reply to post by dr_strangecraft
I always do enjoy your posts Dr. Strangecraft, I hope I add well to your thread here.
See here, my boys: See what a world of ground
Lies Westward from the midst of Cancer's Line,
Unto the rising of this Earthly globe;
Whereas the sun, declining with our sight,
Begins the day with our Antipodes,
And from th' Antarctic Pole Eastward behold,
As much more land, which never ws described,
Wherein are rocks of pearl that shine as bright
as all the lamps that beautify the sky!
And shall I die, and this unconquered. - Marlowe describing General Bonaparte -
An interesting poem, that without understanding its backward is just jumbled words on words with little meaning. But masked behind their clandestine
innocence is the true nature of Humanity, the path we travel and the future of our destinies.
Empires, the greatest kingdoms, and all Nations suffer strife of some kind, and like you Strange, I enjoy the study of how Civilizations decline, but
more specifically, what is Civilization, what defines it, and if disrupted, its consequences.
In France's case, it was a powerful nation that fell unto its self through internal strife. All it then took was one powerful and charismatic leader
to step forward and take a previously desecrated society and lead a war to ravage the world.
In America's case we are a vortex, a black whole of unimaginable gravity. Everything in the world is tied to us, everything is pulled to us, and
everything revolves around us. Maybe not our people, and we may be despised, and we may not be trusted, but the simple factor remains - we are
And without that absolute NEED we would have fell long before, but as of now the only reason things have not yet unraveled the very thread of our
society is simply because the economic power we hold is so powerful that it literally keeps us together like glue.
A conceded remark, perhaps, arrogant, maybe, but nonetheless it is a fact.
As our Dollar deteriorates and the powers of the world shift and in motion the centers of influence in the world are changing, America its self
looses, bit by bit the economic power they once had, culminating in the 1990's, our peak or last Golden Age if you will of prosperity has passed.
Now is the time of the East.
Long has the West dominated the world, and America filled the vacuume when the Cannibalistic Europeans destroyed themselves, but now, the power has
rested on the shoulders of American's for to long, eventually it is packed so tightly that more and more wealth, production, means of intelligence
and innovation move out, a consumer society that survives now on spending money to stay afloat, where such a large portion of our economy is service
related to our own people.
China, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Africa, South America, all of these places are unexploited, not used to their potential by any means, and as
more and more industry moves out of the West, into the East, a snowball effect is the only logical outcome.
However, this is no easy, no abrupt event.. most typically nations on the decline become increasingly unstable, to the point of insanity at points.
No Kingdom, Nation, Empire, what have you has ever just stopped being a world power, and sulked off into the shadows to be forgotten.
It is not as Eliot says
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
Because he was not talking of revolutions, a shift in global power, nor the end of the world.
He was talking of failed revolutions.. how a revolutionary plotted his attack against the institution, and instead of coming out on top, was executed,
Guy Fawkes Whimper.
In all reality if America collapses, and it will eventually, or at the very minimum, a very big transformation into a new entity, not unlike Rome into
an Empire.. it will be with the most explosive and powerful bang one could imagine.
Like France, in my opening, the United States represents awesome power, the likes of which have never been seen by man.. in the event that power
erodes our efficiency to keep order in such a vast land, one could only imagine the terror America could inflict where it to "fall into the wrong
Rome, which America mirrors rather astonishingly, was weak at the point where the Republic moved into a phase we recognize as the Empire.. they
expanded, spent to much money, over taxed her people, and where being attacked on all fronts..
Like America, our Republic has expanded economically to the point that unless there is a drastic change in policy poverty and social decline will
accelerate, we are seen as weak, a dieing power, our people's finances stretched to the breaking point and our financial institutions in a state of
urgency. It would not be impossible then for America to enter a stage where we transition from one form of government, and foreign policy, into
another, one of aggression, war, and a completely different mind set. Not to differently then Rome, or France..
But I do understand what you mean, Strange, that civilizations even the most powerful can succumb to otherwise menial reasons, however, after many a
new order is established, and something more powerful, organized and efficient replaces it.
An endless cycle through the ages, as one civilization dies, from its ashes rises another who learned, or did not learn, the lessons of their
One of my favorite poets W. B. Yeats wrote this:
Things fall apart, the centre cannot hold,
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned,
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.
Quite honestly when you look at the world, it is sad when you first come to understand that before there is but one system to save us, and that is
materialism, and when we spend our selves into destruction, there is nothing left to save us.