posted on Dec, 27 2002 @ 09:58 AM
Y'know, I think it's really somewhat slanted.
So howcome "Judicial Watch" didn't go after one of the biggest scoundrels (who got tossed in prison): Democrat Jim Trafficant? Could it be that
his ultra-conservative views made them sympathetic? A search on the bozo, Trafficant, revealed ZERO hits.
And how about Republican ex-Senator Bob Packwood -- he makes Clinton look like an amateur. Alcohol, womanizing, fooling around with aides,
allegations of rape... so where's JudicialWatch when it comes to Packwood?
Nowhere... that's where.
They reported on Republican Gingrich's affair, but didn't do more than archive the news stories and announce one call for him to resign. They
don't seem to have done any followup into his finances or other problems uncovered during his terms.
There's no call to investigate Bush or Gore's business links and energy policies. They note Bush is throwing out anyone who's not a "yes man"
but other than noting it, they don't do anything about it.
Frankly, I don't think this is an "unbiased" site. It's obviously Republican and obviously Conservative.
Justice should be equally applied to all under the law instead of "applied with big sticks to people I hate (Hillary Clinton) and applied with foam
pillows to people I respect (Trafficant???)"