posted on Apr, 27 2008 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by Givenmay
Do you like jagermeister? Absinthe tastes like black licorice for the most part. At first I didn't like it, but it has grown on me. It is some
strong crap though. This bottle is 62%.
You can legally get in in the states as long as it passes FDA tests-it can't contain thojone here. You can get it imported, but the prices from
Europe are ridiculous right now. The British pound is worth twice our dollar
Umm if price is not an option and you want to spend some people
yearly salaries look for a vintage bottle. Otherwise you can get the states stuff, lucid. Canada has a brand (taboo), but I hear bad things. I
think Jade PF 1901 is supposed to be the most authentic, but you'll need to import it.
Also! Since the bite is a little strong, you are going to want to cut it. I don't suggest the water/sugar cube crap. Cut it with a nice bubbly
champagne and enjoy!
[edit on 27-4-2008 by Draves]