Originally posted by HeadFirstForHalos
It's just great how people demand to have absolute proof of evolution before they believe it, yet someone says "Invisible dude in the sky that runs
everything" and people buy into that with ZERO proof.
Kinda hypocritical huh?
I don't demand it because I know they don't have it and if it was MY movie, I would have been a lot more straight up with what Evolution really is
and why statements like Dave, Madness Asty always talking about the "mountain" of evidence when all I ask is to show me ONE item of physical proof.
Just one example of proof prima facie evidence, to substantiate macroevolution.
We have seen evolution go back to the drawing board in an effort to explain away the very foundation of its premise. The rationale usually given as a
disclaimer regarding intermediary fossil evidence is about as transparent as it gets. It is an excuse to cover the same argument that has plagued the
theory, since its inception in 1857.
We should not care if we are not going to see them or find them for this reason or that. We KNOW why we do not see millions and millions of mutant
ninja turtles in the fossil record. We also know what evolutionists find the obvious reason unacceptable and were desperate to invent something to
gloss over the most critical area we use to debunk it.
The writing is on the wall for these yarn spinners for every new idea, concept or theory they have added or "revised", they only create a bigger
problem for the evolutionists to solve later because NOW they have to explain these new mitigating circumstances in addition to, all the other ill
conceived ramifications that arise when making things up as you go. This is EXACTLY what Darwinists have done and continue to do.
They all behave like belligerent juveniles either over reacting to a threat of a competing Science OR they just cannot stand the thought of admitting
they have been wrong all these years. Perhaps it is a little of both. Until we know the jury is not still out on where we came from and how we got
to where we are, evolutionists should at least, AT LEAST keep their "opinions" to themselves and QUIT calling them FACTS.
Fact is something we can hang our hat on; we can have faith in it being a fact tomorrow, next week, a year from now and beyond.
We should over turn the scopes trials and have them re-do the entire case since Clarence Darrow sited manufactured evidence as proof to give his case
for teaching it in schools credence. Well, since then, evolution has had many revisions but not the kind you would expect, that get a clear-cut
answer to either affirm or debunk a hypothesis. What we see is Scientist perplexed by the same dark secret many of the top scientists in evolution
will admit behind closed doors among peers they can trust.
That is they know damn well Darwin was a Dimwitted Dunce who no more deserves to have his theory sited as one of the most important discoveries of
mankind than Al Gore deserves credit for inventing the internet and "Glow Bull Warning"
Many of you have made what we assume by how impressed with yourselves you seem to be when saying it, profound clever quips about the recent conversion
of an evolutionist saying, "Wow fifty years!" "Rocks don't live that long!" all laughing thinking you nailed that guy. Oh yeah what a cop out,.
We have even seen an Atheist make the statement, he doubted whether the person was a real atheist or not as if Atheism is a pre-requisite for being an
evolutionist. He then generalizes about Atheists having more patience than most people or creationists as if it is something in the Atheist meme
that makes it so.
Ill tell you why they are more patient,
They simply don't have a choice when supporting something that isn't going to happen,
Never HAS happened
Never did happen
Never could happen
Never would happen
Never, No, Not Ever
Will happen
First, Fifty years IS a long time, when you consider you got JOHNSON all that time in fifty years you are no closer to establishing Darwits theory as
a bona fide fact of life anymore than Darwit could in the 1800's. That means his fifty years is in addition to the time and already compiled work he
was taking up from where his predecessors started. Their comes a time when you have to grow up and kick the dumb idea to the curb and hopefully a
good day of rain will send it to the sewer where it can finally be among the "stuff" it always DID establish as evidence, or what many call a load
of crap.
While these evolutionists say they have a "mountain of evidence", I have no idea what that means but if you ask me, it isn't no mountain, it's a
landfill with junk science under it all and if that is why they say creationism isn't a science and has no business being in science, then the same
is true for Darwits Devilution.
I agree it is not a theory,
It is a scam, a fraud a lie a flim flam and Darwin was a carnival guy, a huckster.
Is there one clear prediction of macroevolution that has proved true?
Oh and by the way, please spare us the examples having ANYTHING to do with sentences having the following words "assume" or "we can expect" or
"it can be postulated" . That is NOT what observed means and YES we DO know there are other ways to observe. We just don't believe making it up
is one of them.
Single-celled plants become multi-celled? (Where are the two and three-celled intermediates?)
What is so scientific about the idea of hydrogen gas becoming human?
Do you honestly believe that everything came from nothing?
The plants or the insects that live on and pollinate the plants?
We sure are lucky the Honey Bee evolved from the prehistoric titsi fly in time and just happened to have the right "stuff" to pollinate flowers or a
hell of a lot of other plants would not have made it. Of course we assume those plants were getting by via "magic" while the honeybee was mutating
into what it can do now. That is just one very ironic coincidence among millions that just happened all in the nick of time we are to assume.
Similarities in design between different animals prove a common Creator instead of a common ancestor. To say otherwise is to cancel out so many
inventions patents, intellectual property etc. We see so many automatic answers given by evolutionists prior to engaging in the discussion, we expect
to see fossil's with tags on them saying, "Removal of this tag is prohibited by law and punishable for up to 3 years."
If you are an evolutionist offering an answers
BE ADVISED: They had better be reasonable, right, and scientifically provable, or do you just believe that it may have happened the way you have
answered? Do the answers require any faith at all? Than you are no different than the one saying,"God must have designed it"?
Piltdown man, recapitulation, archaeopteryx, Lucy, Java man, Neanderthal man, horse evolution, vestigial organs, etc
They argue when ever the question of how life began, evolutionists will be quick to say "evolution" doesn't explain that it explains how various
species got from "some starting point" to where we are now" however even IF they start by telling them the truth, life does not arise from dead
things today, but billions of years ago life arising from dead things was "evidently possible" and "inevitable."
If you have ever seen someone die, or had been to a morgue and seen a human dead body, you can see it in the eyes of the cadaver the moment the
"pilot light" goes out. That what ever it is that essence of life that animates us, not only have we never created the essence, we have no idea
what it is. The Bible says Jesus was the truth and the life, of all the observables we know of and have seen, only what genesis says about things
carrying the seed of their kind. This HAS been, is now, and always will be, observable and testable. . The Bible says Man is incapable of seeing him.
Another words God Cannot be seen so perhaps we should understand that the same way we grasp believing in gravity without seeing it. Oh, they are
quick to reply, GRAVITY can be tested blah blah blah. So can God. Whether we see him, with our eyes, or not. We can smell all things created that
were created by God, We can feel all things that were created when we see it was fearfully and wonderfully made by God.
From the modern airplane to synthetic DNA we have patents that protect their "creators" so called "intellectual" property. We marvel at the
intelligence of the inventors or the Scientists.
What they made or discovered then copied stolen the original source code and as any software developer would if he were to steal it, get busted for it
too,. The Bible says, "There is nothing new under the sun". Wow if that is not the truth. We cannot create a damn thing not stolen first from
nature but is alleged to be the product of no intelligence what so ever. As if the small buds beginning to form on some quasi lizard like bird thing
were going to become wings some day so the lizabird would become a full-fledged flying feathered friend we see today and that pressures and mechanisms
brought such aerodynamics to fruition in the final full-scale model.
How this was anticipated and worked out that way we have no idea moreover the fossil record shows no conclusive evidence. To believe it, does not go
without a leap of faith and arguable interpretation. When they said we must assume it happened millions and millions of years ago, they would say we
could not help it we have had no one alive back then to observe it. We say that is their problem, not ours. People like madness claim there are
other ways to observe these proofs. We say, "Bring it" and Ill rip it apart and it will be easy to do. We will be told we do not understand this
or that by the same person who claims he does not understand the definition or use of the word "kinds" and because he does not. Rather than accept
universally accepted definitions for the word he calls it bunk and dismisses the term thus not having to understand the genesis account.
If you see, proof of creation than play dumb and it will go away.
If you hear proof of creation, harass them, ridicule them all they care to but they will not be able to disprove God. The Burden of proof argument
does not wash and anyone that tries that crap on us will end up getting a page full of legalese making the whole argument moot. At the center of the
argument comes the very prejudice the evolutionist and ACLU used to argue for evolution being taught in schools back when it was not considered a real
Interesting the ACLU will not do that for ID or creationists. They claim its religion. We say Science has no business proving something it does not
already claim does not exist, does not exist.
We say if Science did what it SHOULD do, they would quit trying to prove God exists via proving intelligence exists only when we copy it from dumb
nature and put a patent on it calling it intellectual property of some man. What Science should do is develop scientific methods the scientific
method is by its very physical properties being seen as physical limitations. The same way we did with the microscope.
The scientific method is not the "be all end all" of God and his existence, hell it is not even close. They ought to call it the physical plane
verifier but to call it the "scientific" method is by its own physical limitations, limiting the very science using it to advance that same
Is their "time" explanation satisfactory?
it is an excuse a cheap one at that but still an excuse that the processes they "choose" to believe in are thought to occur, but they are not
observed, never were, never will be, isn't going to happen, never has happened never WILL happen so get it out of here get it out of my face get it
out of our schools! When you got more than Johnson to show us, THEN you can tell us about it but until then, we can use the same invisible magic man
argument they use against the God model.
Stephen Jay Gould once called a quack by Atheist evolutionists and a commonly used reference by creationists as a well-known scientist who disagreed
with Darwinist theory. Now, it is the opposite and that is humorous to say the least lol. His theory or biobabbling band aid for biology boondoggles
is absolutely the biggest mistake for the future of Darwin as this guy came up with a "hum dinger" of an explanation called "Punctual
Now all those past arguments we used shut the silly theory down where they argued saying mountains of this or that, is going to finally convict it.
Perhaps one of you will figure this out and share with us why this humdinger will be the last of a long list of million dollar words used by so-called
scientists to obfuscate objective fact from observable fiction.
If we don't change the direction science is moving, we will be buying into so many manufactured machinations of science so Machiavellian in their
attempts to pass it off as fact it should be taken as a personal affront by the taxpayer as much as an Atheist is put off by religious symbolism.
Sciosocial Darwinism is no less a religion than Christianity is a philosophy for many religions from Catholicism to the Presbyterian.
I know what evolution means in the context it is given but let it be made clear that Macro-evolution is dead in the water and man tampering with DNA
notwithstanding, it will never happen where we see a survivable vibrant new species unless the they like calling that species JOHNSON because Johnson
is all they got. Period
Oh yeah, if I was the one involved in that movie Ben Stein made, He would have been drop dead honest and not so accepting or concerned about ruffling
the feathers of an Atheist arrogance that is no less dogmatic no less guilty of selective reasoning by selfish design than Religion is by self
righteous single-mindedness.
Those who are no big fan of either ID or any other theory but as for theory; the one that does not have a prayer in hell without the indoctrination of
young minds in our public school systems is evolution. They cannot even deny that as it is the same argument they use against creationism. It is
the same bull crap story we hear for raising our children to be Christians because as everyone knows, we are all telling them "here kids let me tell
you where you are all going for being the naughty lil rug rats you are, YOU'RE GONNA BURN!! Muu ha ha ha !! Now Gimmee those slippers and your lil
dog too! AHA HA HA.
Yeah riiight. Like most of the junk Dawkins spews such as his meme tics theory, his prejudice and his opinions are not evidence. They put it out
there as some huge advance in science nevertheless.
Yeah I don't think much of Dawkins and think he would make a cute lil class clown for his antics can be very funny from time to time.
His opinions however have proven nothing more than lies only complicate things and that is all they ever do. Evolution, once described as this elegant
sinewy bridge by Dawkins in a lecture I attended at Grady gammage theatre ASU Tempe Az., is now a cumbersome defiled debased desperate construct of
obvious deceptions in linguistics and intentional obfuscation implanted and supplanting once well understood vernacular of Science.
The day someone would says they understand the word species claiming it is exact and self evident, not vague and ambiguous, is when Science needs to
take a damn look at itself as "species" what it means in addition to "speciation" is one of the most obfuscated intentionally messed up meanings
in Science BAR NONE!
When words like "kind" are not only said to be vague but also apparently IMPOSSIBLE to explain to anyone not claiming to not already be retarded,,
than scientific like-minded fans of science in addition to scientists,,,
Need to be replaced as
Not Qualified and
- Con
[edit on 5/6/08/06 by junglejake]