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Its Time We all Help Push For The Disclosure Of Ufos/ETVs

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posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 09:33 PM
I think it is time we all pushed this subject not only on ATS via debates but in our everyday lives outside this site.

Lets bring the subject up more via discussions with our families, friends and associates.

Pass on any information we have tucked away be it photos, videos or text by hand or via Email attachments.

I accasionly send a Utube or other link via Email to friends, if and when I can find one thats not CGI.

Many of us who talk openly about this subject in public do and will be looked upon as a nut or a dreamer, but these people are now few and far between as the old narrow minded attitudes towards this subject are dying out quickly.

I have found its much better to have the more scientific approach and steer right away from the religious side. If we have friends drop round I may put on Fastwalkers or Out Of The Blue dvd, or loan out The Day After Roswell book.

There must be many members of ATS who have or previously had Military back ground who can share a few stories or has something tucked away in the closet that needs sharing out.

I hope this thread turns out to be very productive.

Over to You!

[edit on 23-4-2008 by Bob Down Under]

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 11:06 PM
Your post caught my eye because I think about this every day... - I have told everyone I know ever since I first saw the video, & it made me shake with anger, & VERY excited that there was confirmation of alternative energy & aliens. - As Steven Greer said: 'The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off' ...

- What pissed me off even more is that I received no reply from the local newscasters about my request for them to have it reported, & the same thing goes on day after day, because nobody has access to the need to know info, so that is why I have broken down the audio of the video into the key parts, & it's only 13 minutes long! - PERFECT for the average Joe! - It's also perfect for mixing with electronic music, to get the word out (really late than what should be, but let's get going! - The time is NOW!

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 12:03 AM
I have a hard drive full of government documents and reports I've written based on them specifically for my friends, family, and anyone who'll listen and take the time to review what I have. Never do I come away without a wide-eyed reaction from these people. You show people the truth, they will listen. No matter how much or how little, you have to present the truth.

[edit on 24-4-2008 by projectvxn]

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 10:48 AM
Well i have tried to open up the subject on another mainstream forum and am being laughed off:

When you get people as closed minded as that, you know you have an uphill struggle on your hands. Shame really as humanity needs to wake up NOW !!

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by Wirral Bagpuss
Well i have tried to open up the subject on another mainstream forum and am being laughed off:

When you get people as closed minded as that, you know you have an uphill struggle on your hands. Shame really as humanity needs to wake up NOW !!

What do you expect from British people? most of them are still very narrow minded and snobs.
I no because I was born there, then moved to Oz when I was 29.

[edit on 24-4-2008 by Bob Down Under]

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by Bob Down Under

No matter how much we kick and scream...the goverments in the know and the military industrial complex will never disclose the truth. do you really expect them to admit that they have been lying and covering up what is really going on ? even if a major ufo/alien event happened they will still not tell you about the past and they probably will say this is new to them.

i believe disclosure will happen but it will not be the truth. i also believe that this disclosure that they come up with will be used against us. disclosure will probably be used to try and unite the world and help to usher in the NEW WORLD ORDER.

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 08:29 PM
Bob, It's not going to happen. It is too big a threat to all Religions, Governments and the major of people on this planet, inclusive of the elite and those that own nd control most everything. The reasons are many but maybe most important, material wealth and personal status means nothing to any of the non-human beings here. They have worked with the military in order to get a better grasp and control to in effect limit the military of all nations, particularly where WMDs are concerned. A bum down at the beach is as significant as R. Murdock; some old black woman in New Orleans may be as significant as G.W. Bush where the ETs are concerned and subsequently, this terrifies many people. This site and others have been a grass root means of getting the word about the ETs and in some cases opening some minds to look, listen and be more open to whatever it is they are up to (I am not wishing to imply I know what they what to accomplish). With open minds and eyes and ears, those the ETs want to reach will be; more and more of those who are special to the ETs will awaken; I am not sure about the rest except that every single soul is part of what is coming.

No, I am not some Channeler; this is simply what I know and have known. There is nothing anyone must do now but look to themselves and those close to them; no need to force or puiish anything, just open eyes and mind, and I suppose, watch the will not find them, they will find you.

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 07:46 AM
The thing is; It's being kept secret for their benefit; The reptilians that initially came to this Planet in order to to it over & interbred with humanity are part of the bloodline that is the government itself ... - So they INITIALLY came here in UFOs & there was alternative energy thousands of years ago, perhaps even during the beginnings of the Earth's formation.

- So to ask them to 'please tell us' it would be cool to see an Alien on the NEWS or whatever is a total waste of time! - They recently did another sort of Disclosure and a documentary called 'out of the Blue' was filming it, along with a little MAINSTREAM media coverage... - They are starting to condition everyone - even people who would think they were hallucinating if there was an alien invasion; - For they are planning to do a staged invasion with reverse-enginneered craft. - When the technology should be used to HELP mankind, not enslave us with all the bullsh*t terrorism!!!!

posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by MajKarma
Bob, It's not going to happen. It is too big a threat to all Religions, Governments and the major of people on this planet, inclusive of the elite and those that own nd control most everything. The reasons are many but maybe most important, material wealth and personal status means nothing to any of the non-human beings here. They have worked with the military in order to get a better grasp and control to in effect limit the military of all nations, particularly where WMDs are concerned. A bum down at the beach is as significant as R. Murdock; some old black woman in New Orleans may be as significant as G.W. Bush where the ETs are concerned and subsequently, this terrifies many people. This site and others have been a grass root means of getting the word about the ETs and in some cases opening some minds to look, listen and be more open to whatever it is they are up to (I am not wishing to imply I know what they what to accomplish). With open minds and eyes and ears, those the ETs want to reach will be; more and more of those who are special to the ETs will awaken; I am not sure about the rest except that every single soul is part of what is coming.

No, I am not some Channeler; this is simply what I know and have known. There is nothing anyone must do now but look to themselves and those close to them; no need to force or puiish anything, just open eyes and mind, and I suppose, watch the will not find them, they will find you.

Your so right Maj but a nobody like myself can make a change, if every nobody has my attitude and persistance then the sky is the limit as they say.

I have been posting a few questions to Clifford Stone this last week and that guy is a wealth of information and determined in his goal.

Thanks for the replies.


posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 07:47 PM
I agree with the opinions posted earlier...

They are not going to disclose until it serves their purposes. And that's not going to happen until they have milked every dollar and every bit of technology that they can out of it, and then, someone's going to have to blow it wide open from the inside, in a big enough way so that it forces them kicking and screaming to admit something, if then.

However...I don't think it hurts to do what the OP suggested either...the more out in the open it is, the more outraged the masses get, at least it will make them sweat.

Just a thought though, the more pressure that comes to bear, the more they realize they can't disclose, or as Bush Sr. was quoted as saying...

"Sarah if they knew what we'd done they'd chase us down the streets and lynch us."

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 05:59 AM
Hi Late

My plan is to disclose to the general public or the every day person who is still basicaly unaware whats going on in our skys and here on terra.

Steven Greer was on the official path and what nailed him was the lack of media exposure due to jambing of the message ie, the media was blocked by sources from above or other entities??.

The old attitude of blinker wearing/tunnel vision people is still present in some, the your dreaming! and there is no evidence! that there is life outside our planet is still very much present in society we have to start at the bottom.

People are still embarrased by the subject and do not like to comment on this in case they are called a nut, but deep down they no something is going on but do not like to ask questions.

May be I am flogging a dead horse but its a start or should I say continuation.

Regards Bob

[edit on 28-4-2008 by Bob Down Under]

[edit on 28-4-2008 by Bob Down Under]

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 06:05 AM

Originally posted by Time=Now
Your post caught my eye because I think about this every day... - I have told everyone I know ever since I first saw the video, & it made me shake with anger, & VERY excited that there was confirmation of alternative energy & aliens. - As Steven Greer said: 'The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off' ...

- What pissed me off even more is that I received no reply from the local newscasters about my request for them to have it reported, & the same thing goes on day after day, because nobody has access to the need to know info, so that is why I have broken down the audio of the video into the key parts, & it's only 13 minutes long! - PERFECT for the average Joe! - It's also perfect for mixing with electronic music, to get the word out (really late than what should be, but let's get going! - The time is NOW!

Hi Time
My frustrations are with you and do not bother with the media as this subject is not fashionable YET??

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by MajKarma
The reasons are many but maybe most important, material wealth and personal status means nothing to any of the non-human beings here. They have worked with the military in order to get a better grasp and control to in effect limit the military of all nations, particularly where WMDs are concerned. A bum down at the beach is as significant as R. Murdock; some old black woman in New Orleans may be as significant as G.W. Bush where the ETs are concerned and subsequently, this terrifies many people.

If this is so, then why have we not seen a general apperance to the entire population. If status, race, wealth etc is of little significance why just work with the military, why only the American Govt.( the most distributed force globally) have we seen the USA limited in WMD...hell the USA is leading the way. Your post does'nt concur with what we observe.

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