posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 10:52 AM
I am the author of 9/11 truth novel "The Yogi Footballer" - I have written a quick bio in the new members section if you want to know more:
But yeah, I first lobbied my MP in the UK in October 2001 re 9/11, and I believe I was the first 9/11 truther in the UK to give a public talk on
As well as reading extensively, I contacted the FBI press office in 2002 to asked about hijackers being alive. This story was on, but some
of you may not have been into 9/11 that much time ago.
I asked their press officer why they were listing people on their web site as still alive, when the BBC, Guardian and Telegraph had reported that a
number were still very much alive and well.
There was a monumentally long silence, maybe minutes, and the press officer got back on the line.
"It's because many of them have common names, like John Smith in English".
So there you have it, it was all a mix up to do with names, and not stolen passports or anything. Note that he admitted that some were still
I then asked a follow up question.
"So why then are you ALSO showing the photographs of people who are still alive, along with their names?"
The press officer slammed the phone down on me.
I will leave you to draw your own conclusions - but that was from the horses mouth in 2002.
Peace and all power to you all