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Why don't Aliens make direct contact with us If they exist?

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posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 07:50 PM
because they dont want to nor can our society handle it.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 06:05 AM
When it became possible then eventually easy for us to travel across continents, what were the major motivations to actually do so.

One, a spirit of exploration in the early days, which had to be really powerful because of the dangers.

Later, trade, control of resources and expansion.

Then eventually, for the average person, business or travel.

It may be there are other considerations, but IF there are extraterrestrial visitors, seems to me it's worth considering these options. Trade is metnioned sometimes. I don't hear much about the idea of simple exploration, if it's early days. I've never come across the idea they're simply here on holidays, if the travel old hat, though I'm sure it must have been proposed.

Anyhow, for many of the possible options based on our history here, there's not necessarily a desire or need to make yourself known widely -- in some cases you'd clearly only deal with specific humans. Of course, expansion is probably an exception (though even then there are scenarios in which it is not an exception).

Could travel be old hat? Well, let's suppose there's civilations millions or billions of years older than us. In some respects, it would be pretty surprising if we weren't travelling between galaxies in millions of years.

And please don't lecture me on relativity, don't get me started.

The other thing is there's no reason to assume that even if civililzations and their technologies are highly advanced that the individuals are necessarily far more intelligent. I don't think the average person now is any more intelligent than the average hunter gatherer. We just have more accumulated knowledge.

Lastly, it so often seems to be assumed that if ETs came, an announcement would be top priority. This really is just assumption, seemingly based more on human desires to know than rational consideration of the possible motivations for being here.

Lastly, of course there is the possibility we are descended from extraterrestrials, which I can't see any better reason to dismiss than accept.


[edit on 23-4-2008 by 987931]

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 06:22 AM
Maybe they are actually humans flying these top secret craft around and it's been played off as aliens and UFOs since the first one crashed. Top secret projects are meant to be top secret and the military will do anything to keep it that way. Especially now days with video camera's readily available to anyone. People are ready to show anything and everything to the world even if it means they give away a nations secrets, national security projects, secret craft etc... And all for what? Just to get their fifteen minutes of fame. I believe in aliens when they do land and come out to meet the public.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 07:39 AM
Why would they want to make contact with us?

let me just run through my local newspaper:

Metro Newspaper (Manchester Edition) 23 April 2008

15 Terror attacks foiled since 7/7
I'd Obliterate Iran, says Hillary in last-ditch poll
Baby killer 'innocent'
Boys 'left beaten mother to die'
Israel offers £1.8m to close book on murder

They're just the headines on some of the pages
We're a violent species, but we also capable of great goodness as well, but that doesnt get reported as much
If they're peaceful or have overcome war a long time ago, then we're an amazing curio to them

Stephen Fry “If I had a large amount of money I should found a hospital for those whose grip upon the world is so tenuous that they can be severely offended by words and phrases yet remain all unoffended by the injustice, violence and oppression that howls daily”

As for bringing religion into it, I think that will be even more curious for them, as we all go to war claiming God is on our side, whilst God remains silent.

I think we're classed as a galactic nature reserve, and probably being viewed on universal TV documentaries with the alien version of David Attenborough

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 08:26 AM

Originally posted by Solarskye
Maybe they are actually humans flying these top secret craft around and it's been played off as aliens and UFOs since the first one crashed. Top secret projects are meant to be top secret and the military will do anything to keep it that way. Especially now days with video camera's readily available to anyone. People are ready to show anything and everything to the world even if it means they give away a nations secrets, national security projects, secret craft etc... And all for what? Just to get their fifteen minutes of fame. I believe in aliens when they do land and come out to meet the public.

I agree with you it's almost certain some craft reported and, in some cases, documented as ufos are military. In fact, I find it difficult to believe this wouldn't be the case.

However, your argument about national security is illogical. If it's successfully kept secret, then the people sharing video necessarily don't know they're giving away a nation's secrets

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by Mark Roazhar
We're a violent species, but we also capable of great goodness as well, but that doesnt get reported as much


I think we're classed as a galactic nature reserve, and probably being viewed on universal TV documentaries with the alien version of David Attenborough

i never understand why people assume other intelligent species would necessarily be any different from us ... to the extent the theory of evolution is correct, it's kind of necessary for violence. I don't like it any more than most people, it's just a ruthless process, particularly for carnivores and omnivores ... i guess it's possible there are aliens that are herbivores but 'brains' are expensive luxuries ...

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 09:21 AM

Originally posted by king9072

Originally posted by Tricky63
The paster at my wifes church belives in aliens and ufo's.The way he explains it is this.'Why would God reveal to us the existance of other life in the universe,when we cant get along with our own kind.Mabey once we get to the point where we can get along with each other then mabey it will become known."

Hahaha, and I guess when he talks about the dinosaur, he says "well god thought we got along with ourselves well enough that he would release that little tid bit of information, perhaps as an owner of a dog supplies a treat upon completion of a new trick, but wait my congregation, if humanity is REALLY good, god will give them the ultimate treat!" .... NO the man is really open minded about a lot of things.You dont the man hes a really good guy.As far as dinosaurs go yes he thinks there was dinosaurs.As a matter of fact he thinks in some parts of the world they me be a few left over.////Anything eles ya wanna know?

Also love how the pastors explaination doesn't even explain anything, it just makes god seem like some pompus asshole who is hiding # cause WERE NOT WORTHY! More like HES FULL OF #

[edit on 22-4-2008 by king9072]

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by Tricky63

Originally posted by king9072

Originally posted by Tricky63
The paster at my wifes church belives in aliens and ufo's.The way he explains it is this.'Why would God reveal to us the existance of other life in the universe,when we cant get along with our own kind.Mabey once we get to the point where we can get along with each other then mabey it will become known."

Hahaha, and I guess when he talks about the dinosaur, he says "well god thought we got along with ourselves well enough that he would release that little tid bit of information, perhaps as an owner of a dog supplies a treat upon completion of a new trick, but wait my congregation, if humanity is REALLY good, god will give them the ultimate treat!"
Also love how the pastors explaination doesn't even explain anything, it just makes god seem like some pompus asshole who is hiding # cause WERE NOT WORTHY! More like HES FULL OF #
NO the man is really open minded about of lot of things as a matter of fact he does think there where dinosaurs and thinks they may be a few left over still alive somewhere on earth.I can guess your opinion about pasters/religion and what not but all are not as closed minded as you think.Just like all ufo/alien belivers are cranks and wierdeos not all paster/farthers/mininsters and like are closed minded.Nobody knows the mind of God.Nobody really knows if aleins are there noboy knows it all just like you

[edit on 22-4-2008 by king9072]

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 01:58 PM
Very good question by the OP. There is many a different answer. It could be down to the fact that they are not real. Secondly it could be down to the fact that they are man made and operate craft. Thirdly, it could be to do with the fact that our race is not now, and probably will never be ready to make contact with them.

The fact is, we are still a young race, no experience of space of space travel, we still pray to a God and are dependent of money.; Half our world is poor and the other half are hrll bent on killing each other, would you wanna meet a race like that?

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 02:42 PM
Please, please, enough with the human bashing. Happens every time somebody asks this question. "Oh, we're evil and violent, so no aliens would ever want to play with us, blah blah blah..."

Now maybe all the hypothetical aliens you can imagine are out there floating around in space meditating and doing good deeds and farting daisies, and you think they're too delicate to let us nasty monkeys in on the game.

Personally, if life in space is anything like it is here on Earth, where you basically survive only because you learn to kill and eat other animals before they kill and eat you, then I would think another alien species could just as easily be fascinated and impressed by our incredible violent killing power. They would see that as a very good thing, and maybe even hire us as galactic butt-kickers to pacify or conquer some other planets on their behalf.

You can decry our horrible violent nature all you want, but placing any value judgment on our behavior is completely subjective. Humanity is neither good nor evil. But we are smart, forceful and energetic, which could be very marketable skills in a rough galaxy.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 02:47 PM
When you walk in a forest do you try to communicate with ants? I think its pretty much self explanatory, you are an absolutely insignificant being, no matter what your mommy told you.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 11:54 PM
We kill our own, so who's to say we wouldn't try to kill them? My dad asked me this question once so I asked him what he would do if he saw an alien. He said, "I'd shot it!"

Well, there is your answer
If we (humanity) could actually create peace on this planet, then perhaps we would be worthy of direct contact.

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by ThreeNF

Well ! i guess you didn't get the OP i.e mine point hehe....

I am not asking what would we do to them, and i don't think as long as they don't pose any threat to us we would attack them, i know many people say that but they would end up calling 911 number and having security forces to deal with that....!!!!!

thing is if they exist then why they are making secret contact with some people why don't they come forward and greet us and say hello guys we are your new buddies !!!

Because people seem to be in contact with them but so far no has reported to shot them isn't? it would take a lot courage to do so
no one knows how would they retaliate !!!!

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 01:12 AM

Originally posted by ThreeNF
We kill our own, so who's to say we wouldn't try to kill them? My dad asked me this question once so I asked him what he would do if he saw an alien. He said, "I'd shot it!"

Well, there is your answer
If we (humanity) could actually create peace on this planet, then perhaps we would be worthy of direct contact.

God this crap irritates me thanks Nohup for taking the time to write a post to try and dispel this ridiculous theory.

First of all, theres always 2 parts that make up this nonsense. The first is the fact that someone is trying to make a point that the reason we don't get official contact is cause of our violence/hate/war/killing/bad manners/pk'ing people MMO's/ having bad additudes/ murders/rapes/slaughter/genocide/ whatever the hell they want to claim.

BUT for any of these people who are trying to make that point, they must have ALREADY come to the conclusion AND AGREE that these aliens have the technology to travel (if not lightyears) millions of miles, safely and practically.

Now with that being said, if they were so worried about our violence and they infact landed and we did react violently.... uh.... why wouldn't they just fly off the planet?

Just one idiot please answer that question, why wouldnt they just leave? WE CANT HIT THEM IN SPACE SO WHY WOULDNT THEY JUST TAKE OFF????? PLEASE!!!!! Just one of the people in this thread who believes we are purposely NOT contacted simply because we are a *copy and paste above list of bs* just please tell me why IF IN THE CASE WE REACTED VIOLENTLY TO ALIENS, they wouldnt just simply fly out of the atmosphere?

Its amazing how people are so quick to attribute greatly advanced technology to these aliens, yet are quick to cite "fear" as a reason they haven't contacted us.

Do you guys ever use logic?

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by LOYAL
The first thing that comes to mind, If they exist then why don't they make direct contact with us...

There are several possibilities, all as good as the next.
Here is one (theory) I will put out - consider this:

The universe is teeming with life, albeit in forms that are not significant to most of us in terms of what we would consider 'alien' life forms. - non the less these microorganism, what-not, originating from other planets/moons, etc., are indeed alien.

What does this have to do with anything?

What if WE would be considered of no interest to more intelligent life forms out there.
Perhaps their focus is to find other life forms like themselves, so in their search we get quickly bypassed and overlooked. After all, if they are that advanced we would be nothing more than a curious interest - if even that. - as there may be a lot of civilizations out there like ours, asking the question, at level 0 as a civilization trying to become a type 1.

So we wouldnt know about each other as we have not yet mastered what it would take to find others in a similar line of technology/thinking as us.

And those more evolved are searching for those who match their wit.

Probably the only ones that would find us of interest are those that really have nothing better to do then go to 'lower' civilizations like ours and cause some trouble and 'lord their powers overs us' since it would mystify us so. (kind of reminds me of the 'gods' in the Bible, "let us do this,etc. and amaze those ants and make them worship us."
(not trying to offend any Christians at all, this is just to clarify the point Im making about why E.T.s may have not yet visited us.)

But in all likely hood, with the good there is the bad, and for all we know they realize we have to learn on our own. Like a kid, you can guide them, but you cant live life for them. Sure we dont see it that way...we are the mature adults ready for whatever they have to bring on.

All we have to do is take one look at the atomic bomb and realize we arent that grown up. Maybe that was our chance to show how 'mature' we were, and they were like..."ah, yeah...we will come back in another 50 million light years..."

I truly have no clue, and am as interested as the next person about who/what is out there. Who knows, maybe time will tell...again, this is just one scenario of the possibilities.



posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by king9072

Originally posted by ThreeNF
We kill our own, so who's to say we wouldn't try to kill them? My dad asked me this question once so I asked him what he would do if he saw an alien. He said, "I'd shot it!"

Well, there is your answer
If we (humanity) could actually create peace on this planet, then perhaps we would be worthy of direct contact.

God this crap irritates me thanks Nohup for taking the time to write a post to try and dispel this ridiculous theory.

First of all, theres always 2 parts that make up this nonsense. The first is the fact that someone is trying to make a point that the reason we don't get official contact is cause of our violence/hate/war/killing/bad manners/pk'ing people MMO's/ having bad additudes/ murders/rapes/slaughter/genocide/ whatever the hell they want to claim.

BUT for any of these people who are trying to make that point, they must have ALREADY come to the conclusion AND AGREE that these aliens have the technology to travel (if not lightyears) millions of miles, safely and practically.

Now with that being said, if they were so worried about our violence and they infact landed and we did react violently.... uh.... why wouldn't they just fly off the planet?

Just one idiot please answer that question, why wouldnt they just leave? WE CANT HIT THEM IN SPACE SO WHY WOULDNT THEY JUST TAKE OFF????? PLEASE!!!!! Just one of the people in this thread who believes we are purposely NOT contacted simply because we are a *copy and paste above list of bs* just please tell me why IF IN THE CASE WE REACTED VIOLENTLY TO ALIENS, they wouldnt just simply fly out of the atmosphere?

Its amazing how people are so quick to attribute greatly advanced technology to these aliens, yet are quick to cite "fear" as a reason they haven't contacted us.

Do you guys ever use logic?

It isn't about fear, genius. They have the technology to blow us off the planet so any sort of threat against them from us would be futile. I think my last sentence in the quote above sums it up. Are we worthy of a direct, open and official contact?? No, not when idiots like Bush are in office and representing the US.

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 03:51 AM

why don't they make direct contact with us

Why would they?

Do we humans have any incentive to make formal and direct contact No. We sail through the water when we choose, we go fishing when we're hungry, and there are a few hobbyists who like to tag whales.

Kind of sounds like the occassional ufo video you see, or alien abduction scenario you read about, huh?

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 04:08 AM

that always surprises when i learn stories of people getting abducted by aliens in US ..... and Californian in particular hehe why not is this happening to country like us (pakistan)... why all these things happen to nations who are rather 'richer' why not to poor, don't they like poor people

If you're hungry for beef, do you kill the fat cow or the skinny one?

And, if you happen to eat mental, emotional, sexual and spiritual energy...can you think of any better source of fat cows than the United States?

I imagine Buddhist monks don't taste very good either.

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 06:38 AM
OK without human bashing,

Some reports show them behaving in a clinical off hand way to humans, ignoring the pain and mental stress they are causing their victims.
So maybe you're right. Maybe it isnt us. Maybe its them!
Maybe they just dont want to chat with us because they're a bunch of arrogant t@ssers.

Shakes his fist and shouts obsceneties at the sky in general vowing never to wipe his butt incase they decide to take him

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 07:32 AM
Well, here is an excellent video snip from Michio Kaku that basically states what I did in an earlier post on this thread. - albeit more intriguing how he put it...

Perhaps the video will help to make sense of what I wrote, as well as to answer the basic question (hypothetically), which was posed by the O.P.

Enjoy the clip...



note for those who dont watch, and didnt read my other post...
Why do we assume that a civilization more advanced than us would even give a rats behind that we are rather arrogant dont you think.

Think of Type 0 civilization (where we are at) vs. a type 3. - Peace

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