posted on May, 3 2008 @ 12:17 AM
Ya know what Im drunk now so im postin here.
Givenmay is freaking awesome you know that?
Oah heck everyone on ATS rocks
Sept that one dude, (you know who I mean...)
Though that givenmay I tell ya if I were her boyfriend Id never have time to post on ats cause id be too buizy hamnia hamnina hamnia. (shoot did I say
Anywho Im drunk so I guess this could be all chocked up to that right?
Then theres Asala, oh hell! that woman makes me shiver in my boots. I swear Asala has to be the one only woman on ATS that should be cannonised.
And we can't forget Access Denied. Oh no we cannot forget her. This is the woman that will kick your sorry butt and make you love every minute of it
because she says no to every attept at peircing her armor. but makes you think there might be some way of doing it. Yet however you try that girl is
beyond your sorry ass.