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The World's Best Abduction?

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posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 04:24 PM
The famous Betty and Barney Hill abduction completely fascinates me.
Here is the basic account:

Betty and Barney Hill were driving home from upstate NY to Portsmouth on the eerie night of September 19, 1961. They said the first time they saw the ufo it was a light in the sky. It appeared to be following them.

Soon it began dipping behind the mountain peaks and at one point appeared to briefly land on one, Cannon Mountain. It moved "erratically," they later revealed.

Then it rapidly descended above their car and Barney said there was up to eleven figures inside. They said that these figures had round faces and red hair and visors. They moved with odd military prescision. Barney supposedly got the telepathic message from one to "stop and keep looking."

Seriously frightened, ( I would wet my pants ) they sped off. The figure
followed them not a hundred feet above them. Then they heard a beeping noise and after that they found themselves driving home two hours later, not knowing what in the world happened.

One interesting thing is that Betty drew a "star map" under deep hypnotic suggestion. The map consisted of stars that SCIENTISTS NEVER EVEN KNEW ABOUT THEN.

This account was in another book I read.

Betty and Barney Abduction

Betty and Barney Hill

The second one has more amazing and convincing evidence.

Thanks in advance for any posts.

[edit on 18-4-2008 by Trash can]

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 05:06 PM
Some of the other evidence was interesting.

There was marks on the car. The Hill's compass went crazy, showing that the marks were made when the car was magnetizd, possibly explaining how the aliens lifted them.

It could be for something entirely different, though.

During deep hypnotic regression each of them drew the UFO and star maps, like the on Betty made of stars that scinentists didn't know about then.

Any thoughts as to this evidence other than their almost too good to be true account? I have no idea what to believe.

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 06:58 PM
The Hill Abduction

Hill Abduction Case

Interesting... this was supposedly the FIRST abduction case. And all those details... it's got to be real, or for you skeptics out there, it has to have some truth to it.

[edit on 18-4-2008 by Trash can]

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 04:50 PM
I read another account on this. It mainly focused on the hypnotic sessions that both of the Hills underwent. Similar information is on the second link in the beginning.

They not only drew a map of unknown stars that scientists found in their exact spots in relation to the drawing, but they drew pictures of the ufo and even pictures from their abduction.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 05:13 PM
Ok, maybe I am skeptic, but your title is.....?

How could any abduction be the best, whether if be by humans or non humans.

I just don't get it, as no abduction is the best, as far as I can see, or maybe I missed something, some sort of competition?

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 05:17 PM
Thanks, Internos. The links are more interesting than the actual accounts I've read in books.

This is definetly one of my favorite abduction cases, although I haven't heard of some of the other ones on your link to the other thread.

What really captured my attention about this case was that this was reported to be the first abduction case.

The Hills remembered the most insignificant details and none of these things have ever been heard of before. That is why I strongly think that these people were abducted by something/someone. The reason I say that is because they described the beings inside as identical with red hair, visors, and round faces, moving with odd military presicion. It could have been a government expiriment.

Maybe it was related to the stories about the Men in Black (not the movies). Or was it some type of alien that humans completely warped by foolish people.

Maybe greys don't exist but these strange beings are the real aliens.

Enthralled Fan:

What I meant by the 'best' was the most genuine one or really just the best one in terms of truth. Nine out of ten ufo and abduction reports are fake, you know.

[edit on 23-4-2008 by Trash can]

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by Enthralled Fan
Ok, maybe I am skeptic, but your title is.....?

How could any abduction be the best, whether if be by humans or non humans.

I just don't get it, as no abduction is the best, as far as I can see, or maybe I missed something, some sort of competition?

You are right: it has happened also in the other thread that someone was in disagreement with the term "favourite".
I think that "best" stands for "most compelling" or "most interesting" or something like that

[edit on 23/4/2008 by internos]

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 05:25 PM

Originally posted by Trash can

What I meant by the 'best' was the most genuine one or really just the best one in terms of truth. Nine out of ten ufo and abduction reports are fake, you know.

[edit on 23-4-2008 by Trash can]

and the 10% are what we are looking for

what about the more "popular" abductions like the manhattan transfer and the "fire in the sky" (movie was made from this)?

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 05:28 PM
Thats sorta what I meant. I can't see the term 'best' being used in this case any other way.

Internos, of the links you provided, are there any you think are fake? Just curious, some of these are a little fishy. I'm reading them right now.

One I think is a little fishy but extremely interesting is the Abduction of North Canol Road.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 05:31 PM

Exactly. The best abductions are in that ten percent. That's why we're here.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 05:31 PM
Yes, it's a very fascinating case to be sure, indeed. In fact, I have the newest book they wrote about here, and this has got to be one of the most well documented and credible cases ever.

There's also other little things, like the cut on Betty's dress which suggest that if an abduction did indeed take place - then, the aliens, might have cut the dress so they could make some sort of "incision?" on Betty or to take samples and such.

It's just little things like that which makes this case so mind boggling. If it was a hoax (which I don't think it was) then, I highly doubt that these simple minded and ordinary folks would have thought those little things out and went to such great lengths to perpetrate it.

[edit on 23-4-2008 by N3V3RM1ND]

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by Trash can
Thats sorta what I meant. I can't see the term 'best' being used in this case any other way.

Internos, of the links you provided, are there any you think are fake? Just curious, some of these are a little fishy. I'm reading them right now.

One I think is a little fishy but extremely interesting is the Abduction of North Canol Road.

The Travis Walton abduction = Interersting

The Betty and Barney Hill abduction = Perhaps real deal

Abduction on the North Canol Road = Interesting

andre18's abduction = no comment: he's an ATSer and he'll be able to answer better than me

woodwytch's abduction = see above

The Pascagoula Abduction = interesting

The Linda Cortile Napolitano abduction = fishy

The Bill Herrmann abduction = I don't know the case

The Allagash Abduction = Well documented/Interesting

Billy Meier Alien Contacts = LMAO

Jim Sparks = interesting but also very controversial.

Abductions are not my cup of tea, but if you ask me wht's the best case in my opinion then my answer would be B & B Hill.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 05:44 PM
THe fact that this was the first documented abduction case is itself almost all the evidence you need.

If this was the first abduction, then the Hills wouldn't have known what to do and why it would have been done. For all we knew at that point in time the aliens could abduct you and give you ice cream.

My point is that no one at that time knew what aliens would have done if they were to abduct someone. The Hills COULDN'T HAVE KNOWN the things to fake if they wanted to fake this.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by internos

With all due respect, these are all abductions, minus a few where people have made a dollar off of them.

Where are the examples from people who have nothing to gain by it?

Why hasn't there ever been truelly and abduction, where a person tells a story, and they don't benefit from it?

I used to believe, until I realized that abductions are capitalized on.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by Trash can
THe fact that this was the first documented abduction case is itself almost all the evidence you need.

If this was the first abduction, then the Hills wouldn't have known what to do and why it would have been done. For all we knew at that point in time the aliens could abduct you and give you ice cream.

My point is that no one at that time knew what aliens would have done if they were to abduct someone. The Hills COULDN'T HAVE KNOWN the things to fake if they wanted to fake this.

Very good point, I agree completely.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by Enthralled Fan
reply to post by internos

With all due respect, these are all abductions, minus a few where people have made a dollar off of them.

Where are the examples from people who have nothing to gain by it?

Why hasn't there ever been truelly and abduction, where a person tells a story, and they don't benefit from it?

I used to believe, until I realized that abductions are capitalized on.

Mate abduction = controversial, ALWAYS.
Yes many of them are cases in which they gained something, so i respect your view and agree with your post.
But now i have a question for you:
do you know what have been the benefits for Betty and Barney Hill mate?
So far as i am concerned, it had been a disgrace for them: did they gained money? And if yes, how. And can someone prove it? In my opinion, that *may* be the real deal.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by internos

Originally posted by Enthralled Fan
reply to post by internos

With all due respect, these are all abductions, minus a few where people have made a dollar off of them.

Where are the examples from people who have nothing to gain by it?

Why hasn't there ever been truelly and abduction, where a person tells a story, and they don't benefit from it?

I used to believe, until I realized that abductions are capitalized on.

Mate abduction = controversial, ALWAYS.
Yes many of them are cases in which they gained something, so i respect your view and agree with your post.
But now i have a question for you:
do you know what have been the benefits for Betty and Barney Hill mate?
So far as i am concerned, it had been a disgrace for them: did they gained money? And if yes, how. And can someone prove it? In my opinion, that *may* be the real deal.

Yes, that's my understanding of this incident as well. The Hills didn't even want to go public with their story in the first place. So, it definitely wasn't about money and "fame", imo.

posted on Apr, 23 2008 @ 06:17 PM
One of the best cases I can remember is the case in which the movie Fire In The Sky. I believe it took place on Oregon. The movie gave me the creeps and was hard to sleep for several nights. I believe the gentleman is still alive as this only took place I am guessing about 10 years ago?

posted on Apr, 28 2008 @ 03:06 PM
Alright, lets compare the Hill's case with Travis' for a minute. The Hills wanted anything BUT for this to go public. Thats a good sign that this could be real to some extent.

To me, that's the most unshakable evidence. Knowing what people think about their more or less real 'experience' can show alot. If someone just came running up saying they've been abducted, wouldn't you be a little skeptical at first?

If I were abducted, I wouldn't say a word anywhere but here, obviously.

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