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Meet the Dead Hijackers

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posted on May, 15 2008 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by ULTIMA1

Like most people, I have seen a multitude of footage of the Towers collapsing.
I do not need some so-called expert to explain to me what I saw.
The "basic common sense" you refer to has been indoctrinated out of many Americans by the TPTB, through the controlled media and fear of standing out from the herd, IMO.
I've read this thread through and I see no evidence of any dead "hi-jackers".

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by FewWorldOrder
Like most people, I have seen a multitude of footage of the Towers collapsing.

So you saw the buidlings collapse. But do you know what actaully caused them to collapse/ Do you know what actaully casued building 7 to collapse? Do you have evidence that Light 77 actaully hit the Pentagon?

It seems people are brainwashed to just go along with what they see and are told and not actually ask questions and do any reseasrch to find out what really happened.

My education, experinece, but mostly common sense told me that something was not right about what we were being told.

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1
There has only been statments and opinions about my source NO EVIDENCE to debate me source.

No evidence to support your source either.

Your source, which states its data may be unreliable, even states its data should be verified.

What verification have you done to confirm trackingthethreats statements? What proof do you have that even 1 hijacker is alive?

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by Illahee
reply to post by indierockalien

Yes the first two are real. He has deep facial creases that end halfway between the tip of the nose and the eyes. The other two are fakes even though the base skull structure is similar. He has been dead since tora bora.

Yay! One who sees the truth! Why are we the only ones that can see the truth?

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 07:01 PM
reply to Ultima1,

"But do you know what actaully caused them to collapse/"
No, but from all I have seen/heard/read, the scenario that strikes me as most unlikely is the one that the government continues to support. The lack of debris pile, the speed of collapse, the huge thick concrete/steel dust clouds, the fact that the towers came virtually straight down, the temperature and duration of the hydrocarbon fire..., all the "coincidences"...simultaneous war games; Vigilant Warrior especially (hijack drill involving military and civilian aircraft) and the history of US sponsored false-flag events..., everything combined paints an interesting picture...

"Do you know what actaully casued building 7 to collapse?"
No, I don't, but I would refer you to the above statement.

"Do you have evidence that Light 77 actaully hit the Pentagon?"

No I don't, that to me, seems just as absurd after seeing the area around the impact (of what...?) site.

[edit on 15-5-2008 by FewWorldOrder]

[edit on 15-5-2008 by FewWorldOrder]

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 07:09 PM

Originally posted by ULTIMA1

My education, experinece, but mostly common sense told me that something was not right about what we were being told.

Funny, education.... then what is the next word?

Common sense? ok..i'm not touching this one.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by FewWorldOrder
No, but from all I have seen/heard/read, the scenario that strikes me as most unlikely is the one that the government continues to support. The lack of debris pile, the speed of collapse, the huge thick concrete/steel dust clouds, the fact that the towers came virtually straight down, the temperature and duration of the hydrocarbon fire..., all the "coincidences"...simultaneous war games; Vigilant Warrior especially (hijack drill involving military and civilian aircraft) and the history of US sponsored false-flag events..., everything combined paints an interesting picture...

Well most reports state that the buildings survived the planes impacts, also they state the fires did not burn long enough or get hot enough to casue the collapse.

We have no photos or videos of Flight 77 hititng the pentagon.

We have no reports that match the parts found to flight 77.

As far as buidling 7, no steel buidling has ever collapsed from fire no matter how severe.

posted on May, 16 2008 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt
Common sense? ok..i'm not touching this one.

Maybe you are not wanting to touch it becasue you do not have any. Or you would have been asking questions about the official story also.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by ULTIMA1

Look at your post Ultima. Look at your spelling mistake right after the word education. I admit, my spelling is far from the best....but if you are going to brag about how well educated you are, you should and least spell the next word correctly.

How is your research going? Find any evidence yet?

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by ThroatYogurt
How is your research going? Find any evidence yet?

I am still wating for anyone to post any infomation to debate what i have posted.

If no one can post information to debate what i have posted so far their is no reason to post anymore, this thread is pretty much over and i have proven that the official story is in question.

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by ThroatYogurt

Careful, ThroatYogurt....I mentioned a spelling mistake to Zorgon when I was a noobe....he bristled, and has called me 'Herr Professor' ever since!!

'course, I went to Las Vegas last March, offered to meet him and 'bury the sword'...but he was "too busy". Hmmpht!

OOps....I just took this a little off, for a personal reason....and I have no right to do that.

All right....I will bow out....carry on!!!

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
'course, I went to Las Vegas last March, offered to meet him and 'bury the sword'...but he was "too busy". Hmmpht!

Funny to that everytime people want to set up somethign like meeting witnesses the believers can come up with all kinds of excuses.

Why are the beleivers so afraid of the truth?

posted on May, 17 2008 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by ULTIMA1


Do you know 'Zorgon'?? (MS) If you do, then say 'Hi' for me....

I offered to meet him, but there was a construction equipment convention that weekend....he never called my phone (yes, I gave him my phone number...he's trustworthy). So, he was busy! No big whoop!!


posted on May, 17 2008 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by weedwhacker
Do you know 'Zorgon'?? (MS) If you do, then say 'Hi' for me....

Name does not sound familar.

Some people had tried a while back to get something going to meet with witnesses in PA. about Flight 93.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 02:27 AM
I found this thread while researching for evidence of living hijackers.

I am wondering why there was repeated dispute over this thread because there was not D.N.A. evidence of all 19 hijackers.

1) If you take a hair from a living person and cross-reference the D.N.A. it is not as if there is a computer that spits out a name and picture of the owner of the hair... unless, there is already record of that individual's D.N.A. Considering who these people were, I seriously doubt we had record of all 19 hijackers D.N.A. which makes crying out for such evidence unrealistic.

2) Even if there were record of all hijackers D.N.A. considering the impact of the plane, the temperature of the resulting fire, and the mess of the collapsing building; how likely would it be to find any tissue valid enough for a D.N.A test concering every single hijacker. Again... unrealistic.

Rather then unrealistic bashing, I would like to thank CO for his time looking into this matter.

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by gottago

To me, the first two look like the same man, but the third and forth photos show two different people, totaling 3 people in those photos.

The last video to be broadcast on TV is highly suspicious due to the pauses that occurred during an apparently contiguous recording. Obviously something was cut out, and/or the audio is faked.

I think the real Bin Laden has disappeared, if not dead, and these other imposters are the tools of those trying to brain wash.

[edit on 20-6-2008 by mirageofdeceit]

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