posted on Jun, 19 2008 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by Trash can
So are you saying that the most plausible, demonstrable and repeatable explanation for this picture is not good enough for you? That the most likely
explanation in your mind is something conspiratorial in nature?
I would suggest you look into rocket launches and how they look (since you obviously have not seen one in person or live near an area where they do
this on a regular basis) so you can discount things like this in your endeavor to believe......
Things like this picture need to be put to rest by the community before the community can move forward towards real answers. As long as there is the
ignorant, loudest majority representing us that can't accept reality then we are all doomed when it comes to ensuring this subject is not the
laughing stock of the science world. Most that are ignorant enough to assign this to their desired belief are no different than some ignorant native
thinking the gods are angry at them because they see lightening and thunder. NO difference here.
But by all means, lets see how many people here claim it is some sinister alien craft (going so far as to tell us the actual propulsion method) rather
than a run of the mill, mundane rocket launch.
Simple put, google rocket launch pictures and you will see numerous examples during all times of the day to compare this too. If that is too much
trouble for you, and you still want to believe that this is something mroe than it really is I suggest you begin posting on GLP, lol.
Still, though, a really neat picture for sure.