posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 01:12 PM
Essentially, the DNC has strong armed Obama into the nomination position, and the fix was in long before the nomination process every began. Obama is
the most dangerous of the three. Anyone who has done research on Obama can see there is nothing honest at all about the man. First of all, he is a
Muslim and a racist, and the elites of the DNC are clearly behind him.
What has become more obvious than ever before is that the DNC has no loyalty to the average working class American or the middle class. Obama is
every bit as much of an elistist as Kerry was, if not more. My big question is, who will the media back? So far, big media has backed Obama in a way
that I have never seen before.
McCain is the most moderate republican in the front runner position since Ike. While McCain has moved to the right to win the election, chances are
that if he takes the white house, he will move back to the center.
McCain is probably the only candidate that will check the power of the moneyed elites. Obama has no respect for working class whites, and he has
clearly shown this, and chances are that he has no respect for any other ethnic groups outside of his own, so he will do nothing about elitist
attacks, rip offs, and rights violations of the working class that continues to get worse and worse. This is why I think the moneyed elites will back
Obama over McCain. McCain won the republican nomination against the wishes of the powers that be, but I find it hard to believe that elites will come
together to support Obama, being that his patriotism is highly questionable.
This might be the fairest election in decades.
As far as the Clintons are concerned, the elites has never liked the Clintons, which makes me like them all the much more. The saddest fact is that
after all we have been through with GW, the U.S. public is still as gullible as ever.