posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 05:47 PM
I already have the intimidating dogs on lockdown. Pitbull and a German Shepherd.
I am not currently storing food, I intend to get water purification tablets, a rain barrell, 2 guns, a bunch of ammo, and start stocking the canned
Here is a thought. I drink protein and weight gainer shakes from the nutrition store. They are rich in protein, amino acids and all the like. I am
not sure what the shelf life is but wouldnt these products fare well in a food rationing situation? The protein shakes I drink provide 45g of protein
per serving and are 265 calories. I dont know the details off hand but the wieght gainer shakes are 1250 calories per serving. The containers they
sell them in last about a month with daily use per person. The major downside to this is cost.
I think I will also make my own survival handbook, full of step by step instructions on how to make or do certain things in a survival situation. I
figure if I am armed to the teeth with my 2 dogs I will be able to forrage for supplies assuming my location is a bit more remote than my current
location (population 150,000).
Also being a new homeowner as of Novemeber I am looking forward to trying out my own garden and growing food. I just need to handle the rabbits in
the back yard first. (They would be dog food if they didnt hide from the dogs under the deck) On the subject of the dogs, I'll have to make sure
they dont try out the vegetables and spices, which shouldnt be a problem as they do not ever eat table food.
[edit on 22-4-2008 by BluByWho]