Once Again The Australian/US Coalition has been caught out again. This time By The FBI admitting it gave information to the Australian government
about terrorists before the 2002 Bali bombings.
A BBC documentary has accused the Australian government of ignoring FBI intelligence warning of planned bombing attacks on Bali.
Four months before the Bali bombings in October 2002, al-Qaeda terrorist Mohammed Jubara told the FBI that the organisation had planned to bomb
Indonesian bars, cafes and nightclubs where westerners gathered.
Oh. Like the CIA ignoring intelligence data from Germany which would have helped preventing 9/11? Interesting
It's funny to see how intelligences from all around the world claim to have had all information about all terrorists already before but it were the
others who just didn't want them. Shame on you international intelligences
Its not like they are ever told exactly where and when a strike will be. The info only "seems" clear after the event takes place. That's the
problem with judging everything in hindsight. Every situation can be ridiculed this way. I'd like to see the people who criticize do better with the
intel. People get over it!
I just think it's quite frustrating what's happening in this business. When you don't pay taxes and it comes out they will search all your rooms
and offices, you will be treated like #.
Same goes for various other stuff.
But when they have intel about some people trying to do an attack they rarely go the hard line.
It has happened! the Bali Bombings happened and its too late now.
I am sick and tired of hearing the bull# stories about what actually happened in Bali!
I will tell you what happened.
Approximitely 200+ civilians died in the Sari Club bombings..thats what happened..period!...
We need to stop making up explanations such as why no one had "EAR INJURIES"... who cares.. there is no other motive other than behind the agenda of
the terrorists who did this!
Lets get constructive about our conversations and realise that there is not always a conspiracy!.
This whole War reminds me very much of the fight against communism!.. sorry war against Terror...
Either way it is here..those that have the guts will stand up and defend against the unseen enemy or they may die sitteing at home typing on the
internet responding to this email...
That's life..
We are a democracy...thats the life we chose by living in this Society (where we accept paying TAX) and we don't want it ANY other way..
I know if the Indonesians try and invade Darwin...
I'll be one of the first to sit waiting in a mango tree with my 303!~!~