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I served in a USAF Helicopter squadron in Vietnam

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posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 01:41 PM
Members please return to topic.

No more off topic comments and snipes at each other

Failure to do so will result in heavy moderation of off topic remarks which may include warnings.

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
Members please return to topic.

No more off topic comments and snipes at each other

Failure to do so will result in heavy moderation of off topic remarks which may include warnings.

just close the thread. stop telling people what to talk about...

just close it. people want to speak their minds and if you dont like it as a "MOD" , close the thread...

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by jbondo
reply to post by Cuhail

What say you start a thread and tell us some of these hair curling stories of yours? (Or direct us to them if they already exist)


YES PLEASE!!! Cuhail, start another thread about the stories you have. I would love to hear about them!

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 04:42 PM
So the OP has yet to answer any questions. Im sorry to all the members for coming across rude. I re-read my posts and can see how I was taken thay way.

So to everyone a big im sorry. For the on topic part here.... I guess we wait a little longer for answers???? Just seems like there wont be. But thats gut speaking. I guess we wait....

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 05:24 PM
by saying that about 2012, I'm guessing u know something, mind sharing?

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by cajunhornet58

I have been trying all day to get to this thread, glad I finally did.

Thanks for sharing your observations, I am sorry it caused your friend grief to be surrounded by well wondering friends.

At that time in history the gov was on its last leg to keep it all silent.

Although your OP was a real teaser, I can understand why you felt to share your information.

Did you personally ever experience anything unusual in NAM? Or even since then?

And what is your interprtation of your friends silence when surrounded by the curious?

Thankyou for serving, and now I will read this entire thread, up until now I have only read the OP.

One more question, are you well or do you suffer from physical ailments from your past?

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by Amaterasu

Interesting story.

I've often wondered how I would react or what I'd do if I'd been working in secret areas etc. and I actually come down to either taking it to the grave from fear of being kill or something like that or... caugh it up to a random person at a random time.

If questionable things were going on around my workplace or the were things that shouldn't be kept from the public I would eventually cave in and have need to tell someone.
It seems more safe spilling it on strangers than on family and friends.
Strangers would either think you're old nut or you'd never see them again... like the guy in your story.

We need more martyrs... people who'll disclose no matter the cost.

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by flice
reply to post by Amaterasu

Interesting story.

I've often wondered how I would react or what I'd do if I'd been working in secret areas etc. and I actually come down to either taking it to the grave from fear of being kill or something like that or... caugh it up to a random person at a random time.

If questionable things were going on around my workplace or the were things that shouldn't be kept from the public I would eventually cave in and have need to tell someone.
It seems more safe spilling it on strangers than on family and friends.
Strangers would either think you're old nut or you'd never see them again... like the guy in your story.

We need more martyrs... people who'll disclose no matter the cost.

i feel like we had that with that no_one817. not the zx guy. but no one came and answered questions. he apparently provided evidence to the three amigos. and now what? nothing. the thread sits in skunkworks with no one caring. which is fine. but i think every now and then someone legit comes and they get bashed away. i dont have a link but no ones thread is on like page 2 or 3 of skunkworks.

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 06:10 PM
Excellent thread, Op look forward to your return, you have some of the best of the best watching your back, so ignore the negative posts and move forward please. You seem like a very interesting guy and I am glad you came on board.

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 06:13 PM

Originally posted by antar
Excellent thread, Op look forward to your return, you have some of the best of the best watching your back, so ignore the negative posts and move forward please. You seem like a very interesting guy and I am glad you came on board.

i was one of the negs, but what i ask and say cant be ignored. the op has yet to come back and answer. so we wait.

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by bknapple

No offence, but your opening post was kinda harsh. I know I can be same too sometimes it's just easier to see others do it...

But on the other hand he maybe just needed to say it... for himself. Who knows.

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by flice
reply to post by bknapple

No offence, but your opening post was kinda harsh. I know I can be same too sometimes it's just easier to see others do it...

But on the other hand he maybe just needed to say it... for himself. Who knows.

you are right. And I realized that and apologized today for it. I was rather quick. But I went off my gut and so now I take a step back and reserve judgement. But the longer we wait, the more of a skeptic I become.

I still think that no one thread is worth getting resolved. but thats the last ill talk about that. on topic. i want to see how long it takes the op to come up with answers to very very easy questions for ATS standards

[edit on 25-4-2008 by bknapple]

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by bknapple

i want to see how long it takes the op to come up with answers to very very easy questions for ATS standards

I, honestly, don't see how the questions you asked, matter. At least to him. He already shared what he knew, or heard. The questions you asked justify nothing to anyone but you. I don't need the questions you asked answered.
The intense grilling some members feel they need to apply to new members is usually counter-productive to the reason they do it -
to expose a flaw in the story. BUT, most liars trip themselves up with their own tongue.
GIVE them the rope, they'll use it.
The grilling will rarely get hoaxers AND will alienate new members coming out of their shell. Why risk it.
I pray this man comes back, if only to see that other members took an interest in his retelling and takes the time to focus on that and not the negative "put up or shut up" attitude.

It's an awesome topic.


posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 08:17 PM
I think some people forget that sometimes life can get in the way of ATS
I know, hard to believe since ATS should be first

It is quite easy to have some free time, get online, make a post...and oooopppssss....something happens and you cant get back online for hours or days. That could be kids, a family emergency, your job, your computer crashes, your ISP craps out, a huge UFO crashes into your house....

So, as much as we want to hurry up and hear more...sometimes our free time is not allotted to others

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by cajunhornet58

Simple question regarding the helicopter, was it the CH-3E or a Huey? Also if you don't mind letting us know what base and squadron would be a big plus.

As for the area 51 part, it's possible that he had a friend that did. Even I have worked with a person that was there many years but they didn't say much about the place nor what was there. So cut the op some slack until you have proof to cry [HOAX].

There have been those who complain about his spelling. Now if his post name has anything to do with his background and he is Cajun then his main language might be creole. Yep worked with a Cajun too and spelling was not one of his strong points. Some times we had to ask for a translation.

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

i agree with you... greeneye...nice avatar by the way....but if a person starts an interesting thread like this one, more detail in his opening post would have lead to a more thoughtful discussion. i think most responders are just frustrated from a lack of followup info, rather then the validity of the initial story itself.

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 02:13 AM
This is highly amusing....

A poster (newbie) comes on and makes a statement without anything to back it up... the ONLY post ever on ATS BTW... and here we are on page three and no word from the OP on anything...

Whether it be a true story or not is moot at this point... until he comes back to at least talk about it... I wonder how long this thread will get?

[edit on 26-4-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 02:37 AM
I don't know what I sensed reading this post, but I DO sense a probe coming on...
and not in a good way either.

Either he served there or not, doesn't matter.
The point is,

Is it true or what he is telling you is true?

Are you just looking for attention?

Where's the proof?

Why are you risking your butt to tell some people on the net who don't know you in real life, that there is bug eyed E.Ts out near Sin City, let alone betray your buddy's trust like that?

And why am I wasting my time responding to this post?

I should be sleep by now...


Rant off.

[edit on 26-4-2008 by Ihavenoidea]

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 02:44 AM
I went camping at Area 51 in college w/ a bud for our 'senior trip'. it is so rad and i encourage people to try it.

well the govt might not like it but there's HUGE mtns so you can't see anything anyways.

and it's doubtful with all the other big remote open spaces in the world that they'd still use it for much.


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