been proven a lie.

SO there goes more eyewitnesses.

Got to go poop.... bbiab

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by Seymour Butz

1- looks to be the correct dimensions for a 757 vert stab to me:

It's even wider at the base where it connects to the fuselage and narrow at the top. So looks to be an impression from a 757's vert stab, agreed?

So how did the vert stab go "poof," yet only left a faint impression of itself in the grass? That would defy the laws of physics, agreed?

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by IvanZana

"It came in low over the trees and started wobbling," said Tim Thornsberg, a resident of Somerset County, who was working near an old strip mine when he saw the plane.

"Then it just rolled over and was flying upside down for a few seconds ... and then it kind of stalled and did a nose dive over the trees. It was just unreal to see something like that."

Got to go poop....

1- Hilarious. The evidence that proves to Ivan that a cruise missle or a bomb made the crater is an eyewitness that saw the plane hit.......


posted on May, 9 2008 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by im_being_censored

1- looks to be the correct dimensions for a 757 vert stab to me:
It's even wider at the base where it connects to the fuselage and narrow at the top. So looks to be an impression from a 757's vert stab, agreed?

So how did the vert stab go "poof," yet only left a faint impression of itself in the grass? That would defy the laws of physics, agreed?

1- Nope, it's not. Not only that,but in this latest photo .... it's crooked. How could that happen?

2- Again, you're mistaken about that line being an impression.

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by Seymour Butz

Good question. But a better question is what caused that imprint that looks to be the size and shape of a 757's vertical stab? You can also see an impression to the left of it that looks to be the size and shape of a 757's left stab. What caused that? Is it just a GIANT coincidence there are two impressions in the ground that look like the vert & left stabs of Flight 93 would have struck?

If you are still going to say those impression are not from Flight 93's tail section, the just where did its tail section hit the ground which caused it to "disintegrate" so small we can't see it?

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by im_being_censored

Good question.

If you are still going to say those impression are not from Flight 93's tail section, the just where did its tail section hit the ground which caused it to "disintegrate" so small we can't see it?

1- sorry, no hand waving the question away. Think it through about how the impression that you are saying is the vertical stabilizer is NOT perpindicular to the wing imprint. The only answer is that it is not a vertical stabilizer.

2- inside the hole. In your 1st drawing, you have an outline of what you think is the fuselage, and the stabilizer extending from there. The stabilizer hit where you have the top of the fuselage, and caused the slightly oblong part of the crater in that area. This massive strike is what caused the stabilizer to disintegrate. And again, the small pieces are scattered all over the place. 580 mph again, ok? I could draw up a photo of that I guess, but I don't have the inclination to do so, sorry. If you want to mark one up, feel free to do so and I'll say if you've got my thoughts down correctly.

Curious - what do you think of Ivan's photo showing that ridiculous green swath through it. Doesn't it look altered to you?

Also consider this - he's been saying that a cruise missle or a bomb created the crater. How could there be green grass growing through it under THAT scenario?

Don't these 2 ridiculous discrepancies tell you that perhaps some of these "truthers" are less than truthful?

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by Seymour Butz

1- Ok fine, but if that impression is not from any part of Flight 93's tail, THEN WHAT CAUSED IT???

2- Please draw us a simple diagram as to where you think 93's vert stab hit, because were you seem to say it hit is impossible.

3- Here's the color scheme of a UA 757's tail:

Please show me at least ONE piece of tail debris that has that color scheme.

4- I'm not sure where he got that pic. perhaps a snapshot from a video caused the green strip.

5- Green grass growing?

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by im_being_censored

1- Ok fine, but if that impression is not from any part of Flight 93's tail, THEN WHAT CAUSED IT???

2- Please draw us a simple diagram as to where you think 93's vert stab hit, because were you seem to say it hit is impossible.

3- Here's the color scheme of a UA 757's tail:
Please show me at least ONE piece of tail debris that has that color scheme.

4- I'm not sure where he got that pic. perhaps a snapshot from a video caused the green strip.

5- Green grass growing?

1- it was there before the crash

2- no thanks. i see it fine and I have little interest in going to the trouble of doing that

3- the tail debris has broken into pieces too small to be able to identify it as such in any photos

4- so when you compare it to any of the other shots he's put up, and others have put up, and none of them show the green, this doesn't raise any questions as to the validity of the photo? And the absolute uniformity and parallel growing strip also doesn't raise any q's? Interesting.....

5- from his own statements

posted on May, 9 2008 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by Seymour Butz

1- So just to be clear, you are saying that faint impression in the grass that looks to be the shape of a 757's vert stab was NOT made by UA93's tail, correct?

2- Sounds like you are not confident of your "tail mark inside the crater" theory. I don't blame you though.

3- What a "coincidence," huh?

4- Not sure what you are getting at and that seems to be yours and IV's problem.

5- See #4.

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