consider a romantic relationship with an alien being?
Let's be clear. What exactly are you talking about when you say "romance?" Do you mean love? Do you mean sex? Do you mean courtship rituals? Form
emotional attachments with?
If they were humanoid it wouldn't be so bad I guess.
Why would this matter, particularly?
it would be kinda weird to date outside your own species.
As in...go out to dinner, watch movies, talk about common interests? Would doing any of these things be "weird" for doing them with someone outside
your species?
We used to have a cat who would wait to eat until we sat down for dinner. She wanted company. I thought that was really neat. I don't remember ever
once thinking it was "weird" to be eating in the company of someone outside of my species. Nor have I ever thought it "weird" to play with the cat
with a string, or throw a stick for a dog, or to whistle at birds to see if they would whistle back.
We humans often enjoy the company and companionship of others outside our species. Why would it be strange to do so with a creature solely because it
happens not to be native to this planet?
There are plenty of people who would say they love their pets, as well as those who say that their pets love them. If you look around the internet, I
think you'll find there are even a few who have sex with them.
If we can do these things with creatures less intelligent than ourselves, and they are able to reciprocate, why wouldn't we be able to with creatures
equally or more intelligent than ourselves? People are even able to form emotional attachments to completely inanimate objects like cars and money.
Even completly non-physical things like beliefs and ideas. If I can be emotionally attached to a car, a pet, an idea...why couldn't I become
emotionally attached to sentient being not from this world?
Maybe biology would make it unlikely that such a relationship would result in babies, what?
In my experience, love isn't something I choose to do. It's something that either is, or is not. Would I go out of my way to "try" to fall in love
with an alien? Well, no...probably not. But I'm also unlikely to "try" to fall in love with a human.
Love relates to knowingness. Rapport. We love those with whom we resonate. It is something that
is, not something you
do. To me,
"dating" is something you do as a means to find out if you love someone. Not come to love them...but come to know who they are well enough to
realize that they are already that which I love. Would I personally be willing to explore this possibility with a non-human?
Perhaps the better question would be: "If you came to realize that you loved someone or something that was not human...would you allow yourself to
realize and express it?"
Can anyone give me a good reason to deny love?
The only backlash I can think of is falling deeply in love with some alien being, and then finding out they were just experimenting on me. That would
be pretty harsh.
...there is that possibility. When a cat or a dog chooses to enter into a relationship with a human, the human does have certain potential to take
advantage of the situation. Many people neuter their dogs for the convenience of it, but I suspect it's not nearly so convenient for the dog.
If we're assuming a relationship with a non-human of equally greater capacity as ours to our pets...then suddenly this "romance" takes on a very
different quality.
Would you willingly allow yourself to be the "pet" of an alien of massively greater intelligence?
That's an interesting question as well.
[edit on 25-4-2008 by LordBucket]