posted on Apr, 17 2008 @ 02:45 PM
I don't waste water. I constantly remind myself not to waste, food, electricity, even simple things like turn off the lights when not in the room, I
only use the washing machine when I have a full load. Turn of T.V by power switch at night and Plug out all equipment when not in use.
I even remind other's too. Some people just don't have respect for their envirnonment or themselves.
I don't use motor transport. Always use Public transport when need ti get around.
I take walks to more local places, instead of Buses, when there is no need to for short journeys.
I take all bottles glasses (inc. my flatmates waste) to the bottle bank, for recycling.
We also recycle our waste, such as cardboard and plastics too.
When I need hot water, i don't heat it with emersion, or element. I use the gas that heats the house. It's more eneergy efficient.
I constantly spread awareness of respecting the environment. Without it we are nothing, we should respect Nature its responsible for our very
existence. Our children should be allowed to live in a clean, safe, respected world. Set these examples that will help future generations to come.
They don't want to be swimming in the river's we pollute today!
P.S if someone dumps litter on the street beside me... I go mad
They won't be long picking it up either. You don't dump litter on your mother's kitchen floor then you don't dump it on the streets. Its
called respect.
[edit on 17-4-2008 by mind is the universe]