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Christians Vs. Athiests

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posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 01:32 AM
More atrocities are done; Not just in the name of religion, but by religious people in general.

Those that believe that athiests are the root of all evil are incorrect..
Athiests tend to be the most moral individuals..
I believe in such a thing as ethics..
Not because i'am religious..
But because Ethics is a way to keep people off your back...
For the government and for personal use...
Dont piss people off and they will leave you alone...

George W. Bush is whats known as a bohemian. Which is a Christian Sect that belives in Lucifer.. The DEVIL... This Sect believes in Child sacrifice, and does everything they can to turn our world into an actual HELL...

Religion is a Danger too our Society..
Dont come sobbing to me, when Bush desides to Sacrifice all the Children in the world... Not knowing him,.. he will probley rape them afterwards...too... =(

I am a Satanist who believes in Athiesm..
The actual Satanic Church is an Athiest Church created by Anton La'Vey, and was inspired by the direction of the Satanic Bloodline, that created the Illuminati. Word of warning: the Satanic Church (The Church of Satan) believes that religion is a legitamate Science.. Just like any other theories.. Such as Blackholes and Time Travel.. as a possible science.. And So Alows people of other religions to Join..
So Check it out!...

Google Video Link

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 01:51 AM
Religion is a way for Government and Organizations to distribute MK-Ultra. This is done in order to serve what goals that organization has made. Usually this is for profit, but can very easily be; too have sexual relations with half-mannequin MK-Ultra Children (pedophilia, psychic abuse). Those children, whose lives have been destroyed and perverted by certain governments including the illuminati, and grow to be adults who take on the very same personality traits as their tormentors which is known as imprinting. This is an endless cycle, and must be stopped.

They allow for small time organizations such as Scientology to get caught "in the act" for extremely sensitive information, while they snuff it off, like it not matters! If the Illuminati wish to take over the planet, there will be many human rights activists who will be raising questions with an obvious answer.. That the illuminati is nothing more than a profiteer cult

If then, why do the illuminati harbor these extremists? The Illuminati risks everything by being involved with/or allowing such organizations to survive and risks nothing by having them removed.. Perhaps it is for religious purpose.

“The Illuminati does not bow too other Organizations..
The Other Organizations do bow too the Illuminati...”

Scientology has been brought up on many charges of murder and reckless endanger-ment. Many individuals have been found dead of apparent suicide. There are tapes on the internet of Scientology’s secret service, known as the OSA. In those tapes can be heard tragic stories of horrible abuse. Types of Abuse that range from mind-control, sabotage, destroying peoples lives, and the killing of innocent children. The use of MK-Ultra style programming is also well understood as being the rigor within the Church of Scientology. In fact these types of mind-control are admitted too, they call it Dianetics and the “Secret technologies” in which high ranking members eventually receive. If the Illuminati know of these instances and Scientology is not destroyed, then the Illuminati are harboring terrorists on United States soil, which is illegal. The United States Government would do quite well against the Illuminati, if they were to seek military action. And so the Illuminati is in need of major change. If you’re religious organization has a criminal past than please help us destroy it!! This makes a better situation, where the illuminati could be a good organization. And would not be afraid to do “Honest business,” with your local organization, and would allow your local organization a higher standing within the community.

OSA puts '___' in pregnate womans toothbrush. (killing baby)

And tell me Religion is not Dangerous..

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 02:04 AM
With these attrocities going on under the noses of the Bush administration..
One must see, that Bush is a terrorist..

As for the bohemians.??...
Why Cater too an elite group when you can share with the whole world?
What does this religion have to lose by opening its doors.
Why does it continue its campaign of cover-up..

It obviously has to do with the Bin Laden Family...

The picnic version of the illuminati. (the sad version)
Into Nazi Slavery..
And Eventual extinction..

Religion will be just another indicator in the "Prelude" to the fall of our own society by many statistics, and information studys, which will live tangible in the future!

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 03:28 AM
begin debate...

Everyone hates Bush..
And Everyone hates the bohemians
Soon the World will Probably end..
I believe That it will be due to religion..

So Ill start the debate with 'All religion is bad.'
Anyone can join in.

But it would be nice to hear from a person that believes in the bohemian religion.. As a Good thing..

If they aint scared to show thier face..


posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 03:57 AM
I think they call this hate speech, fear mongering and baiting.
By the way neither Christians nor atheists are "secret societies."
Have a nice day.

[edit on 04/13/2008 by sacerd]

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by sacerd

Right, and what would make you think that this would be baiting? There are societies who consider them Christians and the call themselves Freemasons or Knights Templars of Freemasonry. Of course Christians are hateful because we are religious right?

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 08:55 PM
there is only one God, everything hence forth is illusions. Call them what you please. All of it is real, as relative as you need.

Do not be a follower, except for that of the truth in one. If you wish to liberate men, why do it from a biased following; there are too many who would never even give Anton the time to come close to comprehension of what he studied and practiced, in fact, if Anton had practiced alone and not boasted his learning, he may have actually understood it himself.

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 09:05 PM

I clicked on this expecting to read a news article and found I guess this means it isn't news?

LOL I just posted it and it has obviously just been moved to F & S forum.

[edit on 18-4-2008 by Thurisaz]

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by sacerd

best place for this is slug fest
hell knows why its ATSNN

posted on Apr, 18 2008 @ 09:19 PM

Originally posted by psychedeliack
there is only one God, everything hence forth is illusions. Call them what you please. All of it is real, as relative as you need.

Do not be a follower, except for that of the truth in one. If you wish to liberate men, why do it from a biased following; there are too many who would never even give Anton the time to come close to comprehension of what he studied and practiced, in fact, if Anton had practiced alone and not boasted his learning, he may have actually understood it himself.

Yes, to us Christians he is our Lord Jesus Christ. Not some supreme being that should be questioned. Jesus Christ should never be questioned.

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by THEWORLDISSATANS

hello There

As a Christian i agree "religon" has created wars death etc.

However, look around you, in your OP you quote various issues relating to religion

Its hard to believe but the world revolves around religon. Be it openly satanic or deception of Paganism/wicca/new age etc etc

You will get strife,war, death etc. Doesn't matter if you do not believe these things, the powers that be do believe in them.

They may be genuine in that particular belief system or hijacking it and actually believe something else.

PEOPLE under the guise of beliefs start these things not the belief itself

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