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My Evolution Explanation

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posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 09:12 PM
*if in the wrong section then please move it*

My theory agrees with Christianity,

ok, so i know that probably alot of people have plaid somesort of MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online), well when the game needs to update it has to download and install the update.

this can relate to life, god makes an update. well when making an update on a game it deletes the old files first. thus showing mass-extinction then it installs the new files, thus we have evolution!!! because the bible never accepts or denys evolution this can explain it and still shows that Christianity is still right.

so, what does everyone think?

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 07:38 AM
come on please post your thoughts or ideas

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by AustinHand

You have a good theory. The truth is the world existed before man. The story goes that Lucifer, Michael and Gabriel were sent to earth to prepare for the arrival of man at God's command. Lucifer, like all angels had free will just like humans do. Lucifer decided that he didn't like playing by God's rules so he turned against God and tried takeing the throne of God. Because of this, God cast Lucifer out of heaven and thus began the transformation of Lucifer to Satan. Satan waged a great war against God in the cosmos. He decided that if he can't take the throne of God, he would destroy earth. A great battle ensuded and soon earth lay desolate. Where do you think the asteroid belt came from? The 7 day creation and rest happens after the desolation of earth and thus beginning man's 6,000 year reign and now soon to be Christ's 1000 years of peace.

I thought you might like to hear that story. People don't look beyond what is really said in Genesis.

1: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
2: The earth was WITHOUT FORM, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

2 things. Earth was without form because of the battle. God was hovering over the face of the waters. He didn't create water at that time. It already existed because of the first creation of earth. He is rebuilding.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 10:21 AM
Your theory is called world genocide and thats not evolution...besides we are here by intelligent design

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 04:04 PM
alienib, are you talking to me or Locoman 8?

and to locoman8, makes alot of sense. i ahve my whole theory in a pdf form ofr anyone that wants it

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 01:39 PM
The theory I laid out was one given by the Church of God.

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Locoman8

I have heard it from others as well. I agree with your interpretation of Genesis, and with the OP's comments as well. All are good possibilities.


posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 02:36 PM
It takes open-mindedness for this kind of theory to seem possible.

posted on Apr, 24 2008 @ 06:30 PM
yea, sometimes, to come up with the right answer you must erase all logic from your brain

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 02:19 AM
Logic is man's way of disproving anything about God. Satan blinds us from truth and that's all science and logic do to us. Some of us are too smart for our own good. My brother, the athiest is an example of that. Graduated with honors and is one of the most intelligent people I know, but has not one ounce of faith. He thought the film, "Zeitgeist" would change my mind on christianity. All it did was prove my theory right.

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 03:26 AM

Originally posted by Locoman8
It takes open-mindedness for this kind of theory to seem possible.

Nope, it takes a "don't think any further, here's how it happened, take it from us" way of thinking.

If god indeed needs to have "updates" once in a while, then he is not omnipotent, nor infallable.Heck, that would directly imply htat god,....was wrong and now needs to fix his mistakes.....
In the bible it states: "And gods creation was whole and perfect"

A perfect world would not have to recieve updates...see my point ?

One could just as easily argue UNintelligent design with the same arguments that ID-ers use, they would still hold up. But when we do that, they foam at the mouth for they realise their enitire belief is based upon pure fabricated nonsense.

and still shows that Christianity is still right

Let me fix that for ya: "And still shows that the christian creation story is a not even a theory, and remains something that needs belief in paranormal things to be accepted, and and upbringing which brainwashes you into believing said paranormal things are normal and logical"

My 2 cents...

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 03:41 AM
I'll start by saying that I like your avitar. V for Vendetta was a great movie that shows what is going to happen to the US in the future.

Now as far as your comment goes, the only reason these updates were needed was because of the war Satan waged on God. This happened before human existence. You don't have to believe it but to discredit someone who just put an opinion about it is uncalled for. Global Warming is a theory yet people are screaming because the planet heated up by 1 degree. Now science is saying we are headed for an Ice Age? Come on! Science is less dependable by the day! I for one would rather believe in a God and find out he didn't exist in the afterlife than not believe and find out he was real. Think about that for a minute.

In closing, V, I just wanted to say that you're cool and I like you. I'm just debating an issue with you. Good morning to you.

posted on Apr, 25 2008 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by Locoman8
Now as far as your comment goes, the only reason these updates were needed was because of the war Satan waged on God. This happened before human existence. You don't have to believe it but to discredit someone who just put an opinion about it is uncalled for. Global Warming is a theory yet people are screaming because the planet heated up by 1 degree. Now science is saying we are headed for an Ice Age? Come on! Science is less dependable by the day! I for one would rather believe in a God and find out he didn't exist in the afterlife than not believe and find out he was real. Think about that for a minute.

I like you to, but you don't seem to completly grasp what constitutes a "debate": in a debate you make points by explaining things in a rational way, not by claiming things like this:

the only reason these updates were needed was because of the war Satan waged on God. This happened before human existence.

Oh how convienient, if it happened before human existence, then how do you know about it ? I've thought about it more then a minute, in fact questions like those keep me busy quite frequently.

Evolution started before human exsistance aswell.... millions of fossils prove that, where's the proof of the war between satan and god ? in the bible ? which was written and thought up by mankind...

The war that satan waged on god ? OMG why didn't i learn about this in my history class ? Maybe because there's no such thing ! Another fine example of abstract, and delirious concepts that were planted in your head while you grew up, think about that for a minute.

The fact that "god" is a concept invented by man who wanted to explain things he could not, and by creating god, creating an ease of mind. It's understandable, it's a hell of a lot easier just saying: "God did all that" in stead of continuously working/investigating toward an explanation of things that we cannot explain (like gravity for instance) it's a huuuuuge puzzle, and every once in a while we find new pieces of it, and things start to make more sense. Does science explain everything ? No, will it ever ? probably not. But that doens't make it have value, in fact science has a LOT more value in our lives then religion.

Imagine if everybody in the world would just take the bibles words for truth, and stop asking questions....there would be no scientific progress at all, and we'dd all be writing this on clay tablets...we'dd be stuck in time, stuck in our evolution.

I don't want to offend you personally, nor "discredit" your oppinion, i just post my view on it, which is my right.
I respect poeple's choises and beliefs, but i have the right to mine , and i don't fear expressing them.

A good day to you sir !

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 07:45 AM
Fair enough. You are right about the debates. As far as the war against God and Satan.... that is a theory just like science throws out theories all the time. Why do I believe in something that can't be proven? Because I have faith. I've experienced things in my life.... things unexplained and my faith gets me through trials and tribulations. You don't have to believe in God and I'm not going to try and convince you to but debating this subject to an athiest is pointless to me because no one is ever right or wrong in the matter. My brother is athiest and I defend him all the time. Why would a christian stick up for an athiest? Because I have respect for the man and he has respect for my beliefs so I feel no bitterness towards athiests except for those who come to the religion posts and flood them with put-downs. And I'm not saying you are the one doing this. You actually keep the debate civil and I thank you for that. I'm tired. I'm gonna go to bed but keep it real "V".

posted on Apr, 26 2008 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by Locoman8
Fair enough. You are right about the debates. As far as the war against God and Satan.... that is a theory just like science throws out theories all the time. Why do I believe in something that can't be proven? Because I have faith. I've experienced things in my life.... things unexplained and my faith gets me through trials and tribulations. You don't have to believe in God and I'm not going to try and convince you to but debating this subject to an athiest is pointless to me because no one is ever right or wrong in the matter. My brother is athiest and I defend him all the time. Why would a christian stick up for an athiest? Because I have respect for the man and he has respect for my beliefs so I feel no bitterness towards athiests except for those who come to the religion posts and flood them with put-downs. And I'm not saying you are the one doing this. You actually keep the debate civil and I thank you for that. I'm tired. I'm gonna go to bed but keep it real "V".

Very Well Said, i too have things happen to me when i ask god for them to happen and when im not believing or lossing faith i ask god to do the smallest things like blow the wind really had in one direction for 10 seconds. and it works. im not trying to put you do V, and thanks for keeping it civil

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