posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 02:43 PM
Hi All -
I'm Dudess (as in Dude-ess), a moniker my kids and their friends bestowed on me years ago, when I objected to being called "dude." Didn't know
what else to call myself here, so this seemed as good a name as any...
Well, I'm 47 years old, just celebrated my 25th wedding anniversary, and you already know I'm a mom - one son and one daughter, both in their 20s
now. Not a typical mom tho - not a typical anything! But neither were my parents, so I come by it honestly. No TV growing up, so grew up reading
instead. Everything from astrology (which I still practice), to Edgar Cayce and Ruth Montgomery, to Zen Buddhism.
Politically, I guess my philosophy is Libertarian - i.e., fiscal conservative, social liberal. I think of myself as a Purple Patriot - not red or
blue. Like Colbert, I'm part of the Blame American Last crowd. Don't hate Bush or think he's evil, don't believe 9/11 was an inside job, and
don't believe "global warming" is man-made. I don't blame any one person for the world's current problems, but do believe "we, the people" are
the answer.
I look forward to posting and discussing issues here. Not worried about intimidation - grew up with five brothers and sisters, and already survived
parenting teenagers... No one can call me anything worse than I've been called before!!! Whatever happens though, I will be nice no matter what
because that's how I roll.
Peace and Light - Dudess