posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 01:22 AM
A higher level of overall stress is a big factor in increasing heartburn, too. My diet is basically the same as it was 10 years ago in college, but
whereas I was pretty easy going and had no major worries aside from picking up women and obtaining booze back then, now I have all kinds of
responsibillity with kids, work, marriage, the future, the stock market, a littany of concerns the likes of which ATS was built upon, etc. About the
only time I ever had heartburn in college it could be directly pinned on drinking and not getting enough sleep, hungover & exhausted = reaching for
the Maalox. Now days I find myself wondering sometimes if I have an ulcer my gut bothers me so much. The only change I can see is that stress level,
Although I do avoid the HCF and as much of the preservatives & other additive crap as I can purely on principle.