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How do we start the revolution?

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posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by SpittinCobra

Originally posted by Scat

Originally posted by SpittinCobra
If we were to run Ads on TV, Radio... for a revolution, an up rising. Would we be conctered terrorist? I so agree something needs to change.


the television will not be revolutionized. the television is something you sit in front of so that you dont have to think

[Edited on 3-4-04 by Scat]

Thats my point, if we make TV Ads for people to see, it will make them think. These kids have made hate raps, and Ads for there people, why? It a good wat to recrute.

but dude, this isnt a movement.

there is no recruiting.
you arent "in" or "out"
its organized in a very unorganized way.
its a phenomenon, an eruption, an uprising. sure theres always planning and theres always a core groupd. ut its ot like member of the revolution are going to run around calling each other "Jacques" and wearing red hats, like the french did! sure, they overthrew the government, whoopee! but they also had their entire country (and near continent) thrown into the fierce dictatoship of napoleon not a decade later (i think decade, correct me if im wrong)

thats what cant happen.

thisisnt overthrowing a government (or at least, not to me)

this is a revolution of mind of body and of soul (did that jsut sound like a starbucks commercial to any of you?)

there are other ways of getting the message out there, besides the tv

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by Illmatic67
Most people don't even know what a revolution is to even be a part of one.

I think our dream of a revolution is fading away. It's in OUR GRASP but we can't grab it.

With all these laws the government is and will pass such as the Patriot Act, a revolution will be impossible. If you so much think the word revolution you'll be thrown into jail.

Someone said it in this thread. We've been divided and conquered. People won't unite for a revolution.

The last REAL revolution was the Black Muslim movement by Malcolm X followed closely by the Black Panther movement and both parties were torpeoded by the government.

Soon, a revolution will be more of a fantasy than reality.

Like I said, people are too lazy, or are too afraid to die. 288,368,698 people in the united states (2002 census). About 4 million are in the Armed Forces. 29 million employed by the federal government. Only a few thousand are of the "elite" controlling order of the United States. If a person could get a revolution in order that could get at least 15 million people to back them up, there would be no problem taking back control - some people would die, but that's what happens when you try to get control back to the people that were supposed to be controlling the government in the first place. Some of those in the Armed Forces are sure to join up (who wants to fight against their own brethren, just because you're told to do so)? Most of the federal employees are sure to join up. None of the controlling elite would, they'd be backed up into a corner with their only way out being the push of a red button (the BOMB/s) or surrender. I'm all for a government that is "by the people, for the people." I'm not supportive of a government whose officials have the motto: "by me, for me." I'm not going into fine details, but you get the picture. People are always willing to support a cause that helps to support themselves.

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 10:54 PM
Revolutions are planned. Uprisings and anarchy just kind of "happen."

What is a revolution?

rev�o�lu�tion ( P ) Pronunciation Key (rv-lshn)

Orbital motion about a point, especially as distinguished from axial rotation: the planetary revolution about the sun.
A turning or rotational motion about an axis.
A single complete cycle of such orbital or axial motion.
The overthrow of one government and its replacement with another.
A sudden or momentous change in a situation: the revolution in computer technology.
Geology. A time of major crustal deformation, when folds and faults are formed.

[Edited on 3-4-2004 by EmbryonicEssence]

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 10:55 PM
I think, I am talking to the wrong person, our view differ. That doesnt mean we cant get along. I just feel this country was made by force, it will need to be changed by force.

If it gets too the point where they come knocking, they will not get what they expect.

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 10:56 PM
there are so many different kinds of revolution, saying revolution of any kinds is impossible is simply moronic and stupid.

whether overthrowing the governemnt, the legal system, the educational system (PLEASE SOMETHING MUST CHANGE HERE! THIS IS WHERE EVERYTHING STARTS!), or simply the view of the world!

revolution is everywhere.

wait...correction, revolution COULD be everywhere.

we just have to pull it out of our heads and wheat paste it onto a big fat corperate sign.

revolution could be anywhere, besides the tv, im very anti tv, unless its the hostory channel or something of the sort. (and the daily show, this is a legal "wow america you suck so hardcore its funny!" show that is good, besides jon stewart is smart as #e.)

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by EmbryonicEssence
Revoultions are planned. Uprisings and anarchy just kind of "happen."

Thank you for that great point.

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by SpittinCobra
*I think, I am talking to the wrong person, our view differ. That doesnt mean we cant get along.

**I just feel this country was made by force, it will need to be changed by force.

***If it gets too the point where they come knocking, they will not get what they expect.

*TRUE! i actually like it when people disagree. i would rather have someone disagree with reason than blindly accept eeverything i say. have an opinion, regardless of what mine is!

**i dunno, you make cookies by mixing, you unmake cookies by mashing in the mouth. this is a messed up metaphor to simply say maybe thats needed, or maybe thats where we've failed before.

***i love this. this is so great. im gonna wheat paste that somewhere and totaly put SpittinCobra as the alias. welcome to my revolution spittin

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 11:00 PM
TV isn't a way you could start a revolution. Only a few corporations control television - and who tells them what can and can't be shown? Our Government. It probably would start out only as word of mouth. It is possible to hijack radio broadcast by sending out a more powerful signal than the normal signal that is used to broadcast from whichever frequency - just broadcast over a radio station that is listened to the most in the metropolitan area you are in.

[Edited on 3-4-2004 by EmbryonicEssence]

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 11:04 PM
plus, tv just sucks. another reason it will not be revolutionized.

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by EmbryonicEssence
TV isn't a way you could start a revolution. Only a few corporations control television - and who tells them what can and can't be shown? Our Government. It probably would start out only as word of mouth. It is possible to hijack radio broadcast by sending out a more powerful signal than the normal signal that is used to broadcast from whichever frequency - just broadcast over a radio station that is listened to the most in the metropolitan area you are in.

[Edited on 3-4-2004 by EmbryonicEssence]

Very vaild, but like anything, with a revolution you are going to have conections, you never know who whats a real change.

[Edited on 4-3-2004 by SpittinCobra]

posted on Mar, 4 2004 @ 11:08 PM
one could overtake those in control of it, but to me its just a mind controlling device. and controlling minds, even to believe what is "right" is still sucky.

its hypnotizing. and revolution is about free will. theyre like two equal pieces os sandpaper running over each other very quickly, until one burns up form the heat.

who will be the first to burn?

whoa thats totally a freggin slogan for this

[Edited on 3-4-04 by Scat]

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 10:29 AM
scat, maybe art can change the world to some degree, but it won't create a revolution. revolutions need organization and years of planning, dedication and sacrifice, things those in power have mastered and the common man has lost to a great degree, imo.

the idea of a revolution is great until most people graduate high school and college, get married, have two kids and a dog and then spend most of their time working their asses off, trying to enjoy their family and still pay their mortgage...not much time left over for a revolution.

with all the labels, discrimination and ignorance taught here i really believe we have been divided and conquered. republicans argue with democrates while both parties fail to serve for the good of their people, blacks mistrust whites and racism is still very much alive and well in this country behind closed doors...catholics dislike muslims who dislike jews...etc. the key is bridging those gaps and uniting everyone under a common cause, but i just don't see that happening.

with all that said i still believe it's a good thing to talk about these issues, not only on this board but at home and in our communities. i still feel theres a place for activism so if you want to bomb the world, (with krylon of course), i might just pick up a can and join you...if you want to create flyers and paste them all over town, i'm with you, i've done it before...if you want to head down to the next FTAA protest in miami, you'll probably see me there...but the bottom line is i do these things mostly because i'm a stubborn idealist, i think they might change some things but overall i believe the 'show' will go on.

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by enomus

the idea of a revolution is great until most people graduate high school and college, get married, have two kids and a dog and then spend most of their time working their asses off, trying to enjoy their family and still pay their mortgage...not much time left over for a revolution.

thats the problem.

the rebellious kids are the target audience. companies consider that age to be a rebllious age, so they start making "rebllious" products. that hair gel, that spkid neckalce, that chain, that anarchy sticker, yeah you bought em, so now youre rebellious right?

yeah, until you realize that you are funding the companies youre supposedly trying to destroy.

but say that we didnt stop...
i know some good old revolutionaries....that are in their 30s, their 40s.

one is 63!

you know something is wrong when acting rebellion is a "stage" that yo outgrow.

so dont grow up.

amazing things can happen.

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by Scat
you know something is wrong when acting rebellion is a "stage" that yo outgrow.

so dont grow up.

amazing things can happen.

I grew up and now I want to destroy even more then before, but then again I have issues with...well...just about everything!

posted on Mar, 5 2004 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by Jonna
I grew up and now I want to destroy even more then before, but then again I have issues with...well...just about everything!

well see then youre grown up physically but not really.......emo kids for life biatch!

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