posted on May, 19 2008 @ 02:48 PM
For anyone who wants a comprehensive laboratory examination of what is going on with their cardiovascular system, there is a panel of laboratory tests
called the Cardio/Ion panel. With a 10-page results printout and a cost of $800.00 (U.S. dollars), it has not been in common usage by physicians (or
even by cardiologists), but it should be. This panel of tests is discussed in detail in the newest book from Sherry A. Rogers MD. Here is a link to
the website of her publisher:
That book (and several of her other books) document how many people have used diet and the right supplements to cure many cardiac conditions
previously considered incurable, including valve problems like you mention. It's not that physicians object to the research studies proving the
value of these remedies, but most doctors have very little time to comb thru the massive medical literature of valid research studies.
Luckily, Dr. Rogers has done this searching for them! She has been in practice in the U.S. for over 30 years. If your doctor is not familiar with
how to interpret the results of the Cardio/Ion panel, you can made an appointment for a telephone consultation with Dr. Rogers and if you wish, you
can even include your doctor in the phone call.