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It's Obama, Stupid: Carter and Gore to End Clinton Bid

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posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 06:46 PM

It's Obama, stupid: Carter and Gore to End Clinton Bid

Falling poll numbers and a string of high-profile blunders have convinced party elders that she must now bow out of the primary race.

Former president Carter and former vice-president Gore have already held high-level discussions about delivering the message that she must stand down for the good of the Democrats.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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[edit on 13/4/08 by Keyhole]

posted on Apr, 13 2008 @ 06:46 PM
Finally we may hear an end of Hillary's lie's, stories and "misspeaks(?)"!
(A "misspeak" is what Hillary's camp calls a lie when they are caught telling one!)

Looks like Jimmy Carter and Al Gore have gotten the nod from the Democratic party to give the "coup de grace" to Hillary's Democratic parties primary race.

And it's about time!

It's almost impossible for Hillary to win the Democratic Parties nomination now (except in her mind!), but she just will NOT face the truth that Americans overwhelmingly DO NOT want her as a candidate for President.

I think it's mainly due to the fact that the media has said, for a couple years now, that Hillary COULD be our next president, and she latched onto that like a pit bull and just won't let it go!

I actually think she feels as though she is entitled to be the Democratic Parties Presidential candidate, and she just can't, and won't believe what is happening!

Poor, poor confused Hillary!

Obama is clearly the peoples choice, all she is doing is muck raking ANY little tid bit she can find to make Obama look bad now, which will hurt Obama's (and the Democratic Party's) future race against McCain.

And the last person I want to see as president is McCain!
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 13/4/08 by Keyhole]

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Keyhole
It's almost impossible for Hillary to win the Democratic Parties nomination now (except in her mind!), but she just will NOT face the truth that Americans overwhelmingly DO NOT want her as a candidate for President

I don't see it as overwhelming. Clinton and Obama have been pretty much neck and neck; both are running strong campaigns. The fact is that neither one has received enough delegates to get the nomination, and the fair thing to do is wait until one of them does. To decide before one has legitimately won would be outrageous. Instead of calling her names, you could say she has resilience and perseverence, and when she's down she comes up fighting.

Obama is an awesome contender, and my guess is he will win, but it's unfair to call the race before one or the other has crossed the finish line.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by Keyhole
Finally we may hear an end of Hillary's lie's, stories and "misspeaks(?)"!

So? . .. one down and one to go.
Obama is no less of a liar and a 'misspeaker' then Hillary.
He's just as crooked too.

Let them have their race. What's he in such a hurry for?
He's worried that she could still win.
Especially if he keeps stepping in cow patties.

[edit on 4/15/2008 by FlyersFan]

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 11:36 AM
I think it's very possible that the Dems see this as an opportunity to get rid of a candidate that doesn't represent Democratic values or viewpoints. She's a neo-con, not either Dem or Republican.

I think the Dem party may be ready for a change, along with the rest of the country. Obama is an unknown quantity, but I"ll take my chances with him, rather than with Hillary, who I see as a lying, corrupt, two-faced, royal bitch. I don't trust her and I don't respect her. She will say whatever she thinks the public wants to hear, in order to win the election.

[edit on 15/4/08 by forestlady]

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by forestlady
Obama is an unknown quantity, but I"ll take my chances with him, rather than with Hillary, who I see as a lying, corrupt, two-faced, royal bitch. .... She will say whatever she thinks the public wants to hear, in order to with the election.

Replace the name 'Hillary' and 'Obama' ....

He is also a lying, corrupt, two-faced, royal b***** who will say whatever he thinks the public wants to hear in order to win the election.

As I said elsewhere – (read the links)

Oilbama is as corrupt as the day is long . Or should I say – as bigoted as the sunrise is red . His wife is no picnic either.

Obama - What big ear(marks) you have

All the better to eat you with, my dear.

Oh .. and don't forget the big pandering LIES about African relatives and about SELMA. Ugh.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 02:25 PM
I agree that Obamas true colors are beginning to show through. His new beginning and change mean he is about to socialize the US and demonized middle America.

He's just a smooth talker that will say anything to get elected. And god help us if he does.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by eagledriver

I don't think God's interested in helping us quite yet.

Maybe once a few million more of us are dead he might step in.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 02:42 PM
I don't trust anyone running. I think they're all Manchurian candidates.

Why spend $500 million to win a presidential election when you're only going to make a couple million of that working there? These people aren't in it for philanthropic reasons.

The day I see a person running for president who spends all their campaign contribution ON AMERICANS WHO NEED IT then I'll believe they're really out to help us.

'Til then... wolves in sheep's clothing.

[edit on 15-4-2008 by ianr5741]

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by ianr5741

'Til then... wolves in sheep's clothing.

[edit on 15-4-2008 by ianr5741]

Actually, i'm inclined to modify that statement a little bit - how about wolves in sheep-dog's clothing?

Or how about just wolves pretending to be nice?

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by Sestias
I think he was talking about the overwhelming opposition to Hillary rather than any overwhelming support of either candidate. I agree neither has a majority, and the outcome is still uncertain, but every poll focused on the negative (i.e. Who would you never vote for?) shows a strong negative attitude toward Hillary.

reply to post by FlyersFan

So? . .. one down and one to go.

I'd say one down and two to go. McCain isn't all that wonderful either.

I have to admit that I will be thrilled when Hillary is finally put to rest. The history books should be amended to show that President Bill Clinton's greatest gift to the American people was to keep shoving his wife's foot in her mouth.

The serious problem now is that we'll be faced with choosing the lesser of two evils, and I for the life of me cannot decide which one is worse. A Democratic liberal who will no doubt destroy anything that's left of the economy? Or a Republican 'conservative' who just happens to vote liberal (and will thusly do the same)?

I've heard some say that it will come down to the Iraqi War issue for them, since there is not much difference otherwise. But there again, Obama may pull out too fast, and McCain may mar us down in a war that lasts centuries. Which of those is worse? Sudden acute agony, or prolonged pain?

My head hurts, but at least half of the hurt may be gone soon...


posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 07:47 PM
Hillary can still claim the prize if she maintains a healthy lead in the polls up until the convention. Hillary aim in that case would be to convince the Superdelegates that public support is with her and that is why they should go with her. That is why Hillary wont drop out of the race.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by xpert11
Hillary can still claim the prize if she maintains a healthy lead in the polls up until the convention. =

to maintain one, she must have one. Most polls now put PA within 5 points. Most national polls have Obama up by 9.

Hard to maintain something you dont have

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 08:06 PM
Pavlovsdog there is still time between now and the Convention for Hillary to build a lead in the polls . If Obama has anymore verbal blunders or perceived slip ups then Hillary taking the lead in the polls is hardly out of the realms of possibility.

Cheers xpert11.

posted on Apr, 15 2008 @ 08:36 PM
When was this thread started?
I mean you have Obama hoisted upon his own petard with his pandering comment in San Fran. What a dumbass thing to say when he was making ground in Penn.
You have Carter in the news laying a wreath at Arafat's grave.
yeah, his endorsement is going to help right now.
If Hillary would have just kept her mouth shut...and more importantly kept Bill's mouth shut (he is bringing up the Sniper fire issue again)

Sorry, but this mud fight isn't anywhere near over yet and no one is going to tell Hillary to get out until every primary is done...nothing until June or July.

Me? I was hoping for Ron Paul.....then Huckabee (screw the IRS) then Obama. Then McCain comes out with his idea about getting rid of the gas tax this summer....making sure I get my student loan next me more money for my kids....I can't stand the guy but he is saying the crap right now that I like to hear
Obama just needs to not say anything so stupid again and keep his fracking wife from saying anything either.....
I do feel like sticking my head in the sand sometimes but what are my choices? Why don't you guys get out and get Ron Paul elected? (sorry it slipped out)

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by xpert11
Hillary can still claim the prize if she maintains a healthy lead in the polls up until the convention.

So far, she sure isn't maintaining that lead very well!

This is from a poll on April 15th.

Obama Moves to largest Lead Yet in Gallup Tracking Poll

Gallup says Obama leads Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton 51%-40% according to its Saturday-Monday poll of 1,312 Democrats and voters who "lean" Democratic. Yesterday, Obama lead 50%-40% (matching what had been his largest lead until today). The margin of error: +/- 3 percentage points.

And here's the results on Gallup's website.

Gallup Daily: Obama 51%, Clinton 40%

Barack Obama is maintaining his lead over Hillary Clinton among Democrats nationally in the latest Gallup Poll Daily tracking, with a 51% to 40% margin in the April 12-14 average.

The current 11 percentage point lead is the largest for Obama this year, and marks the ninth consecutive day in which Obama has led Clinton by a statistically significant margin.

There's also a graph HERE that shows how the tide has turned against Hillary since January 2008.

And according to the "Ultimate Delegate Tracker", Hillary is ALREADY behind Obama by almost 200 delegates!

Things appear to only be getting worse for Hillary.

Even Hillary's "100 Mayors for Hillary" fell a little below her expectations.

Clinton Mayoral Rally Gets Small Turnout in Pa.

Turnout at the "100 Mayors for Hillary" rally was a little under 20 percent.

Nineteen mayors of Pennsylvania cities showed up
for Tuesday's rally in the Rotunda of the Pennsylvania Capitol.

[edit on 16/4/08 by Keyhole]

posted on Apr, 16 2008 @ 04:38 PM

Originally posted by Keyhole

all she is doing is muck raking ANY little tid bit she can find to make Obama look bad now, which will hurt Obama's (and the Democratic Party's) future race against McCain.

I forgot her "friendship" with McCain!

Maybe she's doing all this, knowing she is a VERY long shot and probably won't win the nomination, just to help her "buddy" McCain in the Presidential Election with all this negative publicity about Obama.

Both Hillary and McCain seem to be teaming up against Obama pretty well these days!

posted on Apr, 19 2008 @ 08:17 PM
I have plenty of reasons why McCain (and to some extent Hillary) should not become the next president. All three candidates have negatives to them, true, but I believe that McCain has reached his expiry dates years ago and Hillary is on the verge of doing so aswell. Epxiry date by meaning their connections and owings to big businesses and their dependence on special interest groups. McCain is essentially a third term for Bush because he intends to follow the exact routine that Bush had been doing over the last 7 years, He plans to keep troops in Iraq for as long as it takes and he aint going to end the war even if the troop losses increase and the stability of Iraq decreases. The economy came into the position it is today because of the Bush administration and their decisions, I think its pritty damn obvious but certain people find it convenient to move to other issues not connected to the administrations faliures. 7 years of time given to this administration to maintain the US economy by the least and this is what happens and yet we still get people supporting a continuation of such an administration in the whitehouse.

Over $200 million every day spent on this war and you would wonder why the economy is in such a condition, even for a world economic leader. Another issue here is that the american people allow themselves to be distracted when the real issue today was as a result the decisions made by the administration and the republican party. You all are sitting here posting blame over two democrat candidates who have not guided the decision making of the right wing administration over the last 7 years and this is what you people feel is the larger issue? for goodness sakes we havnt even seen Obama or Hillary as president so how the hell can some of you people talk if the clear evidence is that the Bush/republican pathway failed and McCain intends to follow that exact pathway again. Ya'll find these revelations from both candidates distasteful but you have'nt even seen the stench of bad leadership coming from McCain.

So why are so many people still giving their support to another third term for Bush and his republican cronies? Because people are too stubborn and arrogant to admit the faliure of their judgement over this war and with the administration, because people do not want change and want things to go back to as they were in the 20th century, because these people want to "kill those damn sand 'n-word's" (arabs,Iranians) as a way to get their anger out. So if most of you here think another term of the same administration is better than giving two new candidates the chance to change the current failed path, then i think ya'll deserve the issues facing the US today and the problems to come.

Overall I believe Obama is the better candidate because he is not as connect to the big corperations nad he still has a pureness in him that will atleast last for the next four years before he becomes engulfed like every other major US politician. With Obama I believe there will be more of a positive change compared to Hillary and it may indicate how far the US is willing to end this failed pathway of the Bush administration. Voting in Clinton will just continue the Bush-Clinton rule to a 25 year period and this will just indicate that there is a great fear for change to this day and a great dependence on the old guard. That all said however, I would be happy either way if its Hillary or Obama. I think they will both set America once again on the right path (or by the least a better path). The voters from both sides claiming they will vote for McCain if their candidate does not get in are either republican cross- overs or are allowing themselves to once again lied to.

[edit on 20-4-2008 by southern_Guardian]

posted on Apr, 20 2008 @ 10:36 AM
Apparently Hillary can still win...

This is her new campaign tactic...

Gotta love it..


posted on May, 5 2008 @ 03:49 PM

How sad for the dems that all they can come up with for this kind of duty are the likes of Carter and Gore.

On second thought, it may be fitting after all - use two of their biggest losers to tell hillary that she has joined them in that category.

Takes one (uh, two in this case) to know one?

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