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Which Side?

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posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by AccessDenied

Okay, I will denounce the empire and join forces with the Jedi to defend the republic.

I lied to you when I said that the council was wrong about Anakin being the chosen one.

Yoda was mindful of the actual implications of what the cost of balancing the force would be and he sought council in the force itself for guidance. By trusting in the force and retreating into exile as he did, Yoda ensured the survival of the Jedi and their teachings and left the avenue for salvation in Anakin to remain open.

Although only partially trained, Young Luke Skywalker was able to apeal to his father, who renounced his own evil ways in killing his master and not taking the mantle of Dark Lord for himself.

With only Luke left as a trained force user, the balance between light and dark was centralized in him and there was no great divide between the sides anymore.

As you can see in Return Of The Jedi, Luke is dressed in all black and even uses the force choke in Jabba's lair. He is the fusion of the two powers into the one true source. He is balanced only through Anakin's actions at the end of the story.

AccessDenied ...

Have you ever heard the term "money can't buy you happiness"? It's basically the same principle. The Dark Side of the force leading the sith to power in the two trilogies is the same force that acts on the greedy of our own galaxy and time.

The champions of business are the lawbreaking, megalomaniacs that rule with an iron fist. The greedy and the gouging. It's fine if you want to live that way, but you will die unfulfilled.

The Jedi offer a more complete life experience. They offer an eperience where trivial things like power are put aside for more important matters of enlightenment. While the Sith sit atop the raging waves of an ocean under seige from hurricanes and gales, the Jedi sit at the bottom of the same ocean, enjoying the serene beauty of happiness and existance at it's most gratifying.

The surface of the ocean is chaotic and unforgiving, just as the dark side is. But it's easier to be successful there. You don't have to go to all the effort of travelling to the bottom. But the payoffs are fleeting and meaningless.

Wheras the payoff for the long hard journey to the bottom of the ocean is eternal bliss.

I'd take the light side any day, honey.

posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by louiekid333

I played for a coulpe hours, but the main reason I posted in that thread was to sing the praises of Diablo 2.

posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by Enrikez

Ok Enrikez, gimme hot guys, and alcohol, and use whatever force is required.
Damn that sounds wrong don't it, eh?

And I like guys dressed in black.

OK / FLIRT button OFF.

posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by AccessDenied
reply to post by Enrikez

Ok Enrikez, gimme hot guys, and alcohol, and use whatever force is required.
Damn that sounds wrong don't it, eh?

And I like guys dressed in black.

OK / FLIRT button OFF.

You know something ... I like your attitude

posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by Enrikez

Yay ME!!!!

Time to crack one last coldie before off to sleepyland.

posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by AccessDenied

Enjoy the brew ... And have a peaceful sleep.

It has been fun as always

posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by Enrikez

Will do..
Would stay longer, but Work tomorrow.
later taters..

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 10:14 AM
Jesus, can give award winning speeches for anything. I'll bet you were best in your class in

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 10:32 AM
New Jedi Order!

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 10:44 AM
Really though, Sith is so much long as you don't have any morals, being Sith is totally badass! Double-sabers, lightning fingers, force choke...awesome

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by louiekid333
Double-sabers, lightning fingers, force choke...awesome

But in the NJO I can do all that too

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 02:43 PM
where's the fun in being good all the time?

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 01:39 PM
I would like on the very fine line of the "gray" jedi. I would - of course - use a red lightsaber if for nothing else than to scrae of young jedi padawans

I do believe neither Sith nor Jedi has a superior belief system and have always kinda liked a third party, Mandalorians the best

Anyway why would I roll with the grays?
Never being able to love? LAME.
Always thursting for power even if you have to never have any real allies? LAME
Never being able to use force powers for fun (i.e shocking people who annoy you and let's not even get into force persuade) LAME.
Turn all old looking becuase you are evil? LAME

It seems to me only one who strode between the two could live happily while at the same time having a good time

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 02:36 PM
In my case I'm too bleepin honest for Sith but too cussed evil (at times) to be Jedi. What the hey, just hand me a blaster or a good rocket launcher and I'm all set.

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 10:21 AM
Yeah, I kind of like the Idea of a combination of Jedi and Sith...even some Boba Fetts with flamethrowers...

posted on Apr, 29 2008 @ 08:40 AM
Actually, have you really thought about the consequences of combining the two?
I mean, they say there should be balance in the force, not just one part of the force...

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