posted on Apr, 22 2008 @ 07:06 PM
Yesterday I posted seeing about 15 of them here (never seen them before in 15 years). At 8:30am 4 Jets with red underbellies, flew in a straight path
north to south towards Tasmainia. All Jets were around 3 minutes apart, all started roughly the same area, huge trails across the sky. 10 minutes
later another plane, different, appeared to be flying withing these chemtrails, looked like maybe a follow up plane or a sampler? I dunno, but it
looked very odd.
I didnt have my camera with me, however, about 3-4 hours later, I was driving, and saw another 4 lines being drawn, what on earth is going on? I then
pulled over, and took this picture of yet more lines (please take note, 15 years living here, never seen either these lines, nor the amout of air
traffic EVER.
Drove off and 40 minutes later took another pic of the same area, you can see they actually form a cloud, and continued to do so..
The wind was blowing SE back onto population and the wind was blowing SE all day, I know, I was here. The cloud also moved back toward the main
population. No question.
There were so many yesterday it was hard to phatom, but I did take another within the next 7 minutes of the last...
Who do we in Australia contact to explain this? We need to take these people head on publicly and loudly, or they will continue without any regard to
us the people that reside under these blatant chemtrails.