posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 06:38 PM
I'll preface this with saying that I spent my years following high school working as a grill cook at a local bar. I knew I was smart, but never
applied it to anything. Eventually, I decided that I needed to start making a real life for myself, and get a career going. I started by going to
this training program that eventually placed me at an internship with one of the worlds leading private equity firms as an IT guy.
The company eventually hired me, and now I'm working full time for them. I've been working for them for a few years now, and have made a good
living at it. While working for them, I've built the IT infrastructure for our Hong Kong office, and acted as the interim manager for our London and
NY offices. I've traveled to LA, NY, Hong Kong and the UK. Not too shabby for one who only 3 years ago was working making just over minimum wage
plus tips flipping burgers.
Then, I started to get restless. I knew that I could go further, provided I made the effort and used all of the resources I had at my disposal. I
decided to try to finally go to college. I know I'm in a position that most people try to acquire after going to school, but for me, it was more
about personal advancement over my career.
So, I got my letter of acceptance today. I've now been officially accepted at Brown University! Starting this fall I'll officially be an Ivy
League student! I know I'm a little old to start my undergrad work (26) but it's something I knew I needed to do for myself.
Now for the hard part......