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Originally posted by weedwhacker
BTW, regarding flight in the air at any given time....
there is a website 'flightaware'...only shows Canada, the USA and Mexico...but aviation enthusiasts will enjoy it....because you can actually see, real time, what is flying over your house at any moment...
Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by OzWeatherman
Hey Ozweatherman, I have been observing these chemtrails/contrails over Sydney for a while and there have been a couple of things I found puzzling so I'm wondering if you have some logical explanation. First of all, one morning earlier this month 6/5 or 7/5 I observed 3 aircraft flying at very high altitude and in formation releasing these trails. I doubt that commercial aircraft would fly in formation so was it a cloud seeding operation (or something more sinister)? They continued to do this over different parts of the sky all morning.
The other thing that occurred, and I wish I had a camera, was on a day with reasonable cloud cover (not overcast). A jet flying at an altitude low enough for me to see that it had no markings of a commercial airliner was releasing one of these trails and it did not dissipate but lingered in the sky for a very long time. The interesting part was that there was another (commercial) jet flying at a slightly higher altitude which had no trail whatsoever. I am no weather expert so maybe you can offer up a good explanation.
I haven't made my mind up about these chemtrails until I find out a lot more info about them but I have noticed that they are occurring a lot more frequently which led me to start searching the net for answers. I don't remember the skies looking like this back in the 70's, 80's or even most of the 90's ( the odd trail maybe) and passenger jets were around then.
Even if it is cloud seeding using silver iodide I have to wonder what impact it has on health and the environment.
The Air Weather Service mission includes the field testing and operational application of weather-modification techniques.
Substantial work has also been conducted in the past 10 years regarding the dispersion and transport of seeding material in both convective and orographic clouds.
The use of tracer material to tag a seeded region has been particularly helpful in this effort. The two tracer materials that are used most often are chaff and SF6. Both materials could be released from either the air or the surface.
The dispersion and transport of the chaff is monitored by radar, while the detection of the SF6 is usually conducted with aircraft equipped to detect it at very low concentrations. (Stith et al. 1990; Klimowski et al. 1998).
D. Designation of cloud treatment techniques.
1. Seeding agent(s) to be employed.
2. Method of transfer to clouds (aircraft, ground generators, or others).
3. Location of seeding in cloud (base, mid-level, top, other).
4. Method of dispersal into cloud (Agl generator, flares, rockets, dry ice dispenser, etc.).
5. Time(s) of day seeding is to be performed (if selective).
6. Duration of seeding in each operation.
E. Requirements for facilities and equipment.
1. Operational center.
2. Meteorological equipment.
3. Aircraft.
4. Ground generators.
5. Seeding devices.
F. Personnel.
1. M e t e o r o l o g i s t ( s ) .
2. A i r c r a ft crew.
3. I n s t r ume nt t e c h n i c i a ns and o b s e r v e r s.
G. Measurements to be made.
1. Meteorological.
2. Aircraft.
3. Radar.
4. Other.
BTW, regarding flight in the air at any given time....
there is a website 'flightaware'...only shows Canada, the USA and Mexico...but aviation enthusiasts will enjoy it....because you can actually see, real time, what is flying over your house at any moment...