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Conspiracies You Believe In and Ones That Are "Insert naughty word"

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posted on Apr, 21 2008 @ 03:39 PM
9/11 Conspiracy: X, Not sure how big of a conspiracy. I know members of our government knew it was going to happen, and let it happen. I also believe the towers were purposefully demolished.
NWO: X, too many quotes from powerful people to not believe.
Alien- Threat to Earth: U, I have no idea if they are friendly or hostile.
Alien Existance: X, look up in the sky at night, those stars aren't even a handful of what's out there.
Alien- Reptilians: U, who knows what kinds of races are out there. If you are talking about reptilians ruling the world, no.
Paranormal- Ghosts: X, I've never had any experiences, but my father has. And I trust him.
Planet X/ Nibiru: U
Bigfoot and cryptozoology: U, I wouldn't be surprised to find out Bigfoot and the Chupacabra were real.
Disinformation Agents on ATS: X, too big of a site for there not to be.
Global Warming/ Climate Change: X, I believe in climate change. Definitely don't believe the horse# Al Gore and the media tell us.
Chemtrails/ HAARP: U
Freemasons and Other Secret Organisaions: X, yes there are secret socities. Do I know how much control they have? No.
NASA coverups: X
Illuminati: X
Religious conpsiracies/ coverups: X, religion is just a tool to keep people under control. George Carlin, "It's all bull# folks, and it's bad for ya."
Advanced civilisations: X, absolutely. We are not unique.
Prophets/ 2012 predictions: U, maybe.

[edit on 21-4-2008 by Double Eights]

posted on Apr, 21 2008 @ 04:20 PM
9/11 Conspiracy = X
NWO/ = X
Alien- Threat to Earth = U
Alien Existance = X
Alien- Reptilians
Paranormal- Ghosts = X
Paranormal- Demons
Paranormal- Psychics = U
Paranormal- Telekinesis, Telepathy = U
Planet X/ Nibiru
Bigfoot and cryptozoology = U
Disinformation Agents on ATS = X
Global Warming/ Climate Change = U
Chemtrails/ HAARP = HAARP yes, Chemtrails no
Freemasons and Other Secret Organisaions = X
Moon conspiracies = U
NASA coverups = X
Illuminati = X
Star Children and other claims
Religious conpsiracies/ coverups = X
Advanced civilisations = X
Prophets/ 2012 predictions
John Titor = U

posted on Apr, 21 2008 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman

Damn...I used the edit button instead of the reply button. So sorry. Could you rewrite your post? I´ll repost it if you cant edit.

[edit on 21-4-2008 by Skyfloating]

Here are some of my favorite CRAP conspiracies

9/11 holographic planes hit the targets
WTC's blown up by anti-matter bombs
WTC's melted by super beam weapons
WTC's blown up by nukes

We never landed on the moon
2012/planet nibiru

Hollow earth
Michigan Dogman

posted on Apr, 21 2008 @ 05:03 PM
Hey!!! You leave flat earth alone

Or take it to the appropriate thread. I'm disappointed Flat Earth Theory didn't make the list, but that's probably because it's not controversial enough

posted on Apr, 21 2008 @ 06:27 PM
Ok, the original post is back up after skyfloating killed it.....just kidding

It was a case of pressing the wrong button, but skyfloating has reposted the original (well close to the original) text

Cheers mate

posted on Apr, 21 2008 @ 08:00 PM
9/11 Conspiracy
Alien- Threat to Earth
Alien (supernatural beings) Existance = x
Alien- Reptilians
UFOs - U
Paranormal- Psychics
Paranormal- Telekinesis, Telepathy
Planet X/ Nibiru
Bigfoot and cryptozoology
Disinformation Agents on ATS
Global Warming/ Climate Change = X - normal climate change
Chemtrails/ HAARP
Freemasons and Other Secret Organisaions = X
Moon conspiracies U - not sure if we really landed on the moon
NASA coverups U
Star Children and other claims
Religious conpsiracies/ coverups X
Advanced civilisations
Prophets/ 2012 predictions
John Titor

[edit on 21-4-2008 by greeneyedleo]

posted on Apr, 21 2008 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by greeneyedleo

And here I was thinking that you thought everything was false,

You're not a skeptic at all

posted on Apr, 21 2008 @ 09:32 PM
9/11 Conspiracy - Due to the tenants, I think WTC7 may have been brought down to keep sensitive documents out of the hands of looters. They sure were careful to get the place clear of people before it came down.

NWO/ - Perhaps small groups of people working in concert, but the grand conspiracy is beyond reason.

Alien- Threat to Earth - Possible but improbable.

Alien Existence - Yes

Alien- Reptilians - The result of people with a case of the silly's attracted by their own gullibility to confidence men selling tapes and books.

Paranormal- Ghosts - Possible

Paranormal- Demons - Same as the above category I think; just different names for the same things.

Paranormal- Psychics - Possible but starting to seem unlikely as nobody seems to be able to demonstrate it reliably.

Paranormal- Telekinesis, Telepathy - No

Planet X/ Nibiru -

Bigfoot and cryptozoology - Not one in particular but it is possible there are animals unknown. Pretty unlikely though as every nook and cranny of this Earth is explored. I doubt Bigfoot but perhaps the deep oceans.

Disinformation Agents on ATS - Maybe, but if they are I doubt they are very common.

Global Warming/ Climate Change - Yes, but it has been blown out reality for peoples personal agenda's - Gore's pocketbook for instance.

Chemtrails/ HAARP - Paranoid delusions.

Freemasons and Other Secret Organizations - Unlikely as a whole, but there may be some bad people or small local groups into bad stuff.

Moon conspiracies - No evidence. Just people seeing what they want to see. I quite enjoyed that my Father let me stay up all night and watch the footage after the first landing.

NASA coverups - Maybe but not for the reasons I read here.

Illuminati - Too out there and too much non-evidence. Probably the most used by confidence men to sell their wares next to fake UFO and Alien evidence.

Star Children and other claims - Misinterpretation of the evidence by the confidence types.

Religious conspiracies/ coverups - Other than some atrocities by people using religion for their evil purposes, its just an excuse for practicing bigotry and hatred.

Advanced civilizations - Possible, but no definitive evidence.

Prophets/ 2012 predictions - 2012 is pure nonsense by the aforementioned book and tape peddlers. It all traces back to the same group that has made these false predictions time and time again. I'm not going to buy their books and tapes.

John Titor - Utter crap. Take some photo's of some military junk from the local surplus store and we too can be John Titor's.

posted on Apr, 21 2008 @ 09:34 PM
Wait a minute

What if you are a dis-info- agent gathering the evidence against us

posted on Apr, 21 2008 @ 10:10 PM
9/11 Conspiracy = U - Complete government conspiracy? No. Criminal elements/agents in the govt. , yes.
NWO - yes.
Alien- Threat to Earth No.
Alien Existance - Superior intelligence, no. Microbial life, yes.
Alien- Reptilians no.
Paranormal- Ghosts - no
Paranormal- Demons - angels/demons yes.
Paranormal- Psychics not really
Paranormal- Telekinesis, Telepathy - no.
Planet X/ Nibiru no
Bigfoot and cryptozoology dinosaur like animals yes, bigfoot, yes. Rest = no.
Disinformation Agents on ATS - no. Paranoid people.
Global Warming/ Climate Change - NO. none of the crap the MSM/al gore/enviromentalists tell you. Natural cycles, yes.
Chemtrails/ HAARP - no conspiracy. Possible weather control techniques.
Freemasons and Other Secret Organisaions - Organizations, yes. Conspiring group for domination/ control, no.
Moon conspiracies - no.
NASA coverups - Conspiricies, no. Cover-ups? Yes.
Illuminati - Dont know enough. undecided.
Star Children and other claims - dont know enough. Undecided.
Religious conpsiracies/ coverups - conspiracies? no. Cover ups of certain things, yes. You can find anything on Religions.
Advanced civilisations - smarter (mentally) than 21st century people yes. Advanced civilizations, no.
Prophets/ 2012 predictions - complete crap/paranoia IMO.
John Titor - undecided. never heard of this guy.

Take it for what its worth.

posted on Apr, 21 2008 @ 10:32 PM

Originally posted by Blaine91555
Wait a minute

What if you are a dis-info- agent gathering the evidence against us

Oh crap....he's onto me

We were just gathering data to make a pie graph, honest

posted on Apr, 21 2008 @ 11:49 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

Well, at least a few of us had the courage to spill the beans. I thought it would be interesting to see lots of people participate.

posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 04:04 AM
I am not one to shoot someone down for their choice of interests, but I must say just how suprised I am at how many people have replied to this thread and are more likely to believe in aliens, demons, and paranormal conspiracies than something more human orientated, such as the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program. Is it a case of a lack of interest or is it the want to believe that humans wouldn't dare to delve into such enterprises?

(I'm new here and the only way to cure my naivity about the way people think is to ask, right?)

[edit on 22-4-2008 by Erato]

posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 02:09 PM
9/11 Conspiracy: Was the government lax in their investigation? Yes. Suspicious in their response? Yes. Party to the attacks? Maybe. Was it done by fake airplanes and pocket nukes? No.

NWO: A One World Government is a distinct possibility, and I personally see merit in non-destructive population control. But will millions be rounded up into internment camps? It would be interesting to see the logistics behind that one.

Alien Existence: Most definitely.

Alien Threat to Earth: Doubtful, but then again I know based on historical evidence what we would do if confronted with a technologically inferior species of intelligent beings, and that's a cause for concern.

Alien Reptilians: Like, the vast civilization of shapeshifters that live under the earth's crust? Are you high?

Paranormal - Ghosts: Very probable.

Paranormal - Demons: Nope.

Paranormal - Psychics, Telekinesis, Telepathy: I think so.

Planet X / Nibiru: There may be a planet out there, but the rest is total BS.

Bigfoot and Cryptozoology: I've seen and heard a big enough share of things to think there's something to it, yes.

Disinformation Agents on ATS: Well, here I am

Global Warming / Climate Change: The world is warming, yes. We're partly responsible for it, but even if things aren't as bad as Al Gore has us believe, it's still a good idea to cut out pollution and all this petrochemical burning.

Chemtrails / HAARP: Chemtrails, maybe. HAARP has made me lose sleep at night.

Freemasons and Other Secret Organisaions: They exist but I don't think they run the world.

Moon Conspiracies: It's a dead rock that we landed on in 1969. End of story.

NASA Cover Ups: This is my stance on government conspiracy: if they can't even get my name right on an ID card after 4 years of complaints, do you honestly think they can swing hiding a moon-based soul collector? Really?

Illuminati: See Freemasons.

Star Children and other claims: The star child project is damn intriguing.

Religious conspiracies / cover ups: Child abuse, Intelligent Design, the Wedge Document, Scientology, etc would need its own thread.

Advanced Civilizations: Probably not here on Earth, no.

Prophets / 2012 predictions: 2012 will be just another day, just like 01/01/2000 was. Prophets are only in it for control over the gullible.

John Titor: I'll wait and see how the 2008 elections turn out. We should know by then.

posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 03:33 PM
9/11 Conspiracy - Yes. There is definitely something going on behind the scenes in that one.

NWO/ - Yes. Globalization is real, though I think that the NWO will be a different incarnation then anyone has really imagined.

Alien- Threat to Earth - Red Herring

Alien Existance - Red Herring

Alien- Reptilians - Red Herring

Paranormal- Ghosts - Red Herring

Paranormal- Demons - Red Herring

Paranormal- Psychics - Red Herring

Paranormal- Telekinesis, Telepathy - I think the age of synthetic telepathy is coming upon us.

Planet X/ Nibiru - Red Herring

Bigfoot and cryptozoology - Red Herring

Disinformation Agents on ATS - Yes. Even unwitting ones...
. I thinkk that someone who is here to read and talk about subjects merely becasue they are interesting and fascinating are essentially a type of disinfo agent.

Global Warming/ Climate Change - Yes. How could we not be affecting the atmosphere. Though I think that the issue may be exaggerated...

Chemtrails/ HAARP - Ithink HAARP is real and can affect weather change.

Freemasons and Other Secret Organisaions - Definitely some secret societies though I would be mildly surprised if it turned out to be the Masons.

Moon conspiracies - Red Herring

NASA coverups - Yes...budget approvals. Nuff said.

Illuminati - This would mirror my answer for Freemasons and Other Secret Organizations.

Star Children and other claims - Red Herring

Religious conpsiracies/ coverups - Absolutely. Google "Heron Vending Machine"

Advanced civilisations - Yes. We are one..

Prophets/ 2012 predictions - Red Herring

John Titor - Red Herring

posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 03:52 PM
9/11 Conspiracy

SOME kind of conspiracy...but whoooooo


Yes, but as something good.

Alien- Threat to Earth

Nope. Protection in place.

Alien Existance

The universe is overflowing with lifeforms.

Alien- Reptilians

Yes but they not relevant to earth.

Paranormal- Ghosts

Yes, but the few earthbound spirits wandering around are
not that important.

Paranormal- Demons

Yes, but powerless if you dont believe in them.

Paranormal- Psychics

Yes, but more receptive than controlled.

Paranormal- Telekinesis, Telepathy

In a sense, yes.

Planet X/ Nibiru


Bigfoot and cryptozoology


Disinformation Agents on ATS

Yes, but not as many as some here think.

Global Warming/ Climate Change

Yes but no reason to panic.

Chemtrails/ HAARP

Weather manipulation is possible.

Freemasons and Other Secret Organisaions

Masons are tame. Others are lame. Some are game.

Moon conspiracies

Not anymore.

NASA coverups

Oh absolutely.

The amount of contradictory information coming from NASA
is staggering.


Not in the sense of one competitionless group in full control.

Star Children and other claims


Religious conpsiracies/ coverups

Religion itself is a massive conspiracy.

Advanced civilisations

Yes. Ancient and current.

Prophets/ 2012 predictions

No. The future is not fixed.

John Titor

Time Travel? Yes. John Titor? Dont know.

posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by OzWeatherman
reply to post by greeneyedleo

And here I was thinking that you thought everything was false,

You're not a skeptic at all

LOL! SSSHHHHH dont let my secret get out!

Hey, some of it is based on being here at ATS for some time....others is based on personal experience.

Im an open skeptic. I am skeptic first, then I weigh everything provided on a given topic and go from there

posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by MemoryShock

Disinformation Agents on ATS - Yes. Even unwitting ones.... I thinkk that someone who is here to read and talk about subjects merely becasue they are interesting and fascinating are essentially a type of disinfo agent.

As opposed to the enlightened fountains of information who are here to discuss issues they find boring and dull? I'm not sure I follow what you're alluding to.

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